Sprouts signifies that your knowledge is growing and you are ready to incorporate more intermediate principles. Typically, this stage comes with more complex social and lifestyle challenges. Sprouts provides the tools and insights to overcome them. Social, emotional and lifestyle challenges can take many forms and we have counseled people in every imaginable scenario. Once you understand the origins of these obstacles and how to master them, you will be astonished at the freedom and power that will be unleashed in your life.
Sprouts is the perfect stage for you if you are:
- An intermediate cleanser;
- Looking for higher truth.
Your roots are carrying life force into glorious form. Now, reaching upward toward the light, you are ready to assimilate more information into your being. This is the magical state of the sprout of all plant life, from the tender wheatgrass to the great oak!
Courses For Sprouts:
- The 3-Day Guided Juice Fast (ongoing)
- The Avatar Cleanse (ongoing)
- The Advanced Detox Certification Training (available 1-2 times each year)
Books For Sprouts:
- The Abundant Life
- Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride: A Psychological Study (Studies In Jungian Psychology)
- A Midwife’s Story
- Anna, Grandmother of Jesus
- Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes
- The Circle of Life: Traditional Teachings of Native American Elders
- How to Raise an Exceptional Child
- Journey Into the Labyrinth: The Secret History of Humanity – Revelations from the Sacred Libraries
- The Journeys of Socrates: An Adventure
- The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
- Lifting the Veil of Duality
- Love Wisdom Truth
- The Master Key System
- The Pregnant Virgin
- The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
- Saint Germain Series
- Secrets of Rejuvenation
- Secrets of the Hidden Realms: Mystical Keys to the Unseen Worlds
- Seer’s Journey: The Path to Enlightenment
- Shrihat Satva Yoga
- Sisterhood of the Dove: Clarion Call of Mary Magdalene
- The Sorcerer’s Crossing: A Woman’s Journey
- Surfers of the Zuvuya: Tales of Interdimensional Travel
- Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
- True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart
- The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability
- The Way to Love: The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello
- The Wellspring of Good: The Last Words of the Master Peter Deunov
- Windows Into Eternity: Revelations of the Mother Goddess
- What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause
- Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More
“Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it” – An article by Mike Adams
At Natalia Rose Institute, we hope to increase the awareness and consciousness of our readers. We strongly encourage you to read the following article, written by Mike Adams for Natural News. “After having now analyzed over 1,000 foods, superfoods, vitamins, junk foods and popular beverages for heavy metals and other substances at the Natural News Forensic ...
NRI Addresses Heavy Metal Toxicity
Like radiation, heavy metals are a major contributor to the demise of human health today. Heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium and barium are entering our bodies daily through the most common elements of life, namely the air we breathe, rainwater and soil as well as through dental amalgams, cookware, pipes and drains and ...
NRI Spotlights Radiation
Radiation is a global issue – whether you are living in a metropolitan area where you are swimming in wireless radiation, using cell phones 24/7 or on the receiving end of Fukushima fall out, humanity is bearing the brunt of radiation in escalating proportions. There is great variation in how people respond to radiation. Younger people ...
NRI Degenerative Disease Philosophy
Fundamentally, we know that when one lives in opposition to life, cut off in anyway from the network of living energy, symptoms arise. The degree to which those symptoms arise is the degree to which one is operating in opposition to Nature. While degenerative disease may remain a mystery to modern medical science, it is not ...
Girls’ Reproductive Systems Running Amok!
I recently wrote the following piece for Get Fresh! magazine and wanted to share it with you in light of the disturbing (but inevitable) realities regarding this generation of young girls reaching puberty significantly younger (averaging ages 8-12)! If you haven’t read the stats already, this piece from the Los Angeles Times sums it up: http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-girls-puberty-early-20110412,0,2227227.story Now for the article I ...
Interview with My Goddess Life
Alexandra Jaye, life coach and creator of Mygoddesslife.com, got up close and personal with me last week in this recorded interview. After listening, check out her website. I highly recommend it, as she has lots of great wisdom to share! Download here Or find it on Alexandra’s websie: http://mygoddesslife.com/podcasts/show/41
WAY Beyond Kale Juice! — An Audio with Joelle Prochera
Coach Joelle Pochera and I discuss why this work goes way beyond food. I think this one runs close to an hour but I think it will serve those of you well who enjoy seeing the bigger picture. Click below and, as always, I hope you enjoy & benefit! http://www.coachjoelle.com/coach_joelle_interviews_natalia_rose.mp3
Macha & I Talk Depression & Sanity
In this audio, Macha and I discuss the causes of despression and how to get blissfully sane in an insane world. http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WzqVccnX
Holiday Tips: An Audio with Macha and Natalia
Macha and I hope this audio helps keep you in your power center this holiday! Holiday Tips with Macha and Natalia MP3
Interview with Macha and Nicole Clark of Cover Girl Culture
Hi Everyone, Yesterday, Macha interviewed Nicole Clark, producer/writer/director of the documentary, Cover Girl Culture, and asked me to participate as well. Click the following link for this interview: Macha and Nicole Clark MP3. You may remember Macha and I discussed this cutting-edge documentary earlier this year. You can find it here at: http://covergirlculture.com/ Separately, we are really close to lauching Life ...
