Category Archives: Roots

NRI Addresses Heavy Metal Toxicity

3D splashLike radiation, heavy metals are a major contributor to the demise of human health today.  Heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium and barium are entering our bodies daily through the most common elements of life, namely the air we breathe, rainwater and soil as well as through dental amalgams, cookware, pipes and drains and even deodorants, hair dyes and cosmetics.  Clearly, these fundamental elements of life should never contain these destructive contaminants to begin with. How are they collecting in our water and soil and what we can do to protect ourselves from the damage they ensue?  You’re about to find out…

Heavy metal contamination in the air is a byproduct of manufacturing and transportation emissions so it is no surprise that living in or near large cities, commuting hubs or factories will expose you to substantial amount of heavy metals through the skin and lungs.  As mentioned above, they also enter your system through your food and drink, through toxic cookware, pipes and drinking water as well as through seemingly innocuous substances like household cleaning products.

In addition, however, one must also take into account the possible effect of chemtrails.  Chemtrails are the deliberate spraying of chemicals, particularly heavy metals such as those noted above from airplanes into the atmosphere.  These should not be confused with Contrails, which are the normal emissions from commercial and cargo aircraft.   Chemtrails are not normal. Their roots are far more sinister.  All controversy aside, it is undeniable that we are being saturated in heavy metals that are causing profound injury to our wellbeing. 

The physiological symptoms and effects of heavy metal toxicity are extensive but they include everything from nausea and digestive distress to endocrine malfunction to depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia. For us to maintain homeostasis our blood must remain clean. Heavy metal contamination ruins the biochemistry of that precious, scarlet life-fluid. The effects on the endocrine, reproductive systems and brain are all debilitating. A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that blood samples from newborns contained an average of 287 toxins, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and chemicals from non-stick cookware.

Like radiation, heavy metal accumulation weakens the integrity of the bones, compromises brain function, impacts the emotions and poisons the blood, leading to every possible degenerative disease under the sun. Yes, heavy metal toxicity is a major harbinger of cancer.

As long as planet Earth is swimming in these contaminants, it is impossible to avoid them in the body. Remember, the state of the body is a mico-cosmic mirror of the state of the earth. But, there are several highly effective ways to neutralize their effects in your body. 

egd-thumbnail1: Detoxification though a Green-Centric Diet and Colon Cleansing: Leafy green vegetables are excellent chelators. Their highly alkaline charge enables them to collect these acidic heavy metals and escort them out of the body. The more green-centric your diet, the better chance you will have of eliminating any heavy metals you accumulate.  You can increase the amount of greens you consume very easily by drinking green vegetable juice and wheatgrass which pack a wallop of chelating power! Heavy metal ions will be encircled by and bound to the chelating agent (the green juice) and then transported through the body’s eliminative pathways.  What more could you ask for?!

The more accumulation of waste in your intestine, the more you will be holding heavy metal residue in your body.  The heavy metals nest in the waste matter, creating greater accumulation as new heavy metal exposure collects. One of the best things you can do to avoid this is simply to ensure you clean your colon regularly.  

For those aesthetically-motivated among you – did you know that the body stores heavy metal residue in the adipose (fatty) tissue so the more accumulation of these metals that can be removed in the gut, the more fat the body creates to store the heavy metals away from the vital organs.  When you chelate the heavy metals, your body can start to release and eliminate the stored up toxicity in the adipose tissue and, having no further use for the adipose tissue, it can and will release it! This is a main reasons that even thin women have cellulite. The body stores the dangerous toxins as far away from the internal organs as possible, thus creating homes for it in fatty deposits in the thighs, belly, arms, neck and chin. 

For those of you that desire a detailed detox plan, we have the Extremely Green Detox available for you to undertake any time, virtually, from anywhere in the world! For more information, click here. It is the ideal protocol for heavy metal chelation. 

2. Natural Chelation suppositories are another highly effective tool. The highest quality natural chelation suppositories have been proven to work four times longer in the body than IV Chelation. In has also been shown to be gentle on the liver and kidneys as opposed to IV chelation, which can be harmful. There is the added convenience of being empowered to self-administer and simply benefit from them while sleeping overnight. There is one brand of chelation suppositories that reign supreme.  They are only 20% of the cost of IV chelation therapy. However, they are hard to come by. For more information, please read this article and use the contact information at the bottom.

3. Organic Sulfur: Organic Sulfur is among the most popular tools for detoxing heavy metals. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Chordroitan and glucosamine are all sulfur-based amino acids is highly effective in rummaging through the blood seeking out and binding heavy metals in the blood. We used to  receive a great deal of organic sulfur from plant foods. But since the advent of commercial farming with nitrogen based fertilizers in the early part of the last century, the soil has been systematically stripped of sulfur. However, like most things, the majority of commercial sulfur-based amino acids are stripped of their sulfur content during processing. In addition, make sure your organic sulfur is procured via DMSO from living trees, not mineral sulfur which is toxic (and not other plants and soil that can be deficient in sulfur).


ADCT Promos 3Your partners on the detox journey,

Natalia & The NRI Team


For more education on heavy metals, their impact on the body, as well as prevention and treatment, join us for the Master Class, October 27-29.



NRI Spotlights Radiation

Radiation is a global issue – whether you are living in a metropolitan area where you are swimming in wireless radiation, using cell phones 24/7 or on the receiving end of Fukushima fall out, humanity is bearing the brunt of radiation in escalating proportions.

There is great variation in how people respond to radiation. Younger people are more prone to the symptoms of radiation because they are still forming and they are energetically more receptive. Subtle organs like the endocrine system, reproductive organs, lymph tissue and bone marrow are first to be affected. There is no doubt that cancer is the most obvious result of radiation exposure.

