Category Archives: Perspectives

NRI Spotlights Radiation

Radiation is a global issue – whether you are living in a metropolitan area where you are swimming in wireless radiation, using cell phones 24/7 or on the receiving end of Fukushima fall out, humanity is bearing the brunt of radiation in escalating proportions.

There is great variation in how people respond to radiation. Younger people are more prone to the symptoms of radiation because they are still forming and they are energetically more receptive. Subtle organs like the endocrine system, reproductive organs, lymph tissue and bone marrow are first to be affected. There is no doubt that cancer is the most obvious result of radiation exposure.

Radiation affects us both directly from the devices that emit them as well as indirectly through the elements (soil, air, water and ethers)  that they have directly contaminated. Symptoms of exposure to radiation range from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, endocrine disorders, autoimmune disease, migraines and hemorrhaging. But often, the symptoms of these insidious frequencies are not immediately noticed.

 Prevention is of course the best way to protect yourself from radiation damage. However, this is very difficult today unless you live off the grid in a very alkaline environment. However, that is not an option for everyone.  While one day, society will surely regard the wireless sea as the lethal threat that it is, for now, “the grid” is constantly emitting.

Fortunately, there are some very powerful aids you can arm yourself with to neutralize the effects of radioactive frequencies.

The most important thing you can do is the two pronged deep tissue cleanse lifestyle of awakening and releasing the accumulated matter in your body through a highly-green-centric diet (green juices, green leafies and cooked greens being the centerpiece of your diet) and ample colon cleansing. Here’s why: the radiation is accumulated in the waste and adipose (fatty) tissue. When you release the waste you are also releasing the radiation! As the radiation-laden waste leaves your body, more can be called out of the adipose tissue and even out of the bones! Step one is to remove the accumulated radiation in you now. This will make your body much more apt to deal with the blows of radiation you continue to be exposed to. Step two is to prevent and neutralize additional radiation from impacting you. However, also keep in mind that as you continue to be exposed to radiation, your body will continue to develop more adipose tissue to ensure the radiation stays away from the vital organs. So ultimately, you will want to reduce your exposure or you will constantly be battling adipose deposits and cellulite.

Nascent Iodine, vitamin-C in high doses (intravenous), chlorophyll, wheatgrass, glutathione, MSM and other sulfur based amino acids are all great natural chelators that can also help with radiation. Essential oils of Rose, tea tree and Niaouli MQV also help heal radiation damage. 

Important videos to watch about radiation from cell phones and wireless devices:


NRI Degenerative Disease Philosophy

Fundamentally, we know that when one lives in opposition to life, cut off in anyway from the network of living energy, symptoms arise. The degree to which those symptoms arise is the degree to which one is operating in opposition to Nature. 

While degenerative disease may remain a mystery to modern medical science, it is not a mystery to anyone who knows the Universal Laws of Nature. Like every other symptom, the origins (as well as the remedy) are crystal clear. 

What causes degenerative disease?

Degenerative disease is a result of misguided engagement with life on multiple levels: physical, emotional, mental, sexual and spiritual. When life-generating operations and expressions are interfered with on any one of those levels, the various expressions of degenerative disease tend to develop. As conditions and lifestyles on earth have become exponentially more toxic (more in opposition to life), the rate of degenerative disease has skyrocketed. Today, it is estimated that 1 in 2 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer. 

The exposure to toxicity today means that individuals are on the receiving end of multiple contributing carcinogenic factors at any given moment. The major carcinogenic offenders: radiation from wireless devices and modems, toxic, processed foods and drinks, heavy metal toxicity and stress are all commonplace circa 2014 – and most are moment-to-moment factors in people’s lives! Therefore, citizens of the world, especially those in big cities, swim in a veritable sea of carcinogens in every layer of their being around the clock.  The shocking thing is not that this results in sweeping degenerative disease diagnoses; the shocking thing would be if it did not!  

In addition, we must acknowledge that the modern human physiology is not as robust and alkaline today as it was generations ago; so what we are contending with is a true double whammy – far greater exposure to carcinogens and far less alkaline fortitude to neutralize them.

The state of cancer:

Now that we have demystified the cause of degenerative disease, let’s consider what occurs in a body that is filled with toxicity, heavy metals, radiation, GMO foods, drinks and emotionally encased in fear programs.  How do these causes turn into degenerative disease? 

The toxic, carcinogenic culprits each act on the body in their own way, contributing acidity and undermining the harmony of the organism. First, they challenge the harmony of the cells they encounter. Whether these dissonant influences are able to overtake the harmony in the body depends on the harmonic integrity of the sub-atomics of the cells. High integrity cells are made up of highly alkaline negatively-ionically charged atoms. As the carcinogenic culprits are introduced to the body, they negatively impact the subatomic oscillations that support the cells and tissues. This causes the core frequency of the individual to become increasingly dissonant. 

A person who is being inundated with these carcinogens is actually undergoing a frequency attack.  The impact is causing their body to vibrate in a way that is out of sync with health.

 Dissonant cells are no-longer life-generating cells; they go rogue and become life-deteriorating cells. We know that cancer is an degenerative/autoimmune disease. This means that cancer cells and tissues behave destructively rather than constructively.  

The Pathogen Connection:

We also know that pathogens are life-deteriorating in nature. So it should come as no surprise that where cancer is found, so too do we find yeast and mold! This is key. Cancerous tissue is necrotic tissue (or dead tissue). Pathogens like fungus and mold which are found at cancer sites are integral to dead and dying tissue.  Therefore, what we have is carcinogenic substances undermining the integrity of the organism’s sub-atomics, resulting in a bio-chemical reaction that causes decay to form and pathogens, (the scavengers) to proliferate, spreading the decay because the organism is being perceived as non-viable.  

Cancer is a Fungus:

If pathogenic yeast and mold proliferate, we know there are things we can do slow and stop them in their tracks. And yet, modern medicine does not offer those suggestions.  Modern medicine offers different avenues of treatment that dismantle the remaining power in the body further. 

Heavy metals and radiation go straight to the endocrine system (from the delicate, highly receptive brain centers as well as the brain matter to the reproductive organs) and the bone marrow where immunity is generated and in this case derailed.  Toxic, processed foods, drinks and other unnatural substances accumulate in the intestine and their chemicals and the noxious gasses released from their fermentation is delivered into the blood stream. Ultimately, as the body becomes ravaged, rendered atomically dissonant and riddled with fungus and mold, the individual is progressively overtaken (the stages of cancer). Meanwhile, with the right information, they could be turning the whole scenario around. 

Reversing Degenerative Disease & Degenerative Disease Prevention

Depending on how developed the degenerative disease is, meaning, to what degree its precursor carcinogens have insinuated their way into the individual’s bio-terrain and how much tissue it has infected (causing fungus and mold to proliferate), degenerative disease may be reversed. The protocol is simple. It simple requires a strong, fearless desire to do so. 

Primarily, the conditions must be created that bring the individual back into harmony with life. This means that the carcinogenic offenders that created the problem such as wireless radiation, toxic foods, drinks and stress are removed from the cancer sufferer’s world. In most cases, this means the individual must go to another location to heal, preferably a highly alkaline environment like a pristine beach, forest or mountains. 

Where nature is at her most unadulterated, the frequency will be the highest and alkalinity will be most concentrated.  Like a tuning fork, the sub-atomics of the cancer patient’s cells will be re-attuned to a health-generating vibration. They will regain their life-generating oscillation from the chaos of the cacophonous oscillation.  The highly-alkaline environment will deliver plentiful negative-ions to the body, neutralizing the acidity that would otherwise feed the cancer.  

