The Packaged Extremely Green Detox™


Course Dates: Ongoing

Course Times: Start Anytime!

Format: Online, Self-Paced Packaged Course

Location: Virtual (accessible to anyone who has internet!)

Course Price: $250

Member Price: $225

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The Packaged Extremely Green Detox is the ideal raw-vegan protocol for deepest healing and beauty – done in a virtual, self-paced format and guided by Natalia Rose and the Natalia Rose Institute Team.

Virtual 1 Month Intensive Cleanse to Help Rid You of Pathogens, Systemic Yeast and Chronic Illness Once and for All!

Take a leap even farther than you’ve gone before into the world of self-healing, regeneration, natural beauty and weight loss. While it stands on the powerful foundation of all the principles that has made The Rose Program so loved by so many, Extreme Green Detox™ turns the dial way up to ensure we triumph over today’s uniquely toxic environment and the deteriorated state of our biology.


Who is the Extremely Green Detox™ for?
  • Anyone who suffers from nagging symptoms despite incorporating moderate cleansing practices;
  • Anyone who has or suspects they may have a systemic yeast/fungus or mold condition;
  • Anyone who has given birth multiple times and as a result is not functioning as well as she did prior to pregnancy and birth;
  • Any veteran cleanser who wishes to get to the next level of healing and wellbeing;
  • Spiritual warriors who wish to better embody Source energy and learn how to vibrate even more harmoniously;
  • Any man or woman who realizes how deep the toxicity from the modern lifestyle (from birth to present) goes;
  • Any woman that is breastfeeding or pregnant; and
  • Anyone who has a deep seated illness and wishes to heal.
While this is a course that will require you to ‘step it up,’ you will have such an abundance of inspiration, information and support as you do so.
What you will learn:
  • What a green-centric diet is and why it is now the essential diet for humankind;
  • How to make a green-centric diet delicious and satisfying;
  • How and why pathogens like bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold and parasites establish themselves in your body and what to do about it;
  • The seemingly innocuous foods and substances that make overcoming a pathogenic scenario impossible;
  • How to remove the most deep-seated toxins in your body;
  • How restoring your body to sovereignty through pathogen cleansing can dramatically improve your spiritual connection;
  • How to mobilize the most stubborn fat and the role that fat is playing; and
  • So much more!
You will receive:
  • A thorough understanding of this critical method of cleansing;
  • Over 8 hours of audio recordings of weekly support calls that cover the fundamentals of the program and Q&A’s
  • Over 5 hours of video recordings of food demos with Detox Chef Doris Choi, Natalia Rose, and more Q&A with Natalia
  • A “Go, No & Moderate” Foods list;
  • A recipe packet filled with meal-inspiration;
  • A Shopping List
  • Suggested healing tools to enhance your results;
  • Energy, healing & lightness like you’ve never experienced before!
Dietetics Outline: Extremely Green Detox™ is the ideal raw-vegan protocol for deepest healing and beauty!
What you will mainly be indulging in:
  • Green vegetable juices
  • Leafy green salads
  • Sprouts
  • Sea vegetables
  • Non-starchy vegetables (optionally cooked for beginners)
  • Healthy fats
What you will be avoiding:
  • Non-green vegetable juices
  • Sugars and sweeteners of any kind, except pure powdered green stevia
  • Stimulating, acidic substances such as coffee, wine & chocolate
  • Animal products


What EGD Participants Are Saying:

Extremely Green Detox has been one of the most powerful vehicles of transformation on every level of my life that I have experienced. The support and expert guidance I received helped me reach levels of health and well-being that I never thought were possible for me. EGD has given me an experience and education to continue and return to again and again. I feel so empowered and connected to life. My gratitude for EGD, Natalia… Joanna, Sam and all of those who participated is boundless.” – Julia Papps, Smith College, Northampton, MA, age 36

The Extremely Green Detox has elevated me from a state of comfort to a state of awareness and bliss! I’ve never felt so calm, clear or focused in my life. Since embarking on this journey I’ve gained more space in my life to observe it as well as enjoy it moment by moment. I’ve felt more connected to others around me and a genuine desire to connect. I’ve also noticed clearer skin and eyes as well as an incredibly contracted body. My appreciation for food has grown and my obsession with it has dropped, as it’s become a vehicle for nourishment. Overall, I’ve had so many breakthroughs as if I’ve just come out of a fog and can finally be present in my life. I absolutely loved this experience and plan to incorporate many of the key components in my everyday life. Nothing is worth compromising the feeling of a clean celled body and a clear open mind.” – Jamie L., Lancaster, PA, age 26