Radiation affects us both directly from the devices that emit them as well as indirectly through the elements (soil, air, water and ethers)  that they have directly contaminated. Symptoms of exposure to radiation range from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, endocrine disorders, autoimmune disease, migraines and hemorrhaging. But often, the symptoms of these insidious frequencies are not immediately noticed.

 Prevention is of course the best way to protect yourself from radiation damage. However, this is very difficult today unless you live off the grid in a very alkaline environment. However, that is not an option for everyone.  While one day, society will surely regard the wireless sea as the lethal threat that it is, for now, “the grid” is constantly emitting.

Fortunately, there are some very powerful aids you can arm yourself with to neutralize the effects of radioactive frequencies.

The most important thing you can do is the two pronged deep tissue cleanse lifestyle of awakening and releasing the accumulated matter in your body through a highly-green-centric diet (green juices, green leafies and cooked greens being the centerpiece of your diet) and ample colon cleansing. Here’s why: the radiation is accumulated in the waste and adipose (fatty) tissue. When you release the waste you are also releasing the radiation! As the radiation-laden waste leaves your body, more can be called out of the adipose tissue and even out of the bones! Step one is to remove the accumulated radiation in you now. This will make your body much more apt to deal with the blows of radiation you continue to be exposed to. Step two is to prevent and neutralize additional radiation from impacting you. However, also keep in mind that as you continue to be exposed to radiation, your body will continue to develop more adipose tissue to ensure the radiation stays away from the vital organs. So ultimately, you will want to reduce your exposure or you will constantly be battling adipose deposits and cellulite.

Nascent Iodine, vitamin-C in high doses (intravenous), chlorophyll, wheatgrass, glutathione, MSM and other sulfur based amino acids are all great natural chelators that can also help with radiation. Essential oils of Rose, tea tree and Niaouli MQV also help heal radiation damage. 

Important videos to watch about radiation from cell phones and wireless devices:


NRI Degenerative Disease Philosophy

Fundamentally, we know that when one lives in opposition to life, cut off in anyway from the network of living energy, symptoms arise. The degree to which those symptoms arise is the degree to which one is operating in opposition to Nature. 

While degenerative disease may remain a mystery to modern medical science, it is not a mystery to anyone who knows the Universal Laws of Nature. Like every other symptom, the origins (as well as the remedy) are crystal clear. 

What causes degenerative disease?

Degenerative disease is a result of misguided engagement with life on multiple levels: physical, emotional, mental, sexual and spiritual. When life-generating operations and expressions are interfered with on any one of those levels, the various expressions of degenerative disease tend to develop. As conditions and lifestyles on earth have become exponentially more toxic (more in opposition to life), the rate of degenerative disease has skyrocketed. Today, it is estimated that 1 in 2 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer. 

The exposure to toxicity today means that individuals are on the receiving end of multiple contributing carcinogenic factors at any given moment. The major carcinogenic offenders: radiation from wireless devices and modems, toxic, processed foods and drinks, heavy metal toxicity and stress are all commonplace circa 2014 – and most are moment-to-moment factors in people’s lives! Therefore, citizens of the world, especially those in big cities, swim in a veritable sea of carcinogens in every layer of their being around the clock.  The shocking thing is not that this results in sweeping degenerative disease diagnoses; the shocking thing would be if it did not!  

In addition, we must acknowledge that the modern human physiology is not as robust and alkaline today as it was generations ago; so what we are contending with is a true double whammy – far greater exposure to carcinogens and far less alkaline fortitude to neutralize them.

The state of cancer:

Now that we have demystified the cause of degenerative disease, let’s consider what occurs in a body that is filled with toxicity, heavy metals, radiation, GMO foods, drinks and emotionally encased in fear programs.  How do these causes turn into degenerative disease? 

The toxic, carcinogenic culprits each act on the body in their own way, contributing acidity and undermining the harmony of the organism. First, they challenge the harmony of the cells they encounter. Whether these dissonant influences are able to overtake the harmony in the body depends on the harmonic integrity of the sub-atomics of the cells. High integrity cells are made up of highly alkaline negatively-ionically charged atoms. As the carcinogenic culprits are introduced to the body, they negatively impact the subatomic oscillations that support the cells and tissues. This causes the core frequency of the individual to become increasingly dissonant. 

A person who is being inundated with these carcinogens is actually undergoing a frequency attack.  The impact is causing their body to vibrate in a way that is out of sync with health.

 Dissonant cells are no-longer life-generating cells; they go rogue and become life-deteriorating cells. We know that cancer is an degenerative/autoimmune disease. This means that cancer cells and tissues behave destructively rather than constructively.  

The Pathogen Connection:

We also know that pathogens are life-deteriorating in nature. So it should come as no surprise that where cancer is found, so too do we find yeast and mold! This is key. Cancerous tissue is necrotic tissue (or dead tissue). Pathogens like fungus and mold which are found at cancer sites are integral to dead and dying tissue.  Therefore, what we have is carcinogenic substances undermining the integrity of the organism’s sub-atomics, resulting in a bio-chemical reaction that causes decay to form and pathogens, (the scavengers) to proliferate, spreading the decay because the organism is being perceived as non-viable.  

Cancer is a Fungus:

If pathogenic yeast and mold proliferate, we know there are things we can do slow and stop them in their tracks. And yet, modern medicine does not offer those suggestions.  Modern medicine offers different avenues of treatment that dismantle the remaining power in the body further. 

Heavy metals and radiation go straight to the endocrine system (from the delicate, highly receptive brain centers as well as the brain matter to the reproductive organs) and the bone marrow where immunity is generated and in this case derailed.  Toxic, processed foods, drinks and other unnatural substances accumulate in the intestine and their chemicals and the noxious gasses released from their fermentation is delivered into the blood stream. Ultimately, as the body becomes ravaged, rendered atomically dissonant and riddled with fungus and mold, the individual is progressively overtaken (the stages of cancer). Meanwhile, with the right information, they could be turning the whole scenario around. 