Simultaneously, dietetics and all substances that enter the body must be reconsidered. A highly alkaline diet based on water containing vegetables, primarily greens and green juices should become the central dietetic protocol. These alkaline greens will saturate and magnetize the accumulated toxic matter in the body for release.  Fungus and mold are fed by sugars, starches and acids.  Therefore the patient must be extremely diligent to avoid all such substances, including fruits.  A vegetable-centric diet is the ultimate cancer-prevention diet. It should be followed strictly by degenerative disease patients. 

Restored to subatomic harmony, saturated in alkalinity and starved of sugars, starches and acids, the cancer cannot survive and it must regress.  If waste matter can be expeditiously removed from the body via colonics and enemas, the speed of healing would be accelerated tremendously. Typically, degenerative disease patients lack the intestinal fortitude to release the life-long accumulation of toxicity that caused the degenerative disease. So frequent colon hydrotherapy treatments increase the likelihood of degenerative disease regressing and not returning. Infrared saunas and deep breathing are also helpful tools for removing the accumulated toxicity in the eliminative organs.

Herbs, alkalinizers and chelating substances like zeolite, spirulina, dandelion, sulfur-based amino acids, sodium bi-carbonate and leatril (B-17) can also play very supportive roles as long as the primary indications to harmonize the subatomics, alkalinize and remove accumulated toxic waste are implemented. 

In addition, the degenerative disease sufferer must take all steps necessary to removing fear programs, stress and any incoherent emotions.  Incoherence in the emotional field is just as damaging as radiation, toxicity and heavy metals on the sub-atomics.

We wish you a beautiful healing journey and hope you will also appreciate that this knowledge is central to prevention! If you are looking to learn more about degenerative disease, and gain knowledge about mastering your body, please join us in April for our Advanced Detox Training

Declare Your Interdependence!

Now that we’ve celebrated Independence Day, I’d like to suggest a greater event to celebrate — our INTER-dependence. But not as a day — as a way of life. Humans go through several stages of relationship on their course of development. First comes dependence – which we experience as baby and child when we depend on our parents and our community to keep us safe as we grow and teach us “the ropes.” Then comes independence, when we can care for ourselves and even teach the younger generation. Then, there’s this backward dysfunctional stage called “co-dependency” that unenlightened civilizations detour into called “co-dependency.” Suckled on a worldview of self-focus or what I call “separation consciousness,” a civilization emerges that does not know how to truly love or contribute harmony. For them power through possessing is their primary lens through which they understand the world. They grow up self-focused, fearful and emotionally imbalanced. From this imbalanced emotional state they try to connect with others. But because of a misguided understanding of how relationship with others should work, they wind up offering the other something in an unspoken exchange for something in return. In this way, the relationship is not based on pure sharing but on condition: “I love you because….” or “As long as you (fill in the blank), I will love you.” (Or rather I will give you my time, attention and approval and my body).

Sadly, far from being a short detour, co-dependency is the typical state of relationship in our culture. This is true not only in romantic relationships but in friendships, family and business relationships. There is a great, empowering leap to be made across the chasm between co-dependence and interdependence. If this leap is made successfully, we find out true freedom. Whereas co-dependency is the downward, relationship-deteriorating spiral, interdependence is the way to life-generating relationships, the upward spinning spiral that elevates man on every level.

How do we make this leap successfully? First we must understand that the interdependent model is the model that all life thrives within. It is the model of the universe: unity among diversity. This means that each individuated being from the smallest microbe to the largest planet moves synergistically with one another. This means we embrace one another’s differences because the differences support the whole. It requires that we strive to be authentic and protect life so life can thrive. It promises that we are great in the truest sense when others are great in the truest sense; we are healthy when the least of us is healthy and if there is pain or suffering in some area of life, it will reach us in some way. It also means that where we have an unhealthy world-view or harmful attitude or take more than we need, we will suffer personally for that imbalance we have contributed. Simply put, all of life is interconnected. We can resist this truth and die from the consequences or we can embrace this truth and thrive!

How will we gain our true sovereignty as individuals and as a planetary community? When we celebrate interdependence and revere it every day of the year. This, my friends is the new frontier, the destiny we are divinely ordained to manifest, the call for today’s pioneers — pioneers who know that there is a greater gold rush to tap than the one in the mid-1800’s. The gold of the life-force gushing from the opening hearts of enlightened humans. Here’s to making that “Westward Ho” over the mountains of our misguided cultural programs and social conditioning and through the rivers of our emotional imbalances that have led us into co-dependence. Let’s shed those uncomfortable uniforms and have a new revolution for the kind of freedom that truly puts an end to the tyranny of our lives. Let’s declare our INTER-dependence!

The Root of All Suffering: Wall Street or Wetiko?

What if I were to tell you there is a virus we have all been exposed to that has caused a severe form of psychosis, one that has led to virtually every known disease and form of suffering in the world today?

The virus, called wetiko, was first identified by the indigenous peoples of the Americas and written about by Jack Forbes in Columbus and Other Cannibals. Wetiko is a spiritual sickness that results in the deliberate and systematic exploitation of others. It is considered a form of cannibalism because it compels humans to consume the lives of other humans in pursuit of self-gratification. Worst of all, it is hereditary: it gets passed on from generation to generation through DNA, family tradition, and cultural conditioning.

On May Day, Occupy Wall Street (also International Workers’ Day) initiated its spring campaign, renewing its commitment to end social and economic inequality, greed, and corruption. Occupy Wall Street calls itself the 99%—in essence the ones who are exploited by wetiko’s accumulated wealth. But as we embrace this spring awakening of social consciousness, it is worth asking ourselves who the real enemy is. Is it the 1%, per se? Or is it the wetiko mindset? And if it’s the wetiko mindset, aren’t the 99% just as likely to be infected with it? Don’t we all share the same social programming and self-destructive inclinations? Would the 99% be the 1% ruling elite if they could? Given a choice, who among us would take only what we need?

Don’t get me wrong: I believe the mission of OWS is a noble one. It’s the take-action outcry against destructive social inequalities that our wetiko culture has created, and thank goodness so many people are defending the worth of the human spirit against the gross amassing of wealth! But we will not achieve any semblance of equality until we have cured ourselves of wetiko and moved toward unity consciousness—the understanding that life can thrive only as a whole interconnected web. By the same token, we must defeat the entrenched wetiko dogma that deems equality impossible; that says in order for the world to go round, there must be haves and have-nots. This belief, also known as separation consciousness, is at the root of our modern psychosis.

The problem is that wetiko is a kind of autoimmune psychosis. It does not merely harm that which it exploits; it also causes irrational, self-destructive behavior in its host. Such behavior is manifest in the overconsumption of toxic substances that we think we want and need—including drugs, chemically processed foods, fossil fuels, and insidious media messages—which lead to all manner of physical, psychological, and environmental imbalances. Thus, wetiko wages a powerful assault on the mind, body, and spirit of all who come into contact with it.

In the wetiko world, we seek individual power through the accumulation of goods, namely commodities that the collective group deems valuable. We also seek power by conforming to contemporary fashions—which, of commercial necessity, are always shifting in order to generate new “must-have” looks and products. The lords of wetiko wield ideals of wealth and beauty to control and increase their power over the likewise infected masses. Through advertising, marketing, political lobbying, and other means of mind control, they lure the masses to consume products that promise instant gratification but only leave them feeling empty and craving more.