EGD is the ultimate ‘accelerator’ for my detox evolution.” – Erika Jagalla, Madrid, Spain, age 44

If you would like to clean up your lifestyle no matter where you at in your detox walk, this would be the place to come. I have never thought that I would sharing such a wonder of wonders to report a weight loss of 23 lbs in just 2 1/2 months. I never thought I could live without my stevia, chocolate or dates. But life is so good to be able to be free of these addictions!! Not to mention that my joints and vitality are incredible. I have been taken to a new spiritual awakening and I am so ready to stay on this incredible journey of life!! So much love and peace comes with this program!!” – Sharon Felten, Milwaukee, MI

I had no idea how weighted down I was until I did EGD. I thought my lack of joy was due to my stress at work or my irritations w/ daily life of my having too much on my plate…..what I experienced was that my lack of energy, joy & enjoyment of my life was due to the way I was eating and what I had accumulated in my body from my lifestyle. As I started to clean out the old stuff, and put in good revitalizing foods – I felt 100% better. I had more love to share w/ the people I most care about, including myself. I felt less stressed at work, less irritated & yet I still had all the same responsibilities I did before the cleanse, but I was calmer from the inside out. Its given me back the love I have for living on a daily basis.” – Regina Martinelli, Windsor, CA

My heart called me to take part in the journey with Natalia and the NRI Team. I stand here now as a new person who is still undergoing an amazing transformation, both physically and spiritually. It has made me so much more sensitive in every essence of the word. I’ve lost weight, my skin is even clearer, my entire face has lit up, and I just feel better. While those are all amazing things, the real change is what’s happened inside. I’ve battled inner demons and social programming, slayed yeast monsters, wrestled with old, buried emotions, and now I’m standing taller. Confident. Brave. If I can change my body, even on a cellular level, then I can change anything. I am free!” – Kim Stevenson

THIS IS THE WAY. There is no question in my mind! Love and wisdom and inspiration flow when we clean our bodies and our cells in this way. Do you want to be depressed and foggy or alive and inspired with the light of life flowing through you? EGD, it’s leaders, and it’s participants have only brought me so much closer to possibilities of life. I couldn’t be more grateful for this process.” – Lisie Adamson

EGD was the next step in my journey to allow me to elevate myself physically, emotionally, & spiritually. I glow (inside & out) and everyone is commenting. I wake up happy and smile all day long. I feel calm & serene which has allowed me to shift energies of those around me as mine have shifted. I feel more confident than ever before in how I choose to live my life and when people question, I have no hesitation. EGD allowed me to delve deep into meditation to find my spirituality. The EGD protocol is now my foundation to build upon as I continue to nourish my mind, body, & soul.” – Jen Colombo

This weekend symbolizes the end of summer and I can say with excitement that it has been my happiest summer ever! I’m feeling so blessed, so grateful to be part of this very special group, to have received this golden informoation and honored to be on this journey together with you.

I feel beautiful, young and healthy – 25 pounds down, super tanned (no sunscreen, no burning) and full of energy, more patient and enlightened about my body – just how I like to be. I raise my green lemonade in honor of all of you gorgeous souls – WE DID IT!” – Bruna De Araujo, 36, from Brazil, living upstate NY

I am just blown away that for the first time I am truly convinced I don’t need to eat meat. I used to get so spacey if I tried ‘going vegan’ even for a day. With the addition of wheatgrass juice in particular, I have been stable, steady, and meat-free now for over 24 days. I am so, so grateful that I do not need to eat my friends anymore. I feel free to truly acknowledge and act upon my love for all creatures. This has perhaps been my most powerful transformation so far. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Julia Papps, Smith College, Northampton, MA, age 36

I never thought in a million years I could do this detox. I thought I was going to ‘audit it’. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to go without meat, either. I’m stunned that I feel so nourished by wheatgrass and green juice. I crave nothing. My body is asking me to do EGD ‘by the book’, which is so shocking. I’m so, so grateful, hopeful, relieved.” – Julia Papps, Smith College, Northampton, MA, age 36

The best life changing course I’ve ever taken. The information taught here is extremely helpful to healing the body, the mind and leading us on a course to a healthier, happier lifestyle. Everyone that is pro-health should take this course. You will learn so much and more than you thought you knew.” – Anonymous EGD Participant, Summer 2013

