NRI Addresses Heavy Metal Toxicity

3D splashLike radiation, heavy metals are a major contributor to the demise of human health today.  Heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium and barium are entering our bodies daily through the most common elements of life, namely the air we breathe, rainwater and soil as well as through dental amalgams, cookware, pipes and drains and even deodorants, hair dyes and cosmetics.  Clearly, these fundamental elements of life should never contain these destructive contaminants to begin with. How are they collecting in our water and soil and what we can do to protect ourselves from the damage they ensue?  You’re about to find out…

Heavy metal contamination in the air is a byproduct of manufacturing and transportation emissions so it is no surprise that living in or near large cities, commuting hubs or factories will expose you to substantial amount of heavy metals through the skin and lungs.  As mentioned above, they also enter your system through your food and drink, through toxic cookware, pipes and drinking water as well as through seemingly innocuous substances like household cleaning products.

In addition, however, one must also take into account the possible effect of chemtrails.  Chemtrails are the deliberate spraying of chemicals, particularly heavy metals such as those noted above from airplanes into the atmosphere.  These should not be confused with Contrails, which are the normal emissions from commercial and cargo aircraft.   Chemtrails are not normal. Their roots are far more sinister.  All controversy aside, it is undeniable that we are being saturated in heavy metals that are causing profound injury to our wellbeing. 

The physiological symptoms and effects of heavy metal toxicity are extensive but they include everything from nausea and digestive distress to endocrine malfunction to depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia. For us to maintain homeostasis our blood must remain clean. Heavy metal contamination ruins the biochemistry of that precious, scarlet life-fluid. The effects on the endocrine, reproductive systems and brain are all debilitating. A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that blood samples from newborns contained an average of 287 toxins, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and chemicals from non-stick cookware.

Like radiation, heavy metal accumulation weakens the integrity of the bones, compromises brain function, impacts the emotions and poisons the blood, leading to every possible degenerative disease under the sun. Yes, heavy metal toxicity is a major harbinger of cancer.

As long as planet Earth is swimming in these contaminants, it is impossible to avoid them in the body. Remember, the state of the body is a mico-cosmic mirror of the state of the earth. But, there are several highly effective ways to neutralize their effects in your body. 

egd-thumbnail1: Detoxification though a Green-Centric Diet and Colon Cleansing: Leafy green vegetables are excellent chelators. Their highly alkaline charge enables them to collect these acidic heavy metals and escort them out of the body. The more green-centric your diet, the better chance you will have of eliminating any heavy metals you accumulate.  You can increase the amount of greens you consume very easily by drinking green vegetable juice and wheatgrass which pack a wallop of chelating power! Heavy metal ions will be encircled by and bound to the chelating agent (the green juice) and then transported through the body’s eliminative pathways.  What more could you ask for?!

The more accumulation of waste in your intestine, the more you will be holding heavy metal residue in your body.  The heavy metals nest in the waste matter, creating greater accumulation as new heavy metal exposure collects. One of the best things you can do to avoid this is simply to ensure you clean your colon regularly.  

For those aesthetically-motivated among you – did you know that the body stores heavy metal residue in the adipose (fatty) tissue so the more accumulation of these metals that can be removed in the gut, the more fat the body creates to store the heavy metals away from the vital organs.  When you chelate the heavy metals, your body can start to release and eliminate the stored up toxicity in the adipose tissue and, having no further use for the adipose tissue, it can and will release it! This is a main reasons that even thin women have cellulite. The body stores the dangerous toxins as far away from the internal organs as possible, thus creating homes for it in fatty deposits in the thighs, belly, arms, neck and chin. 

For those of you that desire a detailed detox plan, we have the Extremely Green Detox available for you to undertake any time, virtually, from anywhere in the world! For more information, click here. It is the ideal protocol for heavy metal chelation. 

2. Natural Chelation suppositories are another highly effective tool. The highest quality natural chelation suppositories have been proven to work four times longer in the body than IV Chelation. In has also been shown to be gentle on the liver and kidneys as opposed to IV chelation, which can be harmful. There is the added convenience of being empowered to self-administer and simply benefit from them while sleeping overnight. There is one brand of chelation suppositories that reign supreme.  They are only 20% of the cost of IV chelation therapy. However, they are hard to come by. For more information, please read this article and use the contact information at the bottom.

3. Organic Sulfur: Organic Sulfur is among the most popular tools for detoxing heavy metals. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Chordroitan and glucosamine are all sulfur-based amino acids is highly effective in rummaging through the blood seeking out and binding heavy metals in the blood. We used to  receive a great deal of organic sulfur from plant foods. But since the advent of commercial farming with nitrogen based fertilizers in the early part of the last century, the soil has been systematically stripped of sulfur. However, like most things, the majority of commercial sulfur-based amino acids are stripped of their sulfur content during processing. In addition, make sure your organic sulfur is procured via DMSO from living trees, not mineral sulfur which is toxic (and not other plants and soil that can be deficient in sulfur).


ADCT Promos 3Your partners on the detox journey,

Natalia & The NRI Team


For more education on heavy metals, their impact on the body, as well as prevention and treatment, join us for the Master Class, October 27-29.