Reversing Degenerative Disease & Degenerative Disease Prevention

Depending on how developed the degenerative disease is, meaning, to what degree its precursor carcinogens have insinuated their way into the individual’s bio-terrain and how much tissue it has infected (causing fungus and mold to proliferate), degenerative disease may be reversed. The protocol is simple. It simple requires a strong, fearless desire to do so. 

Primarily, the conditions must be created that bring the individual back into harmony with life. This means that the carcinogenic offenders that created the problem such as wireless radiation, toxic foods, drinks and stress are removed from the cancer sufferer’s world. In most cases, this means the individual must go to another location to heal, preferably a highly alkaline environment like a pristine beach, forest or mountains. 

Where nature is at her most unadulterated, the frequency will be the highest and alkalinity will be most concentrated.  Like a tuning fork, the sub-atomics of the cancer patient’s cells will be re-attuned to a health-generating vibration. They will regain their life-generating oscillation from the chaos of the cacophonous oscillation.  The highly-alkaline environment will deliver plentiful negative-ions to the body, neutralizing the acidity that would otherwise feed the cancer.  

Simultaneously, dietetics and all substances that enter the body must be reconsidered. A highly alkaline diet based on water containing vegetables, primarily greens and green juices should become the central dietetic protocol. These alkaline greens will saturate and magnetize the accumulated toxic matter in the body for release.  Fungus and mold are fed by sugars, starches and acids.  Therefore the patient must be extremely diligent to avoid all such substances, including fruits.  A vegetable-centric diet is the ultimate cancer-prevention diet. It should be followed strictly by degenerative disease patients. 

Restored to subatomic harmony, saturated in alkalinity and starved of sugars, starches and acids, the cancer cannot survive and it must regress.  If waste matter can be expeditiously removed from the body via colonics and enemas, the speed of healing would be accelerated tremendously. Typically, degenerative disease patients lack the intestinal fortitude to release the life-long accumulation of toxicity that caused the degenerative disease. So frequent colon hydrotherapy treatments increase the likelihood of degenerative disease regressing and not returning. Infrared saunas and deep breathing are also helpful tools for removing the accumulated toxicity in the eliminative organs.

Herbs, alkalinizers and chelating substances like zeolite, spirulina, dandelion, sulfur-based amino acids, sodium bi-carbonate and leatril (B-17) can also play very supportive roles as long as the primary indications to harmonize the subatomics, alkalinize and remove accumulated toxic waste are implemented. 

In addition, the degenerative disease sufferer must take all steps necessary to removing fear programs, stress and any incoherent emotions.  Incoherence in the emotional field is just as damaging as radiation, toxicity and heavy metals on the sub-atomics.

We wish you a beautiful healing journey and hope you will also appreciate that this knowledge is central to prevention! If you are looking to learn more about degenerative disease, and gain knowledge about mastering your body, please join us in April for our Advanced Detox Training

Talking Raw with Macha: An Audio

Hi Everyone,

After reading that many raw food gurus feel they need to reintroduce cooked foods, grains, and animal products into their diets, I thought it was important to address this. There are many reasons why this would be the case, most of which Macha and I discuss in this audio: Talking Raw with Macha MP3. Our aim for this audio was to help cut through the confusion that can ensue when this kind of information is taken out of full context. I hope you find it illuminating. Please be sure to comment with questions if you would like us to clarify anything in our next audio on the subject.

With Love & Appreciation for you always,


Miscellaneous Q&A Audio with Macha

This audio discussion is divided in two parts because the phone line broke off about two-thirds of the way through.

Miscellaneous Q & A Audio with Macha

Content covered in audio:
* Understanding how and why the body thrives on less
* What the body thrives on
* How to use our unique strengths to benefit society at large
* Using deep breathing to center the body before emotionally eating
* The art of balancing your inner self
* Grounding yourself using the image of the “7 Directions”

Quotable Quotes in audio:
* “Once you remove the addiction, the body becomes very serene, clear and happy, and prefers not to be inundated with substances.” – Natalia

Part 1 (19 minutes):
We discuss the link between a pure, simple diet and longevity, and we discuss balance and the importance of “grounding” when undertaking transformative spiritual and dietary disciplines.

Part 2 (approximately 8 minutes):
The discussion continues…

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Disintegratin’ Bones!

In this latest audio, Macha Einbender and I discuss the deterioration and rectification of the skeletal-muscular system as it applies for all ages!

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Disintegratin’ Bones

Content covered in audio:
* Understanding the skeletal and muscular systems of the body:
* How to maintain their inherent strength
* Origins of bone deterioration in the body and how to reverse it
* Which foods are meant for the human body and which are not:
* Balancing taking in alkalinity tempered with transition foods
* Achieving muscle tone without much exercise
* Methods of applying the concept of moderation in our context
* The danger of modern children going down the non-life-generating trajectory

About Macha Einbender:
 Macha Einbender (a.k.a. the Spiritual Makeover Artist) is devoted to lending her voice to help others enhance their lives thru meditation, healthy lifestyle, and overcoming negative thought addiction. She is a mentor for women and a spiritual activist. She is commited to supporting women on their individual journeys.

For access to her audio blogs and interviews:

For her Overcoming Negativity Addiction Radio Show with author Denise Coates:

Ana Ladd-Griffin Enters The Red Tent

I’d like to share this entry that my senior detox counselor, Ana Ladd-Griffin, posted on the Natalia Rose Institute membership community today on her Q&A area. It is such a timely and popular topic. If this topic interests you, keep an eye out for an audio interview on the reproductive system, menstruation, and fertility in a few weeks, which we will also post here on the blog area. I trust you will find Ana’s insights very enlightening. Thanks for sharing, Ana!

Q: Marie writes: “I stopped taking the pill a little over a year ago, and started the Detox 4 Women meal plan. I have only gotten my period once since then. I’m a little worried. Why is this? And when will it return? My husband and I want to start trying to get pregnant.”