The EGD detox has been a great experience for me! Here are a few things I learned:
– Even though I’ve been following a high-raw diet for a long time, it is so helpful to have a structure and a community to keep me on track and give me a boost. Even eating high-raw I haven’t been emphasizing greens and easy-to-digest foods as colon cleansing to this extent before, and it’s made a huge difference in balancing my mood and energy levels… It’s also been a huge relief not to have to do so much food prep early in the day–it really simplifies things not to have to make so many complicated meals. Now I practice violin and exercise in the morning instead. I realize I don’t need as much food as just habit told me to eat previously.
– I wasn’t planning to lose weight, but I lost that last 5 pounds of “puff layer” that I didn’t even know was bugging me. I’m now the same weight as in high school.
– My palate has gotten re-trained to love arugula and dandelion, 2 greens I used to hate.
– I’ve always found juice fasting really difficult to do in the past. This felt just as effective, yet doable for me.
– I feel re-energized in my career as a chef and teacher to come up with more green-based easy to digest recipes.” – Jennifer Cornbleet, author of Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People

Today at my job at Whole Foods and at my dorm at Smith, one person after another after another approached me to ask me about my cleanse and how they can do it too. I have to say, EGD has been one of the greatest gifts of my entire life. I’m able to give my gifts in an entirely new way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the scholarship. I’m sending every single curious person right to and to Natalia’s books. Going forward into my life, eventually as a doctor, I will continue to share this information and its source. Really, thank you doesn’t even begin to cover it. I’m living my life on an entirely new level.” – Julia Papps, Smith College, Northampton, MA, age 36

Green juice at 14,153 feet on top of Mt. Oxford yesterday! I am in awe that I climbed 2 fourteeners yesterday on wheatgrass and green juice solely! Amazing! Well, juice and LIFE FORCE ENERGY! That is Mt. Belford 14,197 in the background. I feel like a green juice rockstar! In the past I would have had to consume soooo much food and snacks to accomplish this and would have been worked at the end as well. I felt so great and feel so great today as well. It was a nine hour hike with a lot of elevation gain, but I have so much energy today it is crazy!” – Sheridan Semple, Aspen, CO, age 45

I am SO beyond excited & thrilled about how easy & satisfying this has been. And like another [EGD participant] said, what is MOST exciting are the new habits I am incorporating. I have NO idea what my weight is doing & I dont care!!! How amazing is that?? … I feel so tuned in to what my body wants. I have more to heal but I know it will happen on its own time. Words can’t express my gratitude.” – Channa Richardson

I’ve experienced incredible clarity this entire month, the fog that would appear sometimes has gone away. I’ve had an intense sense of deep, inner calm; I am extremely grounded in myself at all times and not at the mercy of every wave that crashes on me. I’ve lost the little extra weight I had and am at a weight I haven’t seen in over five years as well as a weight that I’ve never achieved healthfully. The rash on my chest and back is gone! The pores on my face are less filled with gunk and I don’t think I’ve had any pimples erupt this month….woohoo! My dandruff has also almost completely diminished and I’ve struggled with this for years!!! It’s been an incredible journey for me and I’m so grateful to have shared it with such a beautiful group of people who have inspired me all month long. Many thanks to everyone and of course to Natalia, (and) Joanna…for making this information accessible and fun, and being shining lights.” – Jamie L., Lancaster, PA, age 26

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ALL of you so much!! I wish everyone lived close and we could hang out all the time!! I feel such a beautiful connection with this group… So much inspiration, ups and downs and so much more… Such a beautiful experience! I’m definitely continuing with EGD [after the month is over]… Thanks for pulling me through, you will always be in my heart!” – Caprice Brochu, Bellevue, WA, age 44

I feel life flowing through my body! It’s as if my life has expanded (in the sense of time) and there is just so much more of it and so much richness in it. I also feel like there has been this wall I’ve put up with most people and that it’s come down. For the past 3-4 years for some reason, a majority of the time I did not have a genuine interest in people, and often saw (this may sound terrible!) them as necessary interactions to make x, y or z happen (checking out at stores, interacting with customers etc). It’s as if all the sudden I see people, like REALLY see them as other souls, beings that I want to connect with.” – Jamie L., Lancaster, PA, age 26

I am feeling so at peace. This cleanse is honestly bringing me so much relief! I feel like the opportunity to be more energetic and content in my natural state is such a gift! I’m loving this!!” – Lisie Adamson, Woodland Hills, CA, age 36

I didn’t expect at all the calmness, clarity, focus and sense of connection that I have. It’s been such a wonderful, awesome surprise. I was walking today in a parking lot and just wanted to greet every person I saw. I have been less prone to quick judgements and really feeling compassion for others. It’s only day 6 and I have to say I am SO excited to see what the rest of the month brings.” – Jamie L., Lancaster, PA, age 26

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