Hi there, everyone!
Truly, this summer has been a testament to how wonderful life is when you live according to the Laws of Nature. The fruits of this lifestyle are so abundant that sometimes I feel like I will burst with joy—and I long for every one of you to feel the magic, too! I’m speaking for myself, but also for the many who have contacted me to tell me just how much they are loving life after having shed the old habits and programs of common living and embraced these higher truths.
In between soaking up sunlight, bouncing on my trampoline, and jumping into rivers and oceans (when I get out of the city), I’ve been writing my new book, Detox for Women, at a breakneck pace to get it out to you as soon as possible. There is so much new information that I cannot wait to share with you…but, alas, it won’t be out until spring ’09. The information on my audio release by the same title offers information you can adapt immediately in a condensed 45-minute session until the book is available.
I apologize to anyone I haven’t been able to get back to for a private session or who may have had a question. There’s simply too little time to respond to everyone, as I already work around the clock (as my husband and children will confirm)! I love this work and I wish to uplift each of your lives with what I have learned, but my children are the ones who get sidelined if I give more than due time to my projects. They will need me even more now as they enter the first and third grades and bring home school work which requires increasing attention, so please be understanding!
Here is my plan for managing my service to you and upholding my end for my family:
1. Detox for Women, to be published in ’09, will provide all the information you will possibly require. I ask that you read more deeply when you have questions for me, as the answers are really all there in my books and other writings.
2. I plan to offer a conference call each quarter where I will answer questions asked during the prior quarter that need to be addressed.
3. I plan to update all my student teachers and update the site with their contact information so you can reach out to them for additional support.
4. My website will be re-launched in the next few weeks to provide greater clarity and organization to enable you to get your questions answered and receive inspiration and motivation to keep you on track.
5. I urge you to check out the reading list and “best of” list for recommendations that will support your journey!
6. I will always keep a few spots open for private sessions (in person and via phone) for those of you who truly require one-on-one support, but this will be a much smaller part of my work.
7. I plan to devote an area on the site to Gil Jacobs to post his lecture dates and offer audio lectures for downloading so that you can enjoy the immense wealth of information he has to offer in the way only he can!
Gotta fly and take the kids out to capture more of this gorgeous summer light. Keep opening to the Laws of Nature and you will discover the states of ecstasy that I and many others enjoy!
With Great Love,