Tag Archives: Travel Tricks

The Ultimate Luxury: Fresh Produce and the Traveling Kitchen

On August 25th I could be found in the lap of luxury at the larger-than-life Badrutt’s Palace Hotel in the storybook Swiss Alpine village of St. Moritz. Just one month later, on September 25th, I was checked in at the Courtyard Marriott in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Boy, did my coach ever turn into a pumpkin! That aside, what I want to underscore here is that a first-class trip through life is determined not by the number of stars at the hotel entrance, but by the quality of life force flowing through the cells (the stars, if you like) of your body’s internal pathways.

I have enjoyed the good fortune of a colorful life that’s taken me through a wide variety of experiences. But no matter where I am or where I go—whether I have the good fortune to ride in the “front of the plane” and be escorted through fairytale European villages in a Maybach, or to zip through Manhattan’s underbelly in its equally fabled subway system (where I am more often found)—one thing never changes: traveling through life in a clean-celled body is always a first-class experience.

A clean-celled body is the epitome of luxury, so no matter how posh or depraved material things are around me, I can ensure a pleasure-filled life experience by keeping my system clean and high-vibing. Sure, my life experience can be enhanced by certain luxuries, but it’s not dependent (either way) upon outside circumstances.

Life in a clean-celled body is grand wherever you are! This is why I make the daily choices that are central to this way of life. I want to LIVE every moment—to drink in fresh air, breathe deeply, and feel my heart center expand. When I have a clear, open (gas-pressure-free) skull (most people don’t know what this feels like), I feel my spirit dwelling within a sensory body of flesh and blood, which is nothing short of amazing. It makes every moment—everywhere, with everyone—enriching and pleasurable.

When I boarded the flight to Switzerland, my clean-celled tool kit traveled with me. (Rule #1: Have your key ingredients with you; don’t leave them to chance.) My “traveling kitchen” filled with frozen fresh-pressed juices, organic carrots, raw goat cheese, lemons, organic baby greens, stevia, and of course dark chocolate were all in tow. These went into a suitcase in the, uh, “bowel” (aka cargo hold) of the plane. My colon-cleansing devices, and the normal stuff like running and hiking shoes, were also in there.

My personal lifestyle quirks also help me get to know my new surroundings quickly. That’s because I always visit the local markets, which is a superb way to get to know a new place and its people. Upon arriving in St. Moritz, despite toting along my own fare, I was much more interested in the local produce, the local raw cheese selection—and, of course, the local dark chocolates (this was Switzerland after all)! So, I set out on a mission to find the best produce, dark chocolate, and raw goat and sheep cheese in the area. After an immensely pleasurable stroll through the hilly village, I discovered exactly what I was looking for—a little local store run by a couple who refreshed their produce daily with the bounty of the small, local farms.

There before me was a cornucopia of the most appealing just-picked blueberries and raspberries, ripe cherry tomatoes on the still-verdant vine, about ten different varieties of hydroponic greens and sprouts, and the sweetest, crispest, juiciest carrots! And to top it all off, there was a selection of local raw goat and sheep cheeses that went beyond my wildest daydreams!

Fortunately, I was there for a whole week, so I had time to taste them all—there were the sweet, creamy, and soft cheeses; a Manchego that I would have liked to bring back by the case; and others like a Locatelli (a goat-style Pecorino Romano) that I would never have believed was made was with raw goat cheese if I hadn’t known the proprietress was an equally enthusiastic raw goat and sheep cheese connoisseur. This outing to the produce market became a daily ritual over the course of our week in that gorgeous mountain retreat.

We were there for my husband’s best friend’s weeklong wedding celebration, where no expense was spared and the food and drink flowed day and night from one over-the-top venue to the next. The hot Russian girl band was flown in from Moscow; the top DJ flown in from Johannesburg; even Maori (that’s right, as in New Zealand) priests and performers were brought over the Alps to help our friends seal the deal and give their guests the time of their lives. We danced into the wee hours of the morning to these “Spice Girls of Moscow” and the other entertainers who kept the parties raging day after day, night after night.

