ALOP Q&A Q3 Part 1 of 4 (right click to download)
00:02:48 High histamines, low zinc levels, and Lyme Disease
00:12:53 Exercising and going into “herxing mode”
00:23:03 Staying away foods with lectins (grains, legumes, eggs, dairy, processed foods)
00:28:58 Daily schedule with kids
00:48:13 Working out with existing injuries and pain (see Part 4 of 4 for Daniel’s input)
00:49:27 Cravings before period, do we need more fatty foods prior to period?
00:50:53 Starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes still okay to consume?
00:55:37 Raw garlic and onions, acidic and inflammatory? Nightshades?
01:02:28 Goat cheese, good source, mold, serving size
01:12:46 Sun gazing
ALOP Q&A Q3 Part 2 of 4 (right click to download)
00:00 Struggling with falling asleep and staying asleep
09:40 How to support the lymphatic system
12:00 Aging skin
17:14 Raw goat cheese when dealing with candida
18:20 Muscles small and atrophied
20:07 Skin and muscles on whole body – more specifics to come later with training videos with Daniel
20:48 Clearing all organs of all parasites
21:13 Liver and kidneys
22:30 Osteoarthritis
ALOP Q&A Q3 Part 3 of 4 (right click to download)
ALOP Q&A Q3 Part 4 of 4 (right click to download)
Daniel chimes in on question about pain after exercise