A: There are several parts to answering this question. First, I want to address oral contraceptives, as well as all hormone-based contraceptives (rings, shots, etc. I am keeping pharmaceutical brand names out of this). I do not wish to contradict medical advise; I am not a doctor. However, my experience with many many women dealing with the same issue is that after stopping a hormone-based contraceptive, the menstrual cycle can take a long time to return to normal. I have seen it take over two years. My own cycle took even longer to return to normal after stopping the pill, and this was even before I began to cleanse and work with Natalia. After only a few months, most medical professionals will recommend that you get back on some form of birth control to bring your period back. This decision is at your discretion. I only ask that you make an educated and informed decision. This is a fact: almost all of my clients who stop the pill while cleansing do not see a full return to normal menstruation for at least one year.

Secondly, I’d like to address what is really happening in our bodies when we menstruate. Yes, it’s the body preparing a womb for a potential fertilized egg as we’ve been taught. But there is a second component. Our bodies are storing toxins in menstrual fluids so that they will be kept away from our baby. The release of blood-like fluids every month is a powerful detox! The body stores the toxins so they cannot interfere with pregnancy, and then releases them when no egg is fertilized. Men should be so lucky! This is a detoxifying monthly function that is specific only to the female body, and is a great aid in mobilizing toxins we ingest and encounter through poor air quality, compromised water, etc. However, this is why periods have become such a trial for us. They are starting in younger and younger girls, lasting for up to eight days, smelling strongly, and are accompanied by intense emotions and cramping. This is the result of our toxic load! We can look forward to shorter, lighter, cleaner, and less emotional visits from Aunt Flo as our bodies become cleaner. It is sometimes said that a perfectly clean body will menstruate without a fluid release (read: no toxins were stored for removal). I’m not sure this is possible in the modern world, but it illustrates the profound change that comes with cellular cleansing.

The third issue in this question is the effect of the cleansing program itself on the female cycle. Just like every other system in our bodies, the reproductive system is profoundly effected by our toxic load. All of you out there who struggle with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, PMDD, uteran fibroids, etc. understand better than anyone. As we begin to awaken and release toxic matter, these systems will slowly start to reset, and regulate themselves without the influence of bacteria, carbonic gas, yeasts and fungus, and environmental estrogens, not to mention the influx of animal-sized doses of hormones that make up the biomass of conventional meats (and dairy).

This is not an overnight process. But please rest assured, a clean body can perfectly regulate every system better than we could ever have dreamed. Patience, and progress. Keep moving forward knowing you are doing the absolute best thing for your reproductive system, and that all of the issues you experience will come out in the wash (literally!). You need to know that this detoxifying regime will never harm your body’s cycles, but will only help them to become perfectly regulated. You also must throw out any timeframe you have put upon your process. We have the stored toxins of our lifetime, combined with the damages of generations of accumulation on our lineage.

I would never make a 6-month, yearlong, or even five-year promise to you. Some of these things run dark and deep. Perseverance and trust are what you need now, not false timelines to keep you motivated with baseless information. You know this intuitively. Think about all that we have done to this planet, reflected in our poor bodies. Could you fix the problem with a 10-day juice fast? Never. It’s time to set aside your panic and deadlines, and fall in love with the process. The promise I will make is this: If you are cleansing your body, you are walking in the right direction and taking the only possible steps toward restoring your body to the vitality it deserves.

Natalia has said what I am about to say before, and please forgive me if I am not as delicate as I could be with these issues. I have the deepest empathy for all of us. Reproductive issues are the result of a failing planet. We are a true reflection of the clogged and poisoned waterways, the smog, and the deforestation. We cannot escape the damages we continue to do to fragile ecosystems, and fragile reproductive systems. This is the mess we have made: many men and women have become so toxic that their bodies decline to produce viable offspring. Men have testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and erectile dysfunction. Women have ovarian cysts, uterine tumors, and devastating monthly cycles.

These are the facts, and the only right step we can now take is the start to clean up what we’ve done. We have all played a part in this destruction, and now we have a chance to be heroes to the generations to come. Keep this in mind as you’re cleansing. The female and male reproductive organs press directly against our overworked, impacted, clogged colons and intestines. What more evidence do you need?

Last, I just want to give a nod to the importance of pre-conception cleansing. If you can give your son or daughter a clean nine-month home, clean breast milk, and superior DNA blueprints that come with this lifestyle of cellular cleansing, you are already winning parenting awards. There is no greater gift.

Ana has addressed the following subjects on the membership community for those of you who are interested:

Simple and Delicious Summer Dinner Options
Simple and Delicious Winter Dinner Options
Birth Control
Ideal Food Combining
Grain, Sprouted Grain Bread
Organic Butter and Cream
Juice Fasting
Laxative Products
Eating Out
Nuts and Seeds
Detox Symptoms

Audio Interview with Macha: Getting Started on Detox 4 Women

Macha interviewed me today on the subject of beginning Detox 4 Women. I hope it proved helpful to all those beginners out there!

Audio Interview with Macha: Getting Started on Detox for Women

Content covered in audio:
* The role of transition in Detox4Women
* Why the approach in Detox4Women is essential right now
* Transitioning socially and emotionally, as well as physically
* Understanding yeast and what to do if you’re yeasted
* Modalities for release of waste
* Solve lifestyle issues: emotional, financial, etc.
* Logistics for lifestyle ease

Quotable Quotes in audio:
* “This is a self-propelling journey; what winds up happening is that you feel better with each principle that you apply.” – Natalia

* “We first change the ingredients and then we change the habits. When the consciousness begins to evolve, the habits will start to go away.” – Natalia

Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries


These freakish, non-organic cherries are your cells on modern living. I’m not speaking just metaphorically, either. Make no mistake: there is no difference between the havoc that modern living wreaks on your cells and the cellular degeneration of these cherries. Only the limitations of the naked eye keep us from witnessing this cellular holocaust in real time.
On our current course, however, we will increasingly see this mutation of cells in our degenerated offspring. This bowlful of cherries is a very real manifestation, on the micro- and macrocosmic levels, of our cultural choices. Shall we all hold hands and sing “Kumbaya” with our eyes closed and pretend it’s not really happening?

