Dear Denizens of Natalia Rose Institute:
The Natalia Rose Institute Community officially launched today!
I want to welcome all the new members and all of you who will be joining.
I am stepping away from my private practice in order to serve this community, dedicating myself to your progress (by offering regular responses to questions through notes as well as audio and video releases that will be freely accessible to members of the community). This is partly why I had to attach a membership fee, though I also wanted to keep it private enough to be conducive to a greater degree of constructive intimacy. I’d rather have fewer people who are truly committed than many who are just trying another program—for that would only dilute the power of this mission.
Besides, there’s more than enough information on the main site to guide those at the less committed stages. However, if you are truly committed and wish to join but truly cannot afford the fee, I will offer some memberships “on scholarship.” Simply write us a letter at about your situation and we will consider it. We anticipate honesty and integrity from these applications.
I look forward to creating lots of new content to support the community members. If you are a member and you have a question, please email us at and someone from the Natalia Rose Institute Team will try to respond to questions that have not previously been answered in the books, on the site and in the community correspondence.
Don’t be shy about sharing your personal stories, recipes and tips on the community. You can make an enormous, positive impact in someone’s life by sharing what you know and love about this lifestyle. And you will benefit from what you discover from others!
To quote one of our new members, “This is going to be fun!”
Yours forever in the Life-light,