Detox Your Love: A Special Radio Show
Enjoy and benefit from this profound interview with Cindi Sansone-Braff, and then get her amazing book, Grant Me A Higher Love. MP3 DOWNLOAD http://machaeinbender.byoaudio.com/files/media/1f1330fe-9e8b-3e9b-831f-8e61e53c248a.mp3
Q&A Audio
I hope these answers help! http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WgTZPzwx
Don’t Need It. Don’t Want It. Don’t Gotta Have It.
I wish I could say it’s good to be back in the big, bad apple–my home for the past 18 years, but, in truth, re-entry into New York City after two months of surf, sand, and sun in a state of clear, connected consciousness for two and a half months has been a disturbing experience. ...
Cover Girl Culture Audio
Macha and I recorded this conversation after watching the new documentary, Cover Girl Culture. www.byoaudio.com/play/WbcwpwXx
Consciousness & Breast Milk Audio
Macha and I discuss everything from mother’s milk to consumerism in this latest conversation: http://www.byoaudio.com/play/Wvv69G3x Be sure to write in with questions in the comments area if you would like us to address a specific issue. Enjoy and benefit! Love, Natalia
Reproductive Health Audio
Macha and I explore (unbridled) the critical subject of reproductive health in this approximately hour-long audio. Enjoy and BENEFIT! http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WF5rL82s Reproductive Health Audio Content covered in audio: * Causes of infertility and how to reverse it * Why reproductive symptoms manifest and how to reverse them * How the body ideally was designed to go through menstruation * Contraceptive options: the ideal ...
Let the Sunshine In!
Well, well, well, it’s finally happened—the truth about the carcinogenic effects of sunscreen has finally reached the headlines. The facts about cellular destruction by way of sunscreen have not only been, at long last, officially documented and researched per the nation’s standards of credible news, but they are far more dire than most people ever ...
Something-O-Rexia This Way Comes: An Audio Interview with Macha Einbender
I hope you enjoy this radio interview I did today with Macha on orthorexia and other topics. http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WqRrqjGs Something-O-Rexia this Way Comes: An Audio Interview with Macha Einbender Discussed in this Audio: * Origins of eating disorders * New categorization of disordered eating * How to center yourself before emotionally eating * Sacred daily rituals for success including: * Ideal exercise scenarios and eating ...
What I’m Eating Now
I know there are lots of raw-food enthusiasts who encourage a 100% raw-vegan and even fruitarian diet all year-round. Of course many of them live in Florida, Costa Rica, and Southern California and do not experience the winters that those of us nearer the other pole do! I can only speak from my experience. As someone ...
Go Native, Not Neurotic!
This morning, I just took my first exercise class in probably a decade. My beloved, adorable, oldest childhood friend recommended it (bless her heart) and convinced me to go. Even in the middle of winter, I still make a point of trekking through Central Park on foot or bike almost every day, but the weather ...
Calling All Frogs!
What humanity came up with and held onto during its first three million years was a social organization that worked well for people. It didn’t work well for products, for motorboats and can openers and operettas. It didn’t work well for the greedy, the ruthless, and the power hungry. That’s what we have, a social ...
Fung-Eggs & Corn-Fish
That’s when a smoke was a smoke and groovin’ was groovin’ . . . —from “Cherry Bomb” by John Cougar Mellencamp Before I left for my trip to South Africa last month, I went to at least ten different groceries and farmers markets trying to find a carrot that tasted like a carrot instead of a ...
The Biggest Lie
In his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, Hitler coins the term “the big lie,” which refers to a form of propaganda that pivots on telling a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe anyone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” A “certain force of credibility” runs through this big lie so ...
Hitting the Invisible Detox Wall – Guest blog by Tom DeVito
Tom DeVito Colon Therapist Owner, Release NYC releasenyc.com First, I would like to say that it is an honor to have been invited by Natalia to be a guest blogger on her website. I’ve known Natalia for many years and I’m delighted to add my two cents and share my experience with you. I’ve been involved in the health and ...