My associate, Ana, was recently among the many women who never think they are thin enough, who are disappointed in their diets for not making them look emaciated, who are products of a certain Upper East Side social class who spend their days in plastic surgeons’ chairs when they are not purchasing thousand-dollar frocks and clinking vodka tonics at lunchtime on Madison Avenue. They would rather be skinny with cancer than clean-celled and glowing from head to toe like our lovely Ana is today.

Not thin enough, eh? The next time you think this, consider: Would it appease you if you were twenty pounds lighter on a diet of saccharine, cigarettes, and caffeine, with maybe a little “blow” now and then? Would it ease your conscience if the dresses you were buying were for philanthropic galas? Let’s not carry on this lineage of thinking that deteriorates our world from the top down. This mindset would be almost comical if it didn’t lead to birth defects, suicide, and oil spills.

Modern life is just this bowl of cherries, ain’t it? Well, in this bowl is where the blind, programmed marionettes of civilization and their children will wind up. This is the endgame. Are you benching it, or are you going to get in the game and fight for your cells, your future, and the fate of humankind?

Let’s hussle, team!

cherries2             cherries

The Short, Easy Answer Is…

At first glance, becoming raw-vegan or vegetarian seems a logical way of honoring life. Most people do so for their health or for moral reasons. I, for one, applaud anyone who looks for alternatives to the mainstream diet-lifestyle and wants to be part of the solution. But this is not the solution it is thought to be, nor does it exempt anyone from a society that kills animals and wrecks the environment for its food.

The raw-vegan/vegetarian paradigm indeed offers a lot of useful information, but much about it is still misunderstood and misinterpreted. That’s because most people fail to examine it within its full context (e.g., how the plant life is cultivated, what is consumed in the process, etc.).

Mention to a raw-vegan or vegetarian that agriculture is the single most destructive human act against life on this planet and you are likely to be met with either silence or disbelief. In most cases, people who embrace such a diet not only eat that way but identify themselves as “raw-vegans” or “vegetarians”—it’s who they are! Many of them will be stunned to hear about evils of agriculture because it calls their whole identities into question. It’s not a nice experience. This is the same reason that many mainstreamers keep their heads in the sand about the realities of our culture. They can’t face a reality that would shatter everything they know to be true.

I may be the bearer of this difficult experience for many of you, but I know the majority of you would rather know more and face this dilemma than avoid reality. It is vitally important for this topic to come out in conversation, especially when there is so much dietetic judgment being tossed around. Too many people are sporting raw-veganism and vegetarianism as a badge of honor or, worse, as a proxy pulpit for dogmatic self-righteousness.

It is time for all that to end. I hope I can offer this information in a gentle way, in a safe place to look at it, process it, and see where it leads. Ultimately, I hope that this information sparks conscious appreciation of how to nourish the body and enjoy the fruits of the earth in a less destructive way.


Most vegetarians have no idea that commercial farming (organic or otherwise, regardless of species of crop, including grain, corn, and soy) decimates animal habitats, kills animals under plow, eradicates plant species as well as millions of microbes and insects, and permanently destroys critical topsoil to the point of infertility. Commercial farming not only cruelly impacts the habitats in the immediate land that’s specifically cleared and groomed for said crops; it also dams up rivers to irrigate and provide power to these farms (often causing chemicals to leach into the water), thereby killing countless species of local fish and birds.

The common vegan-vegetarian diet, due to modern agricultural methods, is as destructive to life and to the environment as a carnivorous diet is. I hate this fact, but I accept it. In light of this knowledge, we must go further to find a real solution. We cannot just become vegan or vegetarian and stop there. (And no, I’m not suggesting breatharianism. Relax, keep reading!)

I still cringe to think of it: if I’m buying produce in the average market, I may not be buying, cooking, ordering, or otherwise serving up grilled fish, baked chicken, or impala stew to chew through with my little canines, but fish, animals, and poultry are nevertheless casualties of my salad.

I live in a city and buy produce from my local health food and gourmet stores. I enjoy and physically benefit immensely from the delicious plant-based meals I make from those purchases. But I would be gravely mistaken if I thought countless species of animals didn’t suffer and die for that salad (or even for those life-generating veggie juices and blended shakes that we use to detox and neutralize the radiation and positive ions in our environment).


As much as this distresses me, I know in all honesty that my lifestyle is not harmless. I am sullied by the stench of society; no butterfly or blue bird is likely to land on my shoulder like I’m Snow White in the forest. I am party to the destruction of our planet through agriculture. My actions support life-deteriorating acts. That’s a fact. It is some comfort to know that I am trying to do more each day to evolve my life in a life-generating direction. I dream of the day that the production of my shakes, juices, and salads will be as life-generating to the world community as it is to the community of cells in my body.

If we want to lead harmless, life-generating lives, we need to incorporate all the information we can, take the full context of what being raw, vegan, or vegetarian really means: eating small amounts of mainly light, living foods grown and gathered by the most inoffensive, conscious methods possible. We must also be willing to adjust our lives even further, in ways that might require even more sacrifice and dedication of us. Take heart: the degree to which we must change to regain our balance directly reflects the degree to which our culture has veered off course. These are the hard facts we face as children of a grossly misguided generation. Of course, it’s not all our fault: we have inherited the accumulation of so many wrong turns dating back to thousands of years ago. But it is our fault if we do nothing to get ourselves back on course!