The good news: wetiko is curable. But the cure must begin with ourselves. No one else can do it for us. Whether we are the 99% or the 1%, we are all on the same unsustainable course. Instead of just pointing the finger at others, we must do our own soul-searching and work to loosen the grip of wetiko on our minds. In order to do this, we must recall everything we know about how nature operates and link forces with it. Only nature’s wisdom has the power to defeat wetiko, which will fight hard to stay alive and keep us hooked into the beliefs that direct our actions, our purchases, our choices—all the consumer habits that have put the 1% in power, toppled our economy, and left us physically and spiritually denatured.

The only social revolution worthy of the human spirit is one that vanquishes wetiko and restores us to a state of true vitality: of thriving, interconnected life and respect for all life. This spring, let’s vow to stop feeding the psychosis with our own complicity. Let’s fight the good fight by opening our minds and hearts to the world and letting our better natures in.

Communication Overload & Updates

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a very busy start to the fall season with school and many new projects about to launch (some noted below). There are just so many seemingly endless demands on our time today, and all the while time itself seems to be speeding up. I find that unless I just say “STOP” to everything that is not immediately relevant to my family’s balance and well-being, I will fall down the rabbit hole or perhaps into the snake pit of madness.

I think anyone who wants to should be able to opt out of e-mails and texts. Yes, I know all the arguments in favor of being “connected,” but I feel the negatives can greatly outweigh the positives, and the positives are only relevant when communication devices are used as needed, not as if the user is on steroids. Sure, you can connect with old mates from grade school, or talk to your brother who’s deployed in Afghanistan, or check in with your grandmother in Mobile, Alabama. But we all know that the constant flurry of messages and instant messages can ultimately create more of a disconnect than a real, meaningful connection. Humans have always thrived in close communities with frequent, personal contact with one another. Culturally, we lost that kind of connection a long time ago, but our souls still long for it. The result: now we are binging on digital-age connectivity.

We are seldom aware of how the mad pace of connectivity chips away at us and our personal sovereignty—but it will become all too clear once it’s too late and we’ve got nothing left. Modern communication sets off a lightening-fast chain of reactionary human experience rather than the kind of active, interpersonal, spirit-to-spirit conductivity that can truly nourish and sustain us. The digital age keeps us hopped up in a hyperactive and hyper-reactive state that makes mindfulness and living in the moment practically impossible.

One of these days, after sufficiently gorging on e-mail, texting, blogging, tweeting, uploading, and downloading, we will face the paradox of feeling at once too full and completely empty. We will want to abstain from the madness of hyper-communication in some centering, grounding fashion—such as doing yoga instead of aerobics, or conserving instead of consuming, or detoxing instead of grabbing another bag of pork rinds. Once everyone has sufficiently gorged and purged, we will reserve modern communication for important exchanges with family and friends, clients and colleagues.

As a personal rule, I don’t e-mail my family unless I need to send an important document as an attachment. I prefer to speak voice to voice. And I don’t appreciate receiving texts where business is concerned. It puts me off when people take the liberty of sending me texts the moment they obtain my cell phone number—even if they only met me five minutes ago! Texting is for family and about ten of my closest friends, and sometimes when one of my children is playing at another home (or vise versa) and we parents need to connect. That is all!

The problem is one of BOUNDARIES. As we move faster and the population swells, there are fewer and fewer boundaries. This is very unhealthy. It’s actually crass and invasive, another violation of the inner space where we build and hold our power. Modern communication does not ask, but demands that we keep pace with it, at all costs. And if we don’t, we are considered rude, unprofessional, disrespectful, uncaring. But we must remember, it’s still our choice whether to engage or not in this madness—WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE. It’s like any other drama we choose not to engage in any longer because we see how it undermines our power.

The disengaging process, however, is not for the insecure or faint of heart. We actively choose to be the discriminating e-mailer or the anti-texter, or else these modes of communication will choose us. We must protect our life force, our great indwelling spirit, against all the pressures of modern communication, which, if we let it, will consume all of our time—at electronic speed, thousands of pixels at a time! I’m not afraid to be the anti-texter. If I give my time to the endless streams of texts and e-mails, I lose my life, literally. I squander my vitality, my moments of wholeness, my time with my beautiful children—and I gain nothing in return but a pinched expression, mental overload, and obstruction.

When we finally recognize that it’s our lives that matter—not the millions of little items that incessantly demand to be communicated, robotically, without end—then we will start to protect what’s important, to reprioritize and re-harmonize as human beings.

Of course, not all modern communication is bad. We should all find our own comfort zones within it, as my preferred modes of communication might not be yours. For instance, I would appreciate having an automated phone app that communicates to others how I choose to use texting and e-mail, and thus maintain healthy boundaries. Here’s what it might say: “In order to maintain precious clarity and inner calm, I only use e-mail and text messaging in emergency situations. Please do not be offended if I do not reply to you if it is not a critical matter, and I will reciprocate the courtesy. Please call if further discussion or clarity is needed.”

If you are feeling intensely overwhelmed and stressed for no clear reason, consider your communication practices. The disease of modern civilization is escalating. The mad will go madder to the point of self-destruction, and the rest of us will finally recognize the madness for what it is and do whatever we must to reclaim our sanity!

Okay, moving on . . . I have a few things to tell you about:

We will be launching the Natalia Rose Institute Family Community next week. Expect a full curriculum on everything from pre-conception and fertility to childbirth, nursing, infant and toddler feeding, and the older years. Everyone interested in the life stages will get something out of this—and perhaps have something to share themselves!

The Special Edition Newsletter is nearly ready. It is being created in 12 parts, so look out for one each week for twelve weeks starting on November 1. If you haven’t already signed up to receive the issues, you can do that on the home page. I hesitate to call it a newsletter because it is far more than that. It is really a book delivered in twelve parts, so I recommend saving the issues, so you may refer back to them over time. Eventually, I hope to offer the content in hard-copy book form.

The Culinary Institute is opening its doors on October 18 to our first group of student chefs. Doris will be training these students as no culinary institute has ever taught before. This is the future of food. The class is already close to full, but if you’re interested, we can take another 2–3 students. You’ll find the information on the Events page.

Emotional Eating S.O.S. is on the presses now and will be available in hard copy in just a couple of weeks. We are also developing an area on the site called the Emotional Eating S.O.S Club, to offer anyone who needs it a place to express any imbalanced consumption habits they may be struggling with. It will be coming later this fall, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the core causes and solutions offered in the book.

I’m currently putting together a book on the program required for defying aging. If I have enough time to write, I’ll have it ready for e-book release (and available to community members) in early spring 2011. Subsequently, that will also go into hard copy production.

The Rose Bar chocolate is going to be ready to order within the next 10 days, so please stay tuned for that announcement. It really is the best 70% chocolate you will find anywhere. Ask anyone who has tried it.

You’ll also notice we have re-launched our shopping area, complete with rollover notations about our favorite products and how we use them. We also have a new shopping partner, They will periodically be offering discounts on the products that go through them. You know I’m not one for promotion, but I thought some of you might be interested.

That’s all for now, but the wheels of life are always turning and the fire within is strong, so there will always be more to come.

Love to you all, and may you have the hearts of lions and the vision of eagles!

The Heart of Judgment

Dear Friends,

This blog is actually coming as a surprise to me and emerging as a result of a recent series of not merely coincidental events. They all happen to circle around the same theme: judgment.

I have always been completely honest with you all–both because I have nothing to hide and because I have always felt that the more we share openly, the more we can help one another heal and become more free. I have openly shared my life’s journey, including the physical, mental, and emotional anguish that fueled my indefatigable search for answers.

