Tag Archives: Consciousness and Conscious eating

Something-O-Rexia This Way Comes: An Audio Interview with Macha Einbender

I hope you enjoy this radio interview I did today with Macha on orthorexia and other topics.

Something-O-Rexia this Way Comes: An Audio Interview with Macha Einbender

Discussed in this Audio:
* Origins of eating disorders
* New categorization of disordered eating
* How to center yourself before emotionally eating
* Sacred daily rituals for success including:
* Ideal exercise scenarios and eating habits
* The experience of releasing stored waste matter: how our cells get clean

Quotable Quotes in audio:
* “This is not about diet; it is about consciousness. But we can’t get to a state of consciousness if we are living in a body filled with accumulated waste matter.” – Natalia
* “It is not the food that is creating the shift in life experience; it is the absence of non-life-generating substances, the removal of waste matter, and the openness in the body that that brings that creates this.” – Natalia
I’ve been dedicating my writing time to Part IV of Emotional Eating S.O.S., Practical Applications. As soon as that’s completed, I’ll blog more! There’s so much I want to share, but springtime is so irresistible (the computer, not so much)!

I hope to see some new faces and “regulars” at Detox Walks tomorrow morning. It’s meant to be a gorgeous, sunny day!


Love to you all,