In between, we stole away to recover in the pristine mountain air, cycling to the purest icy lake to swim and then bask in the glow of the late-summer sun.

But every night, do you know what accompanied me to all the posh venues, where gourmet dishes were plated for the most discerning, worldly palates? That’s right, the real pinnacle of fine dining was my local peasant produce! I discovered a long time ago the remarkable quantity of baby greens one could fit into an evening bag. When all the air is removed, you can fit about half a pound of those greens into a Ziploc back and it takes up a minute amount of space (think vacuum-packed greens). My little evening bag doubled as my tool kit. (Who needs lipstick, cash, or an ID? Make way for the really important stuff like goat cheese). I could make a feast with the items from my bag: a base of baby romaine, topped with some veggies from the served dinner, a generous squeeze of fresh lemon, a touch of stevia, and the crowning glory of some goat cheese. Every meal was for me a bonafide masterpiece!

Then there was the chocolate, of course! Since it’s a treat that begs to be passed around and shared, I take at least three bars with me whenever I go out. In the end, I have a stunning meal regardless of what is on the menu—particularly at weddings and organized seated gatherings, where it can all be very unpredictable, and where what we call the “good stuff” (i.e., raw veggies, avocado slices, raw cheeses, and such) are usually in short supply.

I pull my items out ever so discreetly. After all these years, I am not shy, but nor do I want to draw attention to myself or cause offense. However, what invariably happens is that my makeshift salad looks so appealing in contrast to the served dishes of cooked animal protein and starch that everyone around me wants to know what I’m having…then I briefly explain that I keep an unusual diet…no, I’m sorry this isn’t on the menu…but there’s a great roadside produce stand at the top of the hill…sure, I can draw you a map… (Hey, I’m supposed to be off duty and on vacation here! Here’s the website—I’m going back out on the dance floor!)

Despite all my conviction, I never want to offend (particularly when I am an invited guest), and I know it’s unusual to bring one’s own food to an event. Therefore, I am truly discreet when I am in this type of situation. However, to my very pleasant surprise, in this case my fellow guests not only weren’t bothered in the least by my traveling kitchen and resulting creation, but thought it was pretty cool (and that was before I pulled out the multiple bars of chocolate to pass around)! This gesture never elicits an untoward reaction—quite the contrary. Even my husband, who never knows what the reaction will be and whether he will want to crawl under the table and hide, enjoys the opportunity to boast about his wife’s bag of tricks and how she keeps him in such great health.

In the end, careful adherence to the clean-cell principle, combined with lots of fresh mountain air and sunshine, enabled me to enjoy all this fun and frivolity (which with the typical fare, combined with the wine and the late nights, would have been aging and acidifying) and not be any worse for wear.

Back in Bethlehem, PA, a month later, I was cruising around looking for a fresh produce market. I would be staying in with the kids for the night, and the small town didn’t appear to offer much in the way of decent restaurants, so we searched for a farmers’ market. But sadly, after asking around, all we found was a warehouse store. I’m sure there were some amazing co-ops and fresh markets, but in a pinch they were not evident. But even this warehouse store at least offered organic boxed baby greens and other non-organic produce for which I was grateful. And hark! I had my traveling kitchen, so there wasn’t much I was really dependent upon. I wanted some extra lemons and carrots, so my daughter and I ran into the store while my husband and son waited in the car. We stood at the checkout line and paid for our earthy-looking groceries.