As you might imagine, for all the people who are attracted to the wisdom of this work, there are always going to be some people who are offended or threatened by it. Sometimes these people express their criticism to me in highly unconstructive ways (fortunately not that often). I usually consider their comments, appreciate their perspective even if I don’t agree with them, and move on with my day.

Recently, I stumbled upon a litany of really callous remarks on the comment area of a video interview I did last year. My initial reaction was to feel hurt (I’m human), but then I thought about all the judgment and confusion that haunted my childhood and young adult life. And I thought about how painful it was to be under the shadow of all those projected expectations. I don’t have that experience anymore. What’s more, I realize that all the harsh words and criticisms were merely a reflection of these individuals’ wiring–a result of a culture of immature judgment. A knee-jerk sense of entitlement to judge without facts is all too common among people in our cuture–particularly when armed with letters on a keypad and undisciplined opinions behind the anonymity of the internet.

I have learned over the years not to take these comments personally. Their words are like swords that they have pointed at themselves, albeit unconsciously. How can one not feel compassion for that kind of pain if one has suffered it oneself? Such comments serve to remind me of the wide variety of people out there who are observing this work, peeking in to see what we’re up to over here.

On this particular occasion I was criticized by about a hundred viewers for the following reasons: first of all, because my breasts are way too small (assumed to be a result of the detox lifestyle rather than my genetic dice); next, because my chest bones are visible on my décolletage, I am far too thin, and I look unhealthy; because I am a poor public speaker and use my hands too much when I talk; and, finally, one person even commented that I didn’t seem like a happy person. Well, I certainly hope no one is going to them for psychic readings! I resisted reading further.

My first reaction was a deep disappointment. I wanted people to take in the information, not my cup size. But I guess this was naive of me, given our cultural attitudes. The point of these critics’ commentaries was to dismiss the ideas about cleansing by systematically stripping away my credibility based on my on-screen image–in their estimation, not what a healthy woman should look like.

As you have been learning here, most people do not know what a healthy body looks like because they are either overly conditioned to accept the norm of overweight, puffy mainstreamers or they assume that anyone who is of a lean girth is a disordered dieter. We don’t see many truly healthy specimens–male or female–in our culture. Strip away the gas pressure, yeastedness, and water retention and what’s left are tight but healthy, energetic, clean cells. Without those acidic waste by-products, the body will look more contracted. But despite leanness, the skin and eyes should be clear, vibrant, and bright. This is not to discount the day-to-day fluctuations in the body (please refer to my blog on the motion created by living foods: A Salad in Motion Remains in Motion), but overall the net result is often (not always, but often) a surprisingly slender physique. Most women don’t complain about this!

I was teased in middle school for having virtually nonexistent boobs. It’s interesting to see that some people are still in the middle school mind-set. Perhaps if I had elected to surgically enhance my breasts, that would have secured their approval? I respect everyone’s right to elective surgery, but that’s just not my beat.

Frankly, I like my boobs. They are small but they fed my two babies who are now thriving children of 7 and 9 years old. My breasts have served their purpose as breadbasket to them, sealing their future health. Moreover, the man I love adores them and has for 18 years. Need I say more? Eating a cheeseburger (as several of the commentators recommend I do) or accumulating gas pressure and bloat will not serve my highest good (though it may make my critics feel better about their choices). And it’s certainly not going to make my boobs grow a cup size.

I’m not here to make the authors of such thoughtless comments feel more comfortable. If I were to strike back, I might suggest that they consider their own body fixations, since they appear to be the ones with the issues. Of course, it is not my place to force anyone to look at their issues. I can only be true to myself and be of service to those who want this service.

I’m grateful for my body. I spent many years being hard on it, and it survived my abuse for eight years from ages 13 to 21. Since then, my body has run on exotic sands, pedaled many hundreds of miles, climbed mountains, borne and nursed children, soaked up sun, and danced all night, many nights. My body also survived a horrible accident when I was a child–I was run over by a bus when I was 4 years old. Both sets of tires crossed and crushed my core, shattering my pelvis and causing internal bleeding that nearly did me in. An entire hospital staff of doctors told my parents that I would never walk again–that was if by some miracle I happened to live. They were also confident that I would never be able to have children. And now there are nearly a hundred comments about my boobs being too small…the irony! On the one hand, it’s comical; on the other, it’s really sad that so many people think and communicate from that space.

The other irony, of course, is that these comments are being made by people who are obviously surfing the web for diet information–not because they are content with their bodies, I can assure you of that.

Our culture is full of people who are ready to dole out judgments but incapable of compassion. Their hearts are wired shut, and perhaps these judgments are their cries for help. This is a group of people who are quick to swallow the advice to be found in eight-second soundbytes spoon-fed to them by their media gods, but slow to take responsibility for the larger context of their personal health. And they are quick to look to the government for social security and Medicare solutions, but slow to realize the impact of their way of life on the next generation.

You or I may never measure up to the standards of these people, who will always find someone to project their own shortcomings onto, but why would we ever aspire to? I do admit, though, that it’s a real disappointment to be confronted with so much ignorance when all you want to do is grow with your community into a more evolved way of life. It’s a very real reminder of what we’re contending with, and that we must maintain a steady course, full speed ahead, even while respecting the fact that others are at different stages of their own journeys. We must remember to honor everyone on their journeys and really mean it.

Those who misinterpret this work and do not understand the context of cellular cleansing have accused me of being anorexic or orthorexic or extreme in some fashion. I understand that this work appears extreme to the uninitiated, but I can assure you that I am not suffering from an eating disorder. My path started with disorder at the tender age of 13. I have been there and know what that is about. I could not in good conscience be a leader in this work if I were still under that influence. I can only be true to myself and in so doing live out my purpose. That is all I can do. Like I said, I understand that this way of living appears extreme to many people. But I caution that it’s the mainstream lifestyle that’s extreme. Reclaiming our natural balance in the face of it only appears extreme from that worldview.

I welcome your questions, and I understand where they are coming from. I will openly and honestly answer any genuine questions you have about me or about this work. My goal is to help illuminate the way, not to shroud it in more confusion or make it seem scary. What I will not do is engage with catty, mean-spirited kindergartners who do not want to understand but only criticize in order to continue courting the old paradigm that feels familiar but not safe, consistent but not liberating.

As you walk this path, I urge you to be thoughtful and discerning rather than self-righteous. We can all be better at this. Whenever we dole out this type of unconstructive criticism, we are usually projecting our own pain, limitations, and self-judgments onto others. We can try to avoid undisciplined commentary, and, when invited, offer constructive, thoughtful reflections. But let’s check our motives and shadows before we judge. If we are to be of any good use, we cannot indulge in dogma, self-righteousness, and lowest-common-denominator criticisms. We do not need to one-up our brothers and sisters. We won’t get anywhere on that merry-go-round. Rather, let’s first look within ourselves for what’s obstructing our ability to see and love one another. Then what we offer can serve the highest good of all.

If you have any questions for me, be they personal or otherwise, I will be happy to answer them. Feel free to post them as comments and I will respond in kind. In the meantime, I hope you will join me in diffusing the unloving judgments that are so common today, particularly in the dietary wars and self-righteous dietary communities. They do not serve anyone’s highest good and they certainly do not make anyone’s blood cleaner (or boobs bigger) 😉

With Love in Unity,

Till All Success Be Nobleness

I discovered this work in a moment in my life when I was at a serious crossroads. As many of you may have read in my personal story in the Detox Community, I struggled a lot with being in a body and in a world of untruth (though I didn’t understand it quite this way at that time). So much so that I either had to discover a life-changing breakthrough or leave this world behind. It’s often a rock-bottom moment that catalyzes the greatest change. Only when life-depleting patterns wear us down do we become hungry and open enough to receive something completely new and life-saving.

