10 Day Summer Juice Fast – Pre-fast Preparation

Get your schedule setup:

During the fast, your body will cleanse itself of abundant amounts of waste. The waste will “get in line” for elimination through your colon but if it does not exit quickly enough, it will re-enter the bloodstream causing very uncomfortable detox symptoms like headaches, skin eruptions, and irritability. We recommend lining up at least 2 colonics for during the fast, one of which is best administered on the last day of the fast. Ideally, you would do a colonic the day before our fast starts as well. For dinner the night before the fast start date, enjoy an avocado or sunflower seed dressed salad with steamed vegetables and/or a sweet potato. The colonic will clear your system of some accumulated waste and this dinner will be easily digested and eliminated without further clogging your intestines. If you don’t already have a colon therapist, check out our directory to locate one near you. *See the bottom of this page for special offers.

We also encourage you to plan to nourish yourself through self care practices, such as hot baths, massage, yoga, and time in nature.  We will be sharing our favorite practices with you in the videos! 

Stock up on goodies:

It is important that you are prepared with enough pressed juices and vegetables that you will need for the fast (about 6 per day). Hunger can come on quickly and be overwhelming at times, but if you have your favorite juice on hand and/or a large pot of vegetable broth in the refrigerator or thermos, you are setting yourself up for success to get through these times of temporary discomfort. We recommend a combination of Juice Press juices and at-home juicing to give you plenty of options. You could also plan to purchase ALL of your juices from Juice Press and fast from your kitchen as well. Go here for more information about Juice Press and their juices that we recommend. 

If you plan to juice at home, here is a list of the fruits and veggies you’ll want to have:

  • cucumbers
  • romaine
  • celery
  • kale
  • lemons
  • limes
  • apples
  • carrots
  • beets
  • tomatoes
  • ginger
  • oranges 
  • grapefruits
  • coconuts

Other items to keep on hand:

  • a variety of herbal teas
  • stevia (NuNaturals or Stevita brand) Coupon code: BLG1214 for 15% off when purchasing from NuNaturals.com!
  • vegetable broth (Pacific brand or see recipes section to create your own)
  • mason jars and ice packs for traveling with your juices
  • vanilla and spices (like Pumpkin Pie Spice) for dessert juices


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Cindy at Cultivate Detox in the SF Bay Area is offer a great package deal on colonic for our juice fasters! 
$70 per session ($15 off!) 
3 sessions for $175

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DTX in New York has graciously offered a discount on colonics and infrared sauna for our juice fasters.

▪ Single colonic sessions $115(Savings $15) – Ends on July 17th
▪ 3 Pack of Colonics $330 (Savings $60) – Good for one year from date of purchase
▪ Infrared sauna session for $30(Savings $10) – Ends on July 17th
▪ 3 Pack of Sauna Sessions $75 (Savings $45) – Good for one year from date of purchase