EGD Week 3 What to Expect

What’s Happening In Your Body

Now that you are beginning to recognize that you have addictions that you weren’t aware of before and now that you are not allowing yourself to give into those addictions, there may be times when you feel a certain “emptiness” or lightness that you are not used to. Addictions keep us very numb and when they are removed it can be a bit unsettling. The sensation of lightness in the body may feel foreign at first but in the near future, if will become something you don’t want to live without.

You may notice that you have an inclination to overeat at night. Often people will want to binge because they come home from work or a busy day tired, lonely, bored…whatever the case may be, if you have this inclination to overeat just notice it and don’t be too hard on yourself. Creating a mealtime and nighttime ritual is important for allowing you to recognize the sacredness of taking in food. Doing the necessary steps to be present while eating (taking a hot bath, meditating, etc.) allow you to drop into your body and be aware of the food that you took the time to lovingly purchase and prepare.

Remember that this work does not always appear linear. You may have noticed some detox symptoms in Week 1, none in Week 2 and some this week. You may cruise along and feel great and then get hit with some big detox symptom. This is all ok and very normal! This just means you have hit another layer of noxious waste and/or post-putrefactive matter. This awakened waste is just passing through. The last thing you want to do is get nervous and stop. Let it pass and you will be excited to see that on the other side of this symptom you will feel better than ever!

For women, as our bodies are recalibrating, sometimes our menstruation cycle gets thrown off. Sometimes menstruation can disappear altogether for a few months and then come back as a much healthier cycle. If you are using progesterone cream, this may be even more so the case. As your body begins regulating your estrogen levels, you may notice your menstrual cycle starting earlier and being lighter, or the opposite may occur. You can look forward to much shorter, less dramatic, less painful and less symptomatic periods in the future. Your reproduction system will only strengthen through the cleanse and how you experience your period is one of best indications of that. In addition, the more impacted your colon was and the more clear it becomes, the more breathing room your reproductive organs will have making them more able to function as intended.

Practical Considerations

There may be some boredom that has set in this late in the cleanse – 30 days can be a long time to stay focused and motivated! Dig yourself out of a rut by trying new recipes and activities. There are many great suggestions on the private Facebook group as people continue posting their new creations. Play around with different soups, new vegetables, different herbs and spices, and different ethnic flavors you love. Maybe you have done more avocado-based meals so far and could consider a seed-based dressing one night? Experiment with different ways of eating salads; roll your salad up in nori or a blanched collard leaf; make romaine leaf “boats” or taco shells; blend your salad into a soup and cut a few veggies in for texture. Meals should be a joyous time of the day and you should love your food, so take the time to make a list of meals for the week and make sure all items in your lineup are delicious and satisfying!

Are you enjoying your exercise routine? Are you moving every day? This could be a good time to reevaluate what you are doing for movement and either begin to introduce movement this week or change things up a bit. Remember, we recommend movement so the chi in your body can flow freely – this will help you continue moving waste out of your body and feeling energetic and vibrant.

Lifestyle Considerations

If you will be eating at a friend’s house, remember to volunteer to bring a dish. People are normally so surprised at how good the food is so it’s a great opportunity to make sure you have what you need AND introduce people to another way of approaching food. There is always an elegant way to take care of yourself while staying social and engaged as much as you want to!

You may be surprised at how much you are enjoying this new lifestyle of yours. This can actually scare people a bit because they begin thinking that maybe they won’t be able to fit into their same circles anymore. Perhaps they will no longer enjoy their job or decide to live somewhere more life generating than they do today. Don’t be alarmed, it’s completely normal to start questioning a lot of what you took for granted as “normal” before you began this cleanse. If you want to stay in the same type of life that you had before but continue cleansing and expanding your perspective, you will have to be ok with everything not being perfect around you. Ask yourself this question, “Can I be comfortable doing what feels good to me even if those around me don’t do the same thing?” If the answer to this is “no” then you may need to take a break from being where you are or evaluate why you are having difficulty doing what you know is best for you.

Mental & Emotional Considerations

This is a really good time to persevere with your daily meditations. If you are in need of some new inspiration, you can visit and dive into some more of Natalia’s favorites. Anita Briggs’ tools are our recommendation while on this protocol, but choose what resonates with you – a tool that helps you quiet and still the mind. You can also re-listen to week 1 and week 2 calls to keep yourself centered and grounded and to remind yourself of why you are cleansing your body.