Well, the other day, for the first time in perhaps months, I switched on the television. I was thinking I would jump on my trampoline and stretch to some daytime television for laughs. I was immediately reminded of why I keep that devise switched off. All the programs—every talk show, drama, movie, and commercial—were produced not only to reach the lowest common denominator, but also to program the consciousness of the viewer!

How is it that millions of people can sit around allowing their minds to be programmed by the subliminal messages in the ads and shows? How does anyone believe that a fat-free, 80-calorie yogurt is going to make them thin? How does anyone not see that the actress promoting denture grips only needs dentures because she has been eating steak and other unfit foods for decades? While one commercial sells and glamorizes the consumption of inhuman substances, the next one celebrates the innovation of a drug, denture cream, or incontinence product. Why don’t people make the connection? If I let the whole thing get to me, I would go out of my tree!

Instead, I switch it off. But all the while, millions of people go on watching. I think it’s good to check in on what the masses are doing now and then—to come down from my clean-celled mountaintop experience and be reminded that my purpose here is to be of service. The trouble is that when I take a look at all the norms of society, I come face to face with the disturbing causes and effects that I know will follow.

All the lies—from which I only escaped by the skin of my teeth, years ago—are still out there, clutching people so tightly that they can barely breathe. What force is driving the rampant ignorance and over-consumption? The answer: the greed and power of corporations and their minions. But for such programmed thinking to take root at all, people must blindly accept and follow whatever the machinery of our mainstream culture feeds them. This is an important point because it means that the programmers could just as easily be disempowered, if only people woke up and rejected their programs! I believe that if we expose the folly and offer people a new way to care for their bodies, they will be pleasantly astonished and thus more open to revolutionizing other areas of their lives.

Even if we are unable to see the causes and the effects of our actions, we are still subject to them. It brings me great happiness to see more and more people learning to see through the lies, but what of the millions upon millions of those who remain in the dark? They keep handing more power to those who are enslaving them! This is not a conspiracy theory, but a tragic truth of the modern age. Living in disharmony with the laws of life cause all the pain and disease in our world. Brand marketing and pharma-government “health care” are power- and money-driven enterprises that have little to do with what is true or good for us. Don’t be fooled by their consumer-messaging strategy. All you have to do is step out from the ranks of the living dead to recognize this. The trouble is that most people surrendered their own clear-eyed authority to the mental and behavioral programming long ago.

Self-government is what we should be able to achieve as a society. Not anarchy, but SELF-GOVERNMENT. Self-government works when we have such a strong moral compass and are so in touch with the truth (not dogma, not religion) of clean living that any larger body of government is not only superfluous, but an insult. But when I look around, I see our country adrift in highly dangerous waters, far from the grounding wisdom of self-government.

I have loved this country with all my heart, but once again, I now find myself at a personal crossroads where I know there must be a breakthrough or else certain disaster. Key liberties are sifting through our fingers like sand because too large a portion of the population has been hypnotized, turned into marionettes in the greedy hands of power and consumerism. The powerful few are ruining the country for the rest of us. In this world of duality, of light and dark, light must regain its rightful percentage of power in order to survive. But darkness is snuffing out so much of our human potential and breeding scary new paths to destruction. Just for example, consider the irradiation of all non-organic greens because of a spinach scare a few years ago, or the swine flu (more on this later).

Yet, most Americans seem content as long as Walmart and Dunkin’ Donuts remain open. It is actually pretty impressive: In the last fifty years, the power-driven few, the so-called tastemakers, have managed to render more than 95 percent of Americans brain-dead while still showing a pulse and holding down a job and family.

I’ve held my tongue long enough. It’s time to get more vocal, to seize the chance to wake everyone up. I believe in the highest good of humankind and the beauty that we all have the potential to manifest. But we cannot manifest goodness and beauty until we detonate the old, destructive blueprint that has imprisoned the masses and replace it with a life-generating one. No one can achieve this alone. It takes a world of intrepid individuals who share a vision and take the initiative to build on it.

There is work to be done. We can still get excited about fitting into cute clothes and swapping cleansing recipes in the short term, but we must also work to cleanse the world of all the lies, programs, and agendas that hold our futures and our children’s futures in jeopardy. We need to expand our consciousness beyond the limits of self-identity and assume our places in the human community. It all starts with the desire to see and learn the universal laws of life. As more and more of us do this, we will lift the consciousness of those around us. Eventually, we as a people of higher consciousness will be able to dissolve the programs that have for too long robbed us of our personal liberties.

From the overcrowded arteries of New York City to the sleepy byways of small towns across America, we have communally surrendered mass quantities of our personal liberties over to sales agendas of all kinds. We have surrendered our power to think for and govern ourselves. And the more we buy into the lies, the more we surrender.

Now, to top it all off, the government wants to make flu and swine flu vaccinations mandatory. The first step is to scare us with propaganda, to make us sufficiently frightened for our lives, and then present the miraculous vaccine that will save us. Now, if you know how disease originates and the conditions viruses require in order to thrive, you would not be frightened at all by this hype, much less permit the vaccine to be pumped into your bloodstream (with who knows what ingredients controlling DNA codes and triggering cellular dissonance). But just like the millions of people who get the flu shot, run/walk for cancer, and take cold suppressants and vitamin supplements, those who do not understand how the body works will line right up and even thank the government for its generosity.

This time, schools will be the site of mass inoculations. They say swine flu has a particular penchant for the under-25 set. In fact, a school in Montgomery, NJ, held a mock practice inoculation last week—that’s right, to give the kids a certain sense of comfort and courage in preparation for the event. As each child went through the mock drill, they were rewarded with a gift and praised for being “good germ fighters.”

Of course this is all in the name of protecting children—to the tune of a $20,000 grant from the New Jersey Health Officers Association in cooperation with the state Department of Health. But the parents—regardless of socio-economic standing—seem oblivious of what’s going on. The majority of the students in my children’s classes are fed “school lunch”—that revolting, toxic sludge that gets mixed up with lard, sugar, and salt and is served with a spork. Parents are so uneducated about health that they will follow the government down any misguided path. Instead of questioning the government’s vaccination requirement, the majority of parents appreciate it! Most parents will continue blindly accepting whatever the government and the food industry offer until something terrible enough happens to wake them up. Sadly, this comes at the expense of our children’s blood chemistry!

So, will we make a breakthrough in this moment when the world has set up all these misguided causes that are leading to tragic effects? Will we wake up and change ourselves and our society, or will we just sit and watch the consequences tumble like an avalanche around us until we are snuffed out? There’s no time to snooze, my friends. We must take full responsibility for recognizing what is going on and act accordingly.

I have always been a patriot. My family lineage dates back to the Revolutionary War, and I have romanticized this country as much as anyone. But in expanding my consciousness, I have come to recognize the limitations of thinking as isolated groups or nationalities. We are an evolving, interconnected humanity. In that light, I urge you to contemplate these great lyrics as I do now—not as a citizen of one country or another, but as a citizen of life.

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea! 

