The Mastery Class with Natalia Rose – Fall, 2014

masterclass-thumbCourse Dates: October 27-29, 2014

Course Times: 10AM – 4PM Monday & Tuesday, 12PM – 4PM Wednesday

Location: Live in NYC & Virtually Everywhere via Live Streaming

Course Price: $1200
Students who have taken at least one course in 2014: $1100
Repeat ADCT Student: $650

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The Mastery Class, formerly known as the Advanced Detox Certification Training, is dedicated to deep understanding of the applications of cleansing, health, diet, weight loss, youth regeneration and above all – achieving self-mastery.

Fully comprehensive of Natalia Rose Institute’s scope of teachings, this rigorous curriculum is designed for health professionals, but we also welcome students who simply want the knowledge for their personal application.

The information presented will be both broad and deep. You will receive precise teachings about detoxifying and regenerating the human body, as well as freeing the mind and spirit. You will gain a new perspective on what it means to be a living being on this planet today!

You won’t want to miss the rare opportunity to learn in person from Natalia Rose! Secure your spot today – space is limited.

The Mastery Class offers you the opportunity to:

▪ Immerse yourself in the mystery school of health, wellness & vitality
▪ Master the mechanics of deep tissue cleansing and permanent weight loss
▪ Receive the most current information vital to thriving in the modern world
▪ Understand the 12 Universal Laws and their significance to everyday life
▪ Explore dietetic nuances for a full spectrum of health issues, life stages, specific diseases and organ weaknesses
▪ Receive tools & guidance for developing and expanding your professional counseling practice, and
▪ Much more!


As part of our complete curriculum, we will address the following hot topics:

▪ Cancer & other degenerative diseases
▪ Radiation & heavy metals
▪ Cellulite & weight loss
▪ Mechanics of cellular cleansing
▪ Hormone balancing
▪ Reproductive issues
▪ Allergies
▪ Working with clients of all ages



The Rose Program Certification:

Upon completion of the course, attendees may opt to take the Rose Program Certification Exam and apply to become a Rose Program Certified Counselor.

The Rose Program Certified Counselors are a very select group that we feel embody this work in their personal and professional practices. Certification will enable you to be:

▪ More effective in your work with current clients
▪ More attractive to prospective clients, and
▪ Listed on our exclusive list of approved/certified Rose Program Counselors

The process requires time and effort, but is well worth it! More information about certification will be presented in The Mastery Class, but please be prepared to submit your current or future counseling business plan, as well as a comprehensive exam post-Mastery Class.

“Join this course and achieve total sovereignty in your body. Gain mastery over all symptoms and diseases for yourself and those you counsel.” – Natalia Rose