Remember, the earth, like our bodies, is an interconnected organism. If a great portion of it is toxic, the whole is toxic. The earth’s blood (i.e., its oceans and rivers) has been compromised, and the poisons are flowing everywhere. Further, manure, the very substance that fertilizes the ground, is comprised of either dead animal flesh, bones, and blood or chemical fertilizer, NPK. By all means, eat vegan (I do, with very few exceptions, and without the label) but be conscious of this wee fact of life!

In the life cycle, the earth effectively consumes animal carcasses to yield food and give rise to more life. In other words, life consumes life to continue living and evolving. The ancients all knew and supported this. They didn’t try to live in avoidance of death. Rather, they lived with awareness of the role of death and venerated all life, especially when life was sacrificed for their continued sustenance!

It would be nice, I agree, if we could avoid encountering death on our way to nourishment, but the very cycle of life requires all bodies to return to the earth. Arguably, the microbes of earth (the soil) are at both the bottom and the top of the food chain!

The beef, poultry, dairy, and fishing industries have been rightly cursed by animal rights activists, but we cannot stop there. Nor should we assume that the consumption of animal flesh is always inappropriate. A native hunter who fully understands and honors the life he himself is taking for his sustenance, and grasps his connectedness with the whole community of life that sustains him, is doing less harm than the average uninformed raw-vegan or vegetarian of today.

Our civilization’s approach to agriculture is just as offensive to ecosystems as it is to topsoil. Agriculture has decimated the land in this country with the clearing of trees and shrubs and all that lived within them—this is in addition to destroying our topsoil. In the 1400s, the topsoil was at least 20 feet deep, and today it can barely boast a measly 2 inches, but those are 2 oh-so-precious inches! That’s not to say we should not be vegans or raw foodists, but that we should understand our dietary lifestyles in the right context.


“So what is the right context?” you might be wondering. The best I can offer at this stage, all things considered, is something that most people won’t be ready to embrace: to live with a very small vegetable garden (“Anastasia style” per Anastasia from the “Ringing Ceders” series by Vladimir Megre), encouraging the renewal of the soil and enabling wild edibles as well as wild non-edibles and the local animal species to regenerate.

In this context, with the understanding that much time and healing will be required, I can envision life returning to this planet. Not surprisingly, the solution hearkens back to a model that worked for humankind for millions of years before the thorough corruption of civilization. Our civilization emerged with agriculture; the two concepts are inseparable.

I am aware of what this would mean for life as we know it. For such a vision to take root, people would have to let go of the old paradigms. If that seems impossible, consider the unprecedented physical and emotional pain that people are suffering nowadays. We are hitting more walls than doctors have diagnoses and medications for; our health workers cannot keep up with the ills of our current way of life. The pain of civilization is closing in on our maximum thresholds of tolerance and becoming physically unbearable. Our greatest hope at this stage is that people, pushed to the brink of survival, will be forced to consider the alternatives.

New realities grow from seeds of consciousness. We have to see a future, have a vision of it, in order to find a way to get there.

It’s funny and ironic really. The only way for the soil to heal, the endangered species to multiply, our bodies to be fed the way they need to be, for all living beings to be honored and given the natural right to thrive (or die out as the case may be) is for life to go back to its wild state. This idea will likely be a stretch for most of you. I couldn’t swallow that reality until relatively recently myself.

Again, I don’t believe this has to happen immediately. What should happen immediately is for us to become conscious of how the food cycle and all natural life cycles work—the basic concepts that we should have learned before we were 5. If you can understand the nuances of the natural world and bring them in to your day-to-day consciousness and thought processes, you will be heading in the right direction.

Allowing both plants and animals to reorder themselves from the industrial chaos will recover (a) the soil, (b) many perennial plant species that are best for us, as opposed to annuals and domesticated hybrid plants that we’ve developed for taste and appearance, (c) many endangered species, and (d) the natural predator-prey relationship. For example, as the mountain lions and wolves come back, the overpopulation of deer on this continent that crowds out and threatens the lives of many bird and land species will be rebalanced.

Of course, for mountain lions and wolves to come back, cities, industries, and deforestation projects would have to be stopped and reversed. That’s a tall order, but just that mean we should avoid it. We can’t just scrap the truth because it’s scary or requires tectonic changes to our civilization. Rather, I believe we should adapt ourselves to the truth of the world in which we find ourselves. This level of change will have to come from a profound shift in worldview, a realization that there is far more value in the thriving of natural life than in material riches and positions of power.

In the meantime, we can at least be as honest and conscious as possible. I’m not quite ready to stop eating the commercially grown, domesticated hybrid we call carrots or stop buying lettuce because a bunny may have been plowed right out of this world for that lettuce to reach me. But I can be conscious of it! Further, I cannot know these things and condemn a meat eater, now can I?

I will hold onto a vision of a time when we’ll all have small gardens of our own that bypass the devastating effects of large-scale agriculture, and thus allow much of more of the earth to grow wild. It’s an evolution that starts with consciousness and may someday result in a world filled with people who have passed through the gauntlet of modern life, gleaned the lessons from it, and then left it behind for the far sweeter, more balanced path of the natural world.

We need not avoid death to practice harmlessness. We need only be conscious of our interconnection and truly love and appreciate the fluid exchange of life and death. Can we live without death? Can the lion lie down with the lamb? I tend to believe we are part of a much bigger, more spiritual vision, but as long as we’re not conscious enough to embrace what’s real in the physical world, we’ll never be ready to expand our awareness to greater parts of our being. We must begin with learning how to be good stewards of the physical world.

This will require our patience and dedication. Nothing will happen overnight. Baby steps, progress—not perfection. When we shift our consciousness, we shift our world. True change comes from within and sends meaningful ripples outward. We need to build a vision for a new world to take form. And that’s the short, easy answer, friends.

A Salad in Motion Remains in Motion

When you launch into a diet high in living foods, you will discover that these foods contain a force that creates motion. Non-living foods (cooked proteins, cooked starches, nuts, etc.) do not have this effect on the body. Given the physical laws of motion, if you eat foods with no life force, your intestines will be mostly stagnant.