—From “America the Beautiful,” words by Katharine Lee Bates, melody by Samuel Ward

A Tribute to Michael Jackson and Neda Agha-Soltan

What do Michael Jackson and Neda Agha-Soltan, the beautiful young Iranian girl shot through the heart in Tehran earlier this week, have in common? They are mirrors—or what I like to call “perception-givers.” Their lives and deaths reflect to us the tragic effects of our commonly accepted ways of seeing, being, and engaging.

My father, Ben Barrett, was in the music business and recorded a great deal of Michael Jackson’s music—from the early days with the Jackson Five right up to the “Dirty Diana” album (one of the last albums he recorded before his death in 1992). My brother Roman and I spent a lot of time in the studios when our dad was recording; he would even take us with him on the nightshifts. So the two of us spent time with Michael playing video games and consuming “studio snacks” (sugar cubes, Hershey’s Kisses, Melba Toast, and Coffee-mate). Michael was always kind and engaging—never once inappropriate with us, just for the record.


I imagine that just about everyone born prior to 1980 feels an emotional tug in response to the news of Michael’s death. He was, after all, probably the most famous person after Jesus and Elvis. I’m certainly not immune. But what I feel is a tremendous relief for him. I can’t help but feel like Grace released him from the torment of his existence.

For many years, Michael lived with his parents and siblings down the road from us in Encino, California, on a street called Havenhurst just off the main road of Ventura Blvd. (famously referenced in Tom Petty’s hit “Free Fallin’” for you music trivia buffs). When he was a kid, Michael and his brothers would ride their bikes up to our house and visit my dad. Just take a moment to imagine Michael as a ten-year-old—that gorgeous little boy singing “My Cherie Amour”—riding his bike around his neighborhood like any ordinary, innocent kid. He was beautiful and, by anyone’s standards, uncommonly talented.

His father, as it is famously documented by his sister Latoya’s memoirs, was a hideous character. He was dominating, violent, and abusive. Young Michael’s truth was usurped by his father’s soul-annihilating abuse. From his father’s behavior and words came the stories and lies (reinforced by those who neither challenged them nor taught Michael to challenge them) that would imprison Michael for the rest of his life. To varying degrees, we have all accepted the stories and lies imposed upon us as children.

Yet, despite this, young Michael’s light shone so brightly. The brighter a light shines in the presence of a bully stuck in darkness, the more desperate that bully becomes to snuff out that light for fear of exposure. Many of us, in our defenseless innocence, have been at the mercy of such abuse. (Of course, these bullies, who have likely been abused themselves, need love more than most. But that is a separate issue.)

Young Michael was natural, innocent, exploding with creativity, and in enough possession of his own soul power to radiate his personal essence—making him and his music positively irresistible. Let’s all take a moment and acknowledge that what he expressed in 1970 in his recordings of “ABC” and “The Love You Save” was his true, irrepressible essence—inspiring, enchanting, and downright magical! That was the real Michael. That was before the world of UNTRUTH had at him. This, I believe, is what his spirit and soul are returning to as he sheds the cage of his physical body and the false stories it absorbed over the course of his life on earth.

Michael and Neda (whose name means “voice” in Farsi) are two innocent, pure souls who demonstrated the lies of our world and what we communally deem acceptable. The painful unfolding of Michael’s public life and the tragic, rapid-fire death of Neda in Iran have showed us the EFFECTS of the CAUSES supported by such a world. What happened to Michael and Neda could happen to any innocent, and indeed does—every second of every day. Dramatic displays of suffering and wasted life can sometimes jolt humans out of our programmed, blinkered ways of seeing so that we can begin to discern the truth. But then most of us get distracted again and fall back into our old ways.

To varying degrees, we are all PERCEPTION-GIVERS: those who reflect through personal experience the truths and untruths of our humanity. We must also pay attention and be PERCEPTION-GETTERS. This is the way of the Peaceful Warrior, who does not draw a machine gun or send out a drone against injustice. The Peaceful Warrior knows there is more power in simply holding a mental posture of attentiveness and knows exactly what to watch for. An effective Peaceful Warrior is fluent in the language of Life—able to discern between that which is life-generating and that which is life-deteriorating—and from there is able to make swift life-generating choices.

How perceptive are you? How adept a Peaceful Warrior? How many of the lies, stories, and life-deteriorating but commonly accepted ideas can you see though? What do you do with what you see? Do you passively pray that the world will change or do you change yourself based on what you discover?

Our world can change only if individuals truly perceive and understand the EFFECTS of every CAUSE, and can discern between life and death. How the term “life” is misused! That which is truly living is harmonious and beautiful. Can we stop going around saying “Well, that’s life!” when something undesirable happens? It would be more accurate to say, “Well, that’s death!”

If Michael was taking substances to ease his inner pain and these substances played a role in his passing, this would bear closer examination. Whether it’s pharmaceutical or recreational drugs, alcohol, overeating, or other perverse forms of consumption like excessive shopping and sex addiction, these numbing behaviors indicate a world of PAIN and UNTRUTH. We must acknowledge that the personal and communal pain is real, neither a minor blip on the screen nor an acceptable part of normal life. Perception-getters know that pain is the alarm bell sounding off against the error of life-destroying causes and actions. Furthermore, error begets error, growing exponentially and multiplying human pain.

Instead of trading one numbing behavior for another—say, drinking for smoking, or smoking for overeating, we must determine what is motivating this behavior. The fact is, like Michael, many people don’t want see the truth and go through the shedding process. But for those of us who do, perception can lead to freedom.

To get really personal, for the first time in a long time I was so overcome with emotion today that I just wept. I didn’t resist the urge; I was grateful no one around to say, “Please don’t cry.” It felt so good to shed my tears. The flood of tears came through me like a summer storm after a long, hot day—it drenched my face, neck and T-shirt. I was not lost in the emotion. Rather, I was able to observe it. I was delighted that what I was feeling (and for whatever length of time I had been holding onto it) was finding a release—an exit from my body.

As I cried, all I could think of were the lies and the suffering those lies were causing. I wept for the beautiful boy, Michael, whose experience is a mirror for humanity. I wept in joy for all of our journeys, for despite how daunting it can be to truly perceive, it is a gift. It enables us to shed our old skins of untruth and renew ourselves. I wept for the gorgeous, young Neda and thanked her for her sacrifice, which has opened our eyes in invaluable ways.

One of my favorite songs is “The Nightshift” by the Commodores. It reminds me of my dad making music-magic in the studios on the nightshift—when most of the biggest R&B hits of the 60s, 70s and 80s were recorded. The Commodores recorded this song as a tribute to two of their friends who both passed in 1984: one was the legendary perception-giver, Marvin Gaye; and the other, the great Jackie Wilson.

I’ve posted the lyrics below as a tribute to Michael’s legacy and the mirror he offered mankind. I suppose this gives new meaning to his 1988 hit, “Man in the Mirror.” His fifty years on this planet were not easy for him. This is for you, Michael, may your pain not be in vain, and may your harmonies bring about greater harmony here on earth.

The “Nightshift” by The Commodores 

Marvin, he was a friend of mine
And he could sing a song
His heart in every line.
Marvin sang of the joy and pain
He opened up our minds
And I still can hear him say:
Talk to me
So you can see
What’s goin’ on.
Say you will sing your songs
Forever more
ever more
ever more.
Gonna be some sweet sounds comin’ down on the nightshift
I bet you’re singin’ proud
Oh, I bet you pull a crowd.
Gonna be a long night
It’s gonna be all right on the nightshift.
You found another home
I know you’re not alone on the nightshift.
You found another home
I know you’re not alone on the nightshift.
Jackie, hey what you’re doin’ now? It seems like yesterday
When we were workin’ out.
Jackie, you set the world on fire
You came and gifted us
Your love, it lifted us higher and higher.
Keep it up and we’ll be there at your side.
Say you will sing your songs forever more
ever more
ever more.
Gonna be some sweet sounds comin’ down on the nightshift… 

Aw—just download it and have a listen. It’s one of the greats!

