Tag Archives: Yeast

Talking Raw with Macha: An Audio

Hi Everyone,

After reading that many raw food gurus feel they need to reintroduce cooked foods, grains, and animal products into their diets, I thought it was important to address this. There are many reasons why this would be the case, most of which Macha and I discuss in this audio: Talking Raw with Macha MP3. Our aim for this audio was to help cut through the confusion that can ensue when this kind of information is taken out of full context. I hope you find it illuminating. Please be sure to comment with questions if you would like us to clarify anything in our next audio on the subject.

With Love & Appreciation for you always,


Audio Interview with Macha: Getting Started on Detox 4 Women

Macha interviewed me today on the subject of beginning Detox 4 Women. I hope it proved helpful to all those beginners out there!


Audio Interview with Macha: Getting Started on Detox for Women

Content covered in audio:
* The role of transition in Detox4Women
* Why the approach in Detox4Women is essential right now
* Transitioning socially and emotionally, as well as physically
* Understanding yeast and what to do if you’re yeasted
* Modalities for release of waste
* Solve lifestyle issues: emotional, financial, etc.
* Logistics for lifestyle ease

Quotable Quotes in audio:
* “This is a self-propelling journey; what winds up happening is that you feel better with each principle that you apply.” – Natalia

* “We first change the ingredients and then we change the habits. When the consciousness begins to evolve, the habits will start to go away.” – Natalia

Something-O-Rexia This Way Comes: An Audio Interview with Macha Einbender

I hope you enjoy this radio interview I did today with Macha on orthorexia and other topics.

Something-O-Rexia this Way Comes: An Audio Interview with Macha Einbender

Discussed in this Audio:
* Origins of eating disorders
* New categorization of disordered eating
* How to center yourself before emotionally eating
* Sacred daily rituals for success including:
* Ideal exercise scenarios and eating habits
* The experience of releasing stored waste matter: how our cells get clean

Quotable Quotes in audio:
* “This is not about diet; it is about consciousness. But we can’t get to a state of consciousness if we are living in a body filled with accumulated waste matter.” – Natalia
* “It is not the food that is creating the shift in life experience; it is the absence of non-life-generating substances, the removal of waste matter, and the openness in the body that that brings that creates this.” – Natalia
I’ve been dedicating my writing time to Part IV of Emotional Eating S.O.S., Practical Applications. As soon as that’s completed, I’ll blog more! There’s so much I want to share, but springtime is so irresistible (the computer, not so much)!

I hope to see some new faces and “regulars” at Detox Walks tomorrow morning. It’s meant to be a gorgeous, sunny day!


Love to you all,