The Book of Life
I would like to share a concept I personally enjoy using that has helped me to understand the way things unfold in our world—why some beings grow beautifully and radiate life while others wilt with lifelessness. I like to call this tool The Book of Life. This version of The Book of Life is not a ...
The Ultimate Luxury: Fresh Produce and the Traveling Kitchen
On August 25th I could be found in the lap of luxury at the larger-than-life Badrutt’s Palace Hotel in the storybook Swiss Alpine village of St. Moritz. Just one month later, on September 25th, I was checked in at the Courtyard Marriott in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Boy, did my coach ever turn into a pumpkin! That ...
School Days
I dropped my two kids off for their first day of school last week. Tommy and Thandi are in the second and fourth grades, respectively. Parenting is a daunting enterprise and, as any seasoned parent can tell you, it only becomes more challenging as children get older. This is why I want to take some ...
Energy: The Simple Truth
Dear Energy-Seekers: Energy is a hot topic in our culture, and for many it is the ultimate currency. Just as all the misleading dietary information is confusing people, so is all the erroneous information about energy. I think it’s high time to set the record straight about energy. Fortunately, like all great truths, it’s really very ...
Declare Your Independence!
If I had to choose a favorite holiday, I would choose Independence Day. This is not merely because it is the least consumer-oriented holiday or because I love my country (which I do), but it’s also because independence and freedom—on both the microcosmic and macrocosmic scale—are so essential to our lives. I like to think of ...
My Top 10 List for an Outstanding Life Experience
1. Keep your center clear. When your intestine is clear, you’ll feel the bliss of free-flowing energy coursing through you. By contrast, a dense, weighted digestive system and impacted colon is a recipe for depression and sluggishness. To clear your intestine, eat quick-exit foods in quick-exit combos and spotlight bowel cleansing. Maintain this and enjoy the ...
Feeding and Teaching Kids
Here’s an audio blog where I discuss feeding your children and teaching them to make sound decisions about food. Note: This file is in mp3 format:
What I Really Want To Do Is Direct (continued)
Please take a minute to consider this key idea that just came to me, in light of the concepts I discussed in my last blog:Your choices are a natural outgrowth of your world view and consciousness. Now, let me illustrate with a personal example how this works in real life. When I had a more common world ...
What I Really Want To Do Is Direct…
Are you the kind of person who just lets life happens to you, or are you the kind who directs what happens in your life? Do you have the best of intentions but ultimately wind up going wherever the tide carries you, or do you stand tall at the helm of your life, overcoming the ...
Anger and Your Inner Warrior
Anger. Such a loaded word, but how many of us really understand anger? Words like “light” and “love” are trendy among the enlightenment-seekers. Those are wonderful words and, yes, they carry great energy and power. But so does “anger.” Anger is the desire to protect. It is not some dark, evil emotion that we should shun or ...
Celebrate Your Powers of Free Will This Independence Day
But if we are to be told by a foreign Power…what we shall do, and what we shall not do, we have Independence yet to seek, and have contended hitherto for very little. —George Washington, from a letter to Alexander Hamilton, May 8, 1796 Isn’t Independence Day wonderful? It’s a celebration not only of our freedom from ...
Thoughts on America, Freedom, and the Human Body
If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life, And I had to start again with just my children and my wife, I’d thank my lucky stars to be living here today, ’Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away. And I’m proud to be an American where at least ...
Peek Inside My Bag of Travel Tricks!
Hello Friends! I have just returned from a whirlwind trip to Paris and London, followed by a surprise visit to San Francisco—all to celebrate my 10th-year wedding anniversary (and to watch the South African Spring Boks neuter the English in the World Cup Rugby—Go BOKS!). I hadn’t been to Europe for ages so it was a ...
Three Detox Steps to Reclaiming Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
Dear Friends, As you have likely learned by now, pain is the body’s way of telling us when we are out of alignment with the truth of our being. The symptoms of sickness and disease are like messengers announcing that change must come. We ignore them at our own peril! Likewise, nonphysical pain is a call to ...
How to Activate Your Life Force Energy: Align Your Spine and Hold Your Flame
As those of you who read Raw Food Life Force Energy will recall, I emphasized that the human body is not made of some dense matter, as it may seem, but of living light-energy. Remember the tenets of quantum physics as originated by Albert Einstein in the equation: E = mc2. Let this knowledge inform the way ...
Your Body Is a Living Community of Cells
Matter is like a small ripple on this tremendous ocean of energy, having some relative stability and being manifest…And in fact beyond that ocean may be still a bigger ocean…the ultimate source is immeasurable and cannot be captured within our knowledge. —David Bohm Our body is a living community of cells. Each cell within our body contains ...