When living foods suddenly enter your stagnant, acid-waste-impacted intestine, you may feel like you swallowed a bunch of expanding jumping beans! People usually embark on a diet of living foods for the weight loss and digestive benefits, so they are perplexed when their midsection suddenly starts moving and expanding!

One thing I am stressing to everyone these days is that WE MUST ALL BECOME SCIENTISTS. People are too quick to cry confusion in the face of all the conflicting information circulating in health and raw food circles. If everyone would just take a moment to sit with the common scientific sense of chemical reactions and what we know about the laws of motion, they could find all the answers they need without opening a single book or visiting a nutritionist, spa, doctor, or raw food guru.

Pay close attention now, and you’ll gain something of real value. I’m going to give you two scenarios that illustrate the two important concepts that will serve you well in this lifestyle:

1. Imagine taking the remains of dinner and tossing it into a garbage can. Seal the lid. The next morning when you wake up, go to the garbage can and open it. That stench is noxious carbonic gas that has started to grow rogue bacteria. This is what happens in your body—but your body is much warmer, so the chemical reaction and resulting bacteria are much more pernicious.

Now imagine what would happen if you took fruit—the cleanest, healthiest food known to humankind—and added it to the garbage, or to the contents of your stomach, at this moment of chemical decomposition. Would that be healthy? Health means cleanliness, so even though fruit is wonderful, it is not going to generate health in this scenario. Since the chemical reaction in the body is already troublesome, the fruit in this case would just make it worse. If you are bloated and gassy and have not moved your bowels, it’s time to think scientifically about what your next move should be: something that reduces the gas and bloat and annihilates the bad bacteria. 

Given the kinetic motions and chemical properties of foods, when you place fruit sugar on top of acidic waste and gas, the result is more gas, fermentation, and putrefaction. This scenario adds insult to injury, contributing to the intestinal distress, and ultimately endangering the bacterial balance of the intestine and constipating the bowel.

Therefore, if you were a scientifically minded live-foods enthusiast, you would take one of the following steps:

(a) wait to have a bowel movement (use an enema, if necessary) to remove waste and gas before it creates more gas and supports the proliferation of bad bacteria;

(b) choose a vegetable juice or vegetables, which will have a neutral effect at worst, and a beneficial effect at best, by hydrating the waste and contributing good microbes to fend off the bad bacteria (ideally, you would first consume some quality probiotics to help the process along); or

(c) just wait a few hours before eating or drinking to give the body a chance to clear up this digestive upset (which is commonly caused by poor food combining, poor food order, overeating, eating while stressed, etc.).

Remember, living food is only potentially health-generating. It is only health-generating if it has an advantageous chemical reaction with everything else going on in the great petri dish of the body.

2. Next, imagine the average person off the street who has consumed mainstream food or “gym head health food”—meaning lots of high protein, lean meats, soy, peanut butter, etc. This food is dead; it has no kinetic energy. Living foods are alive; they have a lot of kinetic energy.

Again, most people come to living foods because they want to lose weight and heal digestive issues and other illnesses. So they don’t expect what usually happens as soon as they eat their first living-foods meal—a ballooning midsection with lots of gas and motion! But if they put on their scientific thinking cap, they would remember Newton’s first law of motion: “A body persists in its state of rest or of uniform motion unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force.” Dead food piled on top of dead food keeps the intestine pretty dead. But add living foods—with all their live enzymes kickin’ around having a party—to that dead system, and that system will be moved according to the rate and force of the added food. Living foods will act upon the body in a state of rest.

It’s important to understand that this is ultimately a very good thing. If living food enthusiasts of all levels keep their science caps on and make choices that minimize the development of new carbonic gas—following my guidelines for food order and combinations—they will eventually have clean, contracted, healthy cells. This will correlate to a lean body with tremendous vitality. As you progress, keep this in mind so you don’t fall into the trap of misunderstanding the changes your body undergoes as you introduce more living foods into your diet.

Here’s another scenario: If you’re like me and you enjoy lots of raw salads, along with cooked vegetables, goat cheese, and dark chocolate, you will see your body contract a lot because the goat cheese and chocolate are not expansive in the body like grains and fruits are. This is a good choice if you want to get really nice and lean. But remember that the goat cheese and chocolate can stick in the body (even though they are better than many other foods and very helpful in this lifestyle). But if you switch it up and add fruits (even appropriately timed on an empty stomach) or some all-raw, water-containing meals like blended raw soups and bananas after consuming a lot of goat cheese and chocolate (or fish, which is also contracting, not expansive), your midsection will very likely swell up. This is because even cleaner, living foods, with all their enzymes and motion-filled energy, will hit and awaken the acidic waste residue from these other foods that haven’t fully left the body.

Most people will assume that this reaction is unfavorable and means that the cleaner living food meals don’t agree with their system. But this is not the case. The all-raw hydrating substances are just having a chemical reaction as they meet and help eliminate the acidic waste. This is why many people think that raw foods don’t agree with them when, in fact, it’s a temporary state of awakening the old matter in the intestine. The only way to help clean out the waste is to introduce these ultra-clean living foods (think of them like soap for the intestine), allow them to awaken and magnetize the waste, and then eliminate the awakened waste from the bowel. (You never want to awaken and then fail to release, as all great scientists know!)

If you understand these principles, you can use this knowledge to play with your food choices. For example, I love my goat cheese and dark chocolate, and I’ll enjoy them for several days in a row (with a raw salad and maybe some steamed veggies, but only after I’ve had my green lemonade that day)! I know that the cheese and chocolate, while not heinous, are imperfect, but I enjoy them. I also enjoy my all-raw meals. Currently, my favorite meal is to start with some just-in-season Honeycrisp apples, followed by a raw green salad with lemon and stevia, followed by my ultra-favorite banana-carob-alfalfa-sprout “milk shake” topped with shredded coconut.

