Welcome to the Rose Program Insider

Changing your body requires changing your life, beginning with your worldview. Whether you’re ready for dramatic change or simply want to feel out the environment, then you’ve come to the right place.

This special series was created to help you revive the flame of life within you and all around you, and this edition marks our final installment. From week to week, we have introduced the core principles of the Natalia Rose Institute lifestyle and exposed the many traps of mainstream living that have brought you much personal dissatisfaction. We have proposed a whole new paradigm for living—one that flows with abundant health, beauty, and vitality.

If you have enjoyed the lessons, practical tips, and fabulous recipes in this newsletter, there is much, much more where they came from. Visit our home base at Detoxtheworld.com, join our wonderful DetoxCommunity, and check out our Life Force Families. We hope to be a continual source of strength and inspiration to you on the great journey of your life!

Joyfully in your service,

Natalia Rose & The Natalia Rose Institute Team