Category Archives: Education Media

Audio Blog with Natalia, Amanda and Macha on Birthing

Macha and I were so moved by Amanda’s birthing story that we had to call Amanda in to share it with you too! As you may know, Amanda Dennis, leader of our Life Force Families site and my business partner, moved to Hawaii’s Big Island last spring with her husband, Jason, and 3-year-old daughter, Madeline. If you’ve been tuning into Life Force Families, you will have read her blogs about the move and followed her pregnancy this year which, culminated on September 2nd with the birth of her second daughter, Sophia.

Amanda’s birth experience was beautiful and deeply moving. Having a natural birth in this environment was particularly special for her in light of her first birth experience in a traditional hospital. You’ll find the recording below, but I encourage you to visit­parents-blog.php to see her photo gallery as well. The pictures will move you.

Natalia Rose – Beam Green Pt.2


I wish to bring your attention to a truly remarkable venture undertaken by a bright, young visionary, Mary Boehmer. Once in a great while someone starts something unmistakably powerful and it’s ripples are destined to make the most beneficial waves across the sands of mankind. Such is Mary Boehmer and her social club and website, Beamgreen.

Mary came in to see me as a client back in the fall of ’08 and told me about what she wanted to create: a community for women to receive and share information about conception, pregnancy and parenthood that would correct the error that leads to all manner of modern children’s imbalances and mothers’ confusion over how to conceive and raise vibrantly healthy offspring.

Mary wanted to tackle the root of deterioration of the human body and mind due to the perpetuation of the modern misguided lifestyle and set out to do something about it! She coupled her altruistic, humanitarian passion with her natural sense of style and “social butterfly” personality to create a most appealing synergy: a modern high-consciousness social club for mothers and mothers-to-be. has been up and running for only two months and yet it is already being talked about across the country. Already, Mary has managed to gather cutting-edge leaders on the subjects of health and pregnancy to share their pearls with women hungry for this information. American women have been starved of truth in this area for several generations and as the world is waking up from the intoxicated slumber of falsehood, women across the country are ready with open eyes and ears to receive what has to share.

If you are in or near New York City, I encourage you to join Beamgreen for an evening at the beautiful Tavern on the Green and then consider a regular membership. There is so much erroneous information that can misguide you during this extra-sensitive time in you and your baby’s life. Don’t leave it to chance. Tune into a group where more rarified, pure knowledge is shared and enjoy the comeradery of like-minded, truth-seeking mothers and mothers-to-be.

Natalia Rose — Beam Green Pt. 1


I wish to bring your attention to a truly remarkable venture undertaken by a bright, young visionary, Mary Boehmer. Once in a great while someone starts something unmistakably powerful and it’s ripples are destined to make the most beneficial waves across the sands of mankind. Such is Mary Boehmer and her social club and website, Beamgreen.

Mary came in to see me as a client back in the fall of ’08 and told me about what she wanted to create: a community for women to receive and share information about conception, pregnancy and parenthood that would correct the error that leads to all manner of modern children’s imbalances and mothers’ confusion over how to conceive and raise vibrantly healthy offspring.

Mary wanted to tackle the root of deterioration of the human body and mind due to the perpetuation of the modern misguided lifestyle and set out to do something about it! She coupled her altruistic, humanitarian passion with her natural sense of style and “social butterfly” personality to create a most appealing synergy: a modern high-consciousness social club for mothers and mothers-to-be. has been up and running for only two months and yet it is already being talked about across the country. Already, Mary has managed to gather cutting-edge leaders on the subjects of health and pregnancy to share their pearls with women hungry for this information. American women have been starved of truth in this area for several generations and as the world is waking up from the intoxicated slumber of falsehood, women across the country are ready with open eyes and ears to receive what has to share.

If you are in or near New York City, I encourage you to join Beamgreen for an evening at the beautiful Tavern on the Green and then consider a regular membership. There is so much erroneous information that can misguide you during this extra-sensitive time in you and your baby’s life. Don’t leave it to chance. Tune into a group where more rarified, pure knowledge is shared and enjoy the comeradery of like-minded, truth-seeking mothers and mothers-to-be.

Audio Blog with Natalie and Macha: Supporting Our Elders’ Health Renaissance

Helping our 65+ friends navigate the cleansing principles for a more life-generating trajectory has been a focal point of my chats with Macha lately. We feel it’s way overdue that we officially open the floor to discuss this important and multifaceted stage of life. In this audio, Macha and I offer guidance on both the big picture and the finer details of applying the cleansing principles to this stage of life. I hope it is just the beginning of this conversation. Please let us know if there are any specific questions you have for yourself or a loved one (you can put these in the comments field) and we will do our best to answer them in a future blog or audio.