The Necessity of Winter

Landing back in the harshness of winter and the even harsher reality of the U.S. recession was nothing short of a brutal reentry after three weeks of being blissfully cocooned in South Africa. Instead of going on about our joyful days in Cape Town and the surrounding area, I’ll post a few new pics on the photo page so you can see for yourself. I’d rather take this opportunity to dive right into the state of confusion and suffering in the here and now—a very harsh reality for a lot of people.

Along with most of you, I know a number of people who have lost their jobs and many more who have lost their nest eggs and fortunes (both modest and whopping). I even received the shocking news that one friend took his own life over the holidays. The only way that I can make sense of it and ensure that he and others in similar despair do not die in vain is to point out that they are reflecting the dire consequences of our social values.

The extreme panic that would lead one to deploy death as his or her only option betrays much about the social structures we’ve been idealizing. It reveals what our group values really are, and what really motivates our choices. Yes, it is high time that the walls of over-consumption and selfishness come crumbing down! While it’s never comfortable to experience enormous shifts as we now are, the chaos, fear, confusion, panic, and suffering are all part of a necessary crumbling of social and corporate structures that no longer serve our greatest good.

Change is a funny thing. People often say they want to be healthier, happier, spend more time with their family, be more creative, etc., but unless the old structures that prohibit our attainment of these goals are dismantled, we will be blocked from living these ideals. So, if we want change, we need to allow change to happen within and around us. We can’t put a new dress on top of our old sweats and then go to a fancy dinner. We can’t grow our adult teeth without first losing our baby teeth. We can’t live on our own without first moving out of our parents’ place. Change requires and begets change. We must leave some things behind forever, and never look back.

Our country has overwhelmingly supported our new president’s message of change. Change is what we wished for, and now here change comes. But in order for the new structures of hope and healing to arise, there has to be some demolition. If well directed and not feared, intelligent change can give rise to improved systems.

I encourage you to make friends with this changing world and remember that the tearing away of the old structures that supported over-consumption and selfishness will make way for more mature, mutually supportive structures. Change is the great law of life—after we build this new structure, an even better one should emerge after that—never stopping to stagnate, as stagnation is the seat of deterioration.

Pain persists when we try to shove new structures into old ones, insisting that they will fit, instead of adjusting to the natural evolutionary growth. In his time, Christ warned against resisting change by pointing out that one would never put new wine into old wineskins.

The same holds true for how to feed and care for our bodies. As we learn that the old ways of consuming food and drink are not life-supporting, let’s stop trying to shove the principles of our evolved detox lifestyle into our old lifestyle box. Trying to make this new knowledge conform to the deteriorating (albeit widely accepted) nutritional structures will only wear us down. Let’s not put our new wine into old bottles. Through this phase, however long it may last, let’s remember that the falling away of the old is as much a part of the lifecycle as leaves falling off trees in autumn. As we allow the old to fall away, we can expect a new and more beautiful paradigm to replace it.

It is appropriate that we heed this message of change in the midst of a brutal Northeastern winter because, like winter, this painful stage is deceptively beneficial. Beneath the ice-cold struggles, the seeds of revival are taking root. We will see the fruits of this season in seasons to come. We may not have a harmonious new world in place this April—it could take many months and even years for the seedlings of our deepest desires for a more life-generating society to spring their tender leaves. But, it will happen.

Yes, winter will eventually turn to spring, and when it does, it will be the most marvelous spring we’ve ever experienced. We will live with more harmony, intelligence, and beauty in this magnificent garden that we call Earth.

Mainstream Modernity vs. The Trajectory of Truth

Dear Love-lights,

My family and I have just returned from five days on a private island in the Bahamas called Little Whale Cay. It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime trips—the gift of our very dear friends whose extravagance and generosity know no bounds. We were eight adults with our children and a small staff whose sole purpose was to meet our every need, poolside, beachside and tableside. We were all alone without any form of modern stimulation. There was the sun overhead, sand underfoot, and curious island plant and animal life to entertain us—nothing more.

The children roamed the island with pure delight, playing with hermit crabs, spying on lizards, and just strolling peacefully, chatting together for hours at a time. The adults, to our credit, didn’t crack a cell phone or laptop or even check for email on our handheld devices. Instead, we all blissed-out on unrushed conversations and languid thoughts about…well, for example, nautilus shells and the curvature of the horizon. What made this trip so special was the lack of any modern stimulation. Without even realizing it, we became what I’ve come to refer to as “stimulation virgins.”

Residing in pure, unadulterated peace became so normal for us, that upon arriving at Nassau airport we experienced a most unwelcome assault to the senses. Suddenly, there were countless shops, fast food odors, advertisements clamoring for our attention, travelers bickering over places in line, brusque security officers, parents openly popping Xanax while feeding their gameboy-entranced children another bag of candy, and media screens flashing everywhere. In that moment, my husband and I shared a look of complete understanding of all the problems of the modern world.

We’d been sheltered from the discordant, modern life for only five days, but in that relatively short period gained precious perspective. The modern world never looked so obviously pained to me as it did just then and in the subsequent few days before my energy readjusted and I began to check emails, watch the presidential debates, enter shops and hail cabs again. I did not want to lose the clarity I had in that moment as a “stimulation virgin,” which reminded me of what’s truly important in life.

When we allow ourselves to merge with the discordant vibes of the modern world, we compromise our perspective and distort our choices. We are necessarily swayed by exposure to media, conditioned thinking, and conventionally minded people, which can make this cleansing lifestyle challenging in the city. These influences can throw even the most enlightened practitioners off the trajectory of truth.

Let’s stay with this concept of “trajectory” for a moment. We don’t need to be prophetic to see where we are headed. The best way to predict the future is to consider the trajectory we are on and the direction in which it is taking us. If we veer off the trajectory of love, clean living, clean food, clean water and air, we will arrive at a place of relative emotional and physical suffering (on the individual, communal, as well as global levels). If we take our guidance from those who are way off the trajectory of truth, we cannot possibly expect to find healing solutions (kind of reminiscent of the old biblical concepts of the “straight and narrow path” and the exodus “out of bondage,” isn’t it?).

This is why pharmaceutical drugs and modern psychology will never resolve our suffering (or carry us “out of bondage”)—they are as misguided as the environment from which they have sprung, offering temporary band-aid solutions at best. We won’t find real healing from such sources. It’s a classic case of the blind leading the blind!

So when we hear seemingly educated people insisting they have the answers for health care in this country, or the results of some new study, or know what drug will relieve the latest ailment or prevent aging, yada yada yada…we will know better. Our job is not to enter their misguided worlds and debate them on their level, but to hop on the one true trajectory and ride it without compromise—like following a rainbow to its glorious source of sunlight and rain!

The only way to remedy our physical, emotional and communal ills is to transition back to a condition that is rooted in the pure truth. This requires us to be diligent enough to sustain the vision long enough to bring it to fruition. Every little step we take toward truth—living from the heart (rather than the head), nourishing the body with nature’s most perfect foods, and striving for harmony in all that we do—will reduce suffering and increase joy.