This all-raw meal is going to create a bit of temporary expansion in my system when it hits the residue of anything impure (like the cheese and chocolate that didn’t fully leave; only water-containing fruits and vegetables, their juices, and young coconuts fully leave the body, and even that only occurs in a clean, microbially sound intestine). But am I going to freak out because of it? NO! I’m expecting it and using it as a “cleanup tool”—a tasty one at that! I’m doing it on purpose. I’m a scientist and I know exactly what I am doing in my intestinal petri dish. When the water-containing living-foods meal awakens anything sticky or acidic in the intestine, it hydrates it, magnetizes it up and out of the tissues, and carries it out of the body. Therefore, as soon as it leaves with the next morning’s bowel movement, I am better off, despite that temporary expansion.

Isn’t that cool?!

So let’s all keep our science caps on and consider the chemical reactions and the laws of motion as we make our meal choices. This way, we can use food and our food preferences as tools for our health, while understanding the various reactions occurring in the body. It’s really fun getting to know your body in this new way.

Here’s to the kinetic energy of living foods and harnessing the laws of science to improve our life experience!

A Nation of Addicts

Why is just about everyone you or I know taking a pill or some other substance to suppress emotional pain? Why is everyone numbing themselves, and why is it accepted as normal? What is the common denominator here?

A slow but steady detour away from the independent values that made our country great two hundred years ago has landed us in a nation addicted: land of the numb, mind-controlled, programmed masses. As a people, we have lost our consciousness, and with it a tremendous amount of wisdom. We have confused what is considered desirable with what is life-generating. We have lost touch with our true emotions—that voice within which speaks for inner balance and self-knowledge. Too many of us sleepwalk through life following a set of socially programmed norms that can only lead to ruin: physical, mental, and emotional.

The hard fact is that just about everyone is an addict today because a sinister social conditioning has quietly snuck its way into “normal” living: the consumption of foods unfit for the human body. These foods are profoundly harmful and highly addictive. That’s right: the most insidious addiction today is not to recreational drugs, but to grains, sweeteners, food additives, and preservatives (including hormones and antibiotics, just for starters) in the mainstream diet. Addiction, therefore, is a problem not only for the drinker, the smoker, and the drug abuser; it is a problem for every human being who is not aware of what he or she consumes.

 But here’s the gem: the cause and cure of addiction hinge on the same all-important factor—consciousness. We can understand addiction as a loss of consciousness, and it’s ubiquitous in today’s diet-lifestyle, which in myriad ways poisons the biochemistry of the blood and ravages the intestine, cells, and tissues. Yet, we keep eating and living according to the customs that have been programmed into us by the so-called authorities, the media, and the influence of our peers. We have thus become little better than a nation of addicts.

When our inner voice knows better, when our spirit rises up to question the status quo and to resist the whole program, we are quickly labeled “depressed” or “chemically imbalanced” and written a prescription. In the meantime, the dictates of mainstream culture urge us to silence our distress with “comfort foods,” alcohol, drugs, and other mind-numbing diversions.

How long will we slap names on diseases without truly understanding them? How long will we continue suppressing the symptoms so that more virulent forms of illness crop up? How long will we blame the imbalance rather than its source? After all these millennia of medical achievements, we have missed the obvious universal law of nature: when there is pain, it is a call for change, not a call for suppression!

Social norms dictate not only how we should live, but also how we should feel. We are taught to avoid “negative” emotions and embrace only the “positive” ones. Over the generations, we have completely lost touch with the wisdom of our emotions. We have learned to repress undesirable emotions without even knowing that we are doing it. These repressed emotions become the harbingers of addiction.


All the spiritual leaders and great minds of history—including the Buddha, Christ, Socrates, and Jung—emphasized the importance of awareness. And contemporary teachers like Eckhart Tolle have made the concept more familiar to people today. However, there is still a great chasm between the desire to practice this virtue and the practical application of it. For so many people, living in the present is so hard to do. Nonetheless, it is the single most essential tool of personal liberation available to us. Once we start to live with awareness, we gain clarity about ourselves and the world around us. We see through the clutter of social expectations to hear our own authentic voice.

Any set of social expectations that fails to honor a person’s spirit and allow for its honest expression is an agent of repression, and is therefore antithetical to life. The emotions of pain, anger, and fear arise to tell us to pay attention. They come to us as friends, to pull our hand away from the flame. In heeding rather than repressing them, we can let them go, and also let go of our addictions. Soon, we can bring awareness to any situation, ideology, or question with a penetrating power of discernment. We can ask ourselves: “Is that a social conditioning or is a life-generating truth?”

We are a nation of addicts because we have been living in the dark. Too many widely accepted norms are destructive to our bodies, minds, and spirits. Our authority figures perpetuate the madness by creating more drugs for more illnesses and building more infrastructures to keep the vicious cycle alive. Frittering away personal power, we get ever more lost in the quagmire, blind to the road signs of our emotions. Addiction feels like a normal life experience rather than an aberration of nature. The modern ethos is to pacify feelings with all that glitters and sells. “Don’t feel this,” our culture whispers in our psyches. “You don’t need to feel sad. Here, take this instead. Have a donut and a latte. There, there. Now, isn’t that better?”

The cure for depression, obesity, and even cancer may be far simpler than we ever realized. It is time we (a) correct our biochemical imbalances through cleansing, and (b) expose destructive social norms for what they are and cultivate the power of conscious choice. It’s time we wake up to what we are really made of—as fully empowered human beings who know our own authentic needs and desires, not mindless automatons of an addiction-fueled society.

We all want to lead great lives and achieve wonderful things, but a great outer life is only possible through a healthy, balanced, and beautiful inner life. Let us feel deeply and let our emotions nourish our personal growth through smart, life-enhancing choices.