I was put off but not surprised by the plastic smells and endless aisles of needless, harmful items. But I didn’t express this to my daughter. Living in a world apart from the mainstream American lifestyle of strip malls and warehouse stores, I had almost forgotten these places and their life-annihilating products existed. It was my daughter who commented. I wish I could remember exactly how she put it, but she was astounded at the carts lined up at the checkouts full of plastic, boxed foods and “wormy poop” (I had to chuckle when I finally realized she was referring to ground beef)! She couldn’t believe that people could eat hamburgers knowing what they are made of. She noted the pallor of the children and the girth and weariness of the patrons. Even though New Yorkers are a far cry from living in harmony with nature, many of us don’t see this kind of consumption. Furthermore, every store we went into reeked of plastic. I began to understand what water feels like when it’s sealed in a plastic bottle.

Back at the hotel, I tossed a great big salad (in a bowl I got at the dollar store—another toxic store that I had to put to use under the circumstances). I put together all the great items I don’t leave home without, as well as those things I picked up in town. Once again, a little preparation and effort to stick to what I know works best kept me in the great life-wave. It’s never ideal to be exposed to poor-vibration energy like chemically cleaned, poorly ventilated, non-life-generating stores and hotels, but if you can keep this exposure to a minimum and hold fast to what creates and maintains clean cells, you can still surf the great life-wave!

Whether you’re in Bethlehem, PA, Saginaw, MI, St. Moritz, or Tuscany, riding in the back of a Bentley or riding shotgun on the Greyhound, the ultimate luxury is in your hands. Never forget it!

Here’s to the ultimate in luxury—clean cells and all the love and vitality they bring!

Ever One,

Peek Inside My Bag of Travel Tricks!

Hello Friends!

I have just returned from a whirlwind trip to Paris and London, followed by a surprise visit to San Francisco—all to celebrate my 10th-year wedding anniversary (and to watch the South African Spring Boks neuter the English in the World Cup Rugby—Go BOKS!). I hadn’t been to Europe for ages so it was a refreshing change of view.

Sticking to the detox program while traveling is one of the most common concerns frequent travelers have when they embark on this diet-lifestyle. This latest trip confirmed for me yet again that all it requires is a little bit of thoughtful organizing. I managed to move about fully energized and pleasured by my meals—from planes to restaurants, hotels, and night clubs. The small preparations I made enabled me to enjoy the entire trip without a single compromise.

All hail to my bag of tricks—well, two actually. My first bag of tricks was designed to provide everything I could possibly want post-flight over the course of the following days. This bag is to be checked on the plane with my luggage.

Bag of tricks #1 contained:

• 5 frozen 16-ounce Green Lemonades (I made the juices the night before leaving and froze them overnight. Just before leaving home, I placed them in cooler bags and then in a hard, small suitcase with the other items below); • 4 blocks of frozen goat cheese (Alta Dena—my favorite);
• my cheese slicer (what can I say, I’m a food snob);
• some yummy beets I’d baked the night before;
• a head of cabbage;
• 3 bags of baby carrots;
• my favorite Dijon mustard (Westbrae); and
• countless 70% chocolate bars (Rapunzel Dark is my latest favorite).

Note: I placed them in a separate bag just in case anything burst or spilled (cooked beets all over my wardrobe would have been most unwelcome upon arrival).

When I arrived in Paris everything was still fresh and cool. Upon settling in, I simply placed the items in the hotel mini-bar after taking all the mini-bar items out. Okay, you might say that I am a tad extreme and not everyone would bring their own “traveling kitchen” to Europe for a few days. I accept that I do fall to one extreme (as does my vitality), but this is just to give you some ideas.

While many of you are just beginning to undertake this diet-lifestyle, some of you have become very discerning about what you put into your body, getting your green juice and simply not wanting to be caught short without your yummy favorites. Traveling needn’t be nearly as constipating or exhausting as it used to be! Now, here’s what I packed to carry on the plane with me…

Bag of tricks #2 contained:

• several varieties of crudité (carrots, sliced beets, cabbage);
• a baggie full of baby romaine (a makeshift salad);
• goat cheese; and
• chocolate (of course)!