What is sad and downright frightening is that most people don’t even recognize their own suffering because it blends in with the common suffering of everyone else around them, and therefore passes for normal. However, this false trajectory is anything but normal for human life. Consider where our modern ways are taking us, my newly prophetic friends. Follow the course of that trajectory several miles out and see where it goes.

Ask yourself: “Does the choice before me align with life-generating perspectives from the trajectory of truth, or is it thwarted by a world that I’ve unwittingly merged with my consciousness?” Follow it several miles out. Where does it lead? There you will be able to see at once your past, present and future.

Here’s to riding together on the trajectory of truth—miles and miles out!

From the heart,

Observations on a World Gone Mad (from the Cosmetics Counters of Bergdorf Goodman)

You can look at the world in two ways: as falling to ruin under war, greed, materialism, and disease, or as awakening to the divine purpose and limitless potential of humanity. If you subscribe to the same old, negative mindset—that we must toil endlessly to reap “just rewards,” or prove our superiority over others—you cannot hope for a better world. But these days, more and more of you are embracing a whole new world of possibility.

With a bit of simple, pure knowledge we can prevent disease, aging, deprivation, loneliness and fear. Is it madness to say such a thing? Let’s take a closer and then decide which perspective is “madness” and which “sanity.” Consider the fact that it is socially acceptable to…

• be chronically depressed and exhausted;
• spend mindless hours in front of the TV;
• rely on the media for all of our knowledge;
• raise children to be addicted to soda, unfit foods, television, and video games;
• seek expensive products and plastic surgery to make up for poor self-care;
• knock back a heap of meds and toxic substances;
• and generally follow a misguided herd.

Is this madness or sanity?

I recently found myself in the cosmetic department of Bergdorf Goodman (for those of you who may not be familiar with this ultra-high-end department store on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, it is a hub for hobnobbing socialites and Manolo-heeled debutantes of all ages). As I made my way through the cosmetic aisles, I marveled not over the sea impeccably coiffed and attired women (no, that was expected), but rather that all of their faces appeared so gray and lifeless despite access to the most expensive products, spa treatments, and dermatological expertise.

It was not just the over-forty crowd either: girls in their twenties appeared to be suffering from the same condition. Please note, I’m not saying any of this to be catty. In fact, I want all women of our great sisterhood to glow with sexy youth. But there they are, the most privileged women, day after day, spending, applying, washing, priming, plumping, injecting, and who knows what else—and guess what? They still look tired, sick and lifeless! What’s more, there is not a genuine smile or trace of inner joy to be found among them. And yet, they keep returning to the shiny cosmetic counters, drug stores, and doctor’s offices, shelling out vast quantities of money for the elusive “hope in a bottle” or miracle treatment that will never deliver real results.

This same phenomenon applies to every area of the modern world—whether it’s working ourselves to the bone for decades without pausing to appreciate the finer things in life; or raising a family but sacrificing closeness with our all-consuming focus on paying bills and sticking to a crazy schedule; or getting married merely to play the prescribed roles of husband and wife instead of cultivating deep feelings and unity.

Now, some of us lead a different kind of life: we juice fresh greens daily, eat only foods fit for human consumption, place unity with our higher-selves at the top of our daily agenda, and believe in the unlimited potential of humankind. I am the first to admit that my own commitment to this lifestyle places me well off the beaten track and thus appears “mad” to conventional folks—but I propose that it’s whole new level of sanity.

Going back to the ladies at Bergdorf’s… as I peered at all the ladies, so desperate to leave the store with something that would make them look and feel beautiful at any price, I considered madness driving them. I considered that, without all that I have learned, I too would have been caught up in more of the same madness with each passing year. My heart went out to these women, and to the desperate woman I might easily have become were it not for my own awakening.

We do not need to pile on anti-aging creams, get liposuction, face lifts, and take pharmaceutical drugs. A clean-celled body does not have cellulite or sagging skin, suffer from depression, repressed anger, diabetes, or thyroid problems. To mistreat the body and then, when things go wrong, address the symptoms with more objectionable substances and treatments—that is the madness.

It’s never easy to be a minority voice and say, “Our ideas need to evolve.” Historically, such announcements do not elicit public applause. But, it’s no longer scary or lonely to live this way because hundreds of people around the world are awakening to it and will never turn back. The knowledge is all here for the taking, and with it a whole new world of possibility. Madness or sanity?

Today, I celebrate my 32nd birthday with overflowing delight as I count all of my blessings—my family, teachers, students, friends, and opportunities like this one to share what I have learned. My blessings have all come from what the stagnated “old world” might deem “madness,” but turns out to be the only sane option in a world gone mad.

I cannot think of a better way to celebrate this day than to express my endless gratitude for the magnificent guidance I have been given, and to say that I will walk in truth every moment of every day, whether it is seen as madness or sanity. I hope you will join me!

Your devoted friend,

The New Beauty

Cleanse the heart and the body will follow. Cleanse the body and the heart will follow.

As an avid observer and anticipator of trends, I have noted a significant shift in what we find beautiful in our culture. Instead of continuing to value youth for the sake of youth and flawlessness for the sake of flawlessness, I find that as people “awaken” to the higher truths, they are starting to let go of commonly held ideals of external beauty in favor of (a) beauty that shines from within, emitting a fresh, natural glow, and (b) personal authenticity.

Any good art designer or plastic surgeon can produce a “perfect” image, based on the current trends. The new beauty, however, makes us feel good through and through. The hallmarks of the new beauty are clarity and love and light. With our New Energy Bodies, we will naturally blossom into enhanced beauties—both spiritually and physically!

I see my contemporaries preferring the company of those who are pure of purpose and of spirit. The people I think of as leaders are those who think for themselves and choose friends, dates and mates who embody this inner beauty first.

It may be hard to imagine this shift taking place as the world now stands. But I am certain that this is where beauty-consciousness is going. Being fake and made-up is about as attractive to others as a microwave dinner—it might photograph well on the package, but offers nothing life-generating or satisfying. An authentic glow, on the other hand, comes from releasing old patterns, aggressions, and fears and truly being yourself. This is the new “hot.” It’s up to you. Are you ready to sizzle?

Frequently Asked Question of the Week:

What are the “power foods” that will really rev up the body?

Culturally, we have been trained to believe that we can fuel our bodies with “power foods” as we would fuel a car with gasoline or charge a battery with electricity. However, this is not how the body works. While some foods—like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, animal fleshes (with their hormones, adrenaline, and food additives)—have highly stimulating effects on the body, they only provide a false charge that leaves the body depleted and craving more. Then there are the heavily marketed “health” offerings and “power-foods”—such as fish oils, algae, vitamin supplements and drinks—that offer the hope of a natural energy boost. These, too, are misleading. Here’s why…

To heal and energize the body, we must remove the obstructions that are blocking our natural energy flow. In other words, to “rev our engines,” we must remove the waste that’s baked into our cells and blocking up our systems—not fill ourselves with more substances.

Our bodies are perfectly made. When we ask them to share real estate with the unfit foods and environmental wastes that do not fully leave the body and accumulate over time, our bodies fall apart. The secret is having open, clear pathways for free-flowing Life Force Energy. Remove the obstructions—and voila!—no “power-foods” necessary.

So, the next time you think about putting something into your body to energize it, think again. Eat in order to remove the inner blockages—simple combinations of quick exit foods for minimal digestive effort, with lots of veggie juices to support elimination through hydration and enzymatic activity—and you will feel your engine rev like you never imagined it could. You will also save yourself the headache and expense of trying to keep up with all the new “power-foods” and supplements that deceive most health seekers.

Highest harmonious vibes to you,