I enjoyed all of this with some lovely wine en route. Restaurants were delightfully easy. After my green juices, I was able to order beautiful veggie salads and cooked veggies. If I still ate fish, that would have been an easy option as well. The most delicious buffalo mozzarella on my salads and a little ice cream for dessert (two things that I do not eat regularly, but now and again when I desire them) made me wonder how anyone could feel deprived on this diet!

If your hotel has a sauna on the premises, take advantage of that ideal way of flushing the skin of waste residue from the trip. I also like to practice inversions after traveling (I prefer headstands) to remove the gas pressure from the flight. I find these two rituals to be key to eliminating the jet-lag and re-harmonizing the flow of chi (aka Life Force Energy). It was deeply satisfying to enjoy all that culture, beauty, and fun without compromising my energy levels and internal cleanliness. In the past, I can remember feeling so thick with meals and dehydration when I traveled. But during the last ten years and innumerable international adventures, it has been all pleasure and no pain!

Some Thoughts about Business Travel

It was during the second leg of my travels which took me to San Francisco that it dawned on me: the “challenging travel award” should go to the average business traveler. Luxurious destinations aside, the American business traveler has to endure a distinctly Life Force Energy-leaching environment. Unsuspecting travelers who are not sensitive to their environment, the air they breathe, and the food they eat might not even notice how damaging life in transit can be. But to one who has antennae up for these things, the inharmonious elements of common business travel flash like a neon sign.

Every day, business travelers around the country compound their already low Life Force Energy habits with the poorest energetic environments. Getting a glimpse of their surroundings over the course of several days made me realize just how disruptive such trips are to a person.

Imagine, if you will, the scene: hotel windows that don’t open; stuffy, sealed-off conference rooms; convention halls where travelers spend 8 to 10 hours at a time; constant offerings of coffee, stale sandwiches and cheap cookies; noise pollution from announcements, televisions, computers and cell phones; and of course all the stagnation of the flights themselves. Every room we entered had the news channels blaring; even the cab drivers had the local news programs chirping unimportant information. The business hotel rooms themselves are heartless and cold—one simply cannot move through them, much less sleep in them, without some kind of ill effect.

I am newly sympathetic to those of you who must travel frequently and place yourselves in these environments. Please, do what you can to protect yourselves by drinking your veggie juices, eating pure foods, and seizing any opportunity for fresh air between flights and conferences.

An excellent diet is important, but maintaining free-flowing Life Force Energy is key, and for that we need healthy, fresh spaces. Find hotels with windows that open; do a guided meditation in your room between meetings to re-center yourself; make the effort to take your frozen green juice with you, and treat the food and beverage offerings at these places like the plague; ask the hotel to prepare for you a healthy salad to go. You can survive your trips no worse for wear if you know what to watch for and how to protect yourself!

Remember to Check the Events Page

Before we left for Europe, my husband and I and a few of my clients and friends attended the long-awaited weekend seminar with Lee Harris and Story Waters. I think they would all agree with me when I say that the growth we all underwent was nothing short of transformational. Lee and Story gifted us with insights into ourselves that lifted each of us to the next level of our evolution.

We all spent this remarkable time together in an energy field that gave us real tools that we could use both consciously and sub/super-consciously to consistently evolve our cells, energy field, and consciousness for an expanded, more powerful, and fulfilling walk through our lives. All this profound growth was summoned with so much good humor, eloquence, and entertainment—well done Lee and Story!! We would like to bring them back for an encore soon, so look out for their next appearance in NYC on the events page of this site.

In addition, Gil Jacobs and I are considering offering a one-day lecture/workshop the first Saturday in November, also to be posted shortly on the events page.

For both events, it would be great to get a sense of how many of you are interested in attending so we can secure the most comfortable spaces for each group. Kindly let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in either, or both!

That’s all for now. Enjoy the transition to fall, and its fantastic gift of healthy air and negative ions!

I send my love, support, and enthusiasm for your walk in truth always,
