The First Detox Dates Event

Dear All:

I am so pleased to announce that the first Detox Dates NYC EVENT will take place on Thursday, June 18th. Doris Choi, our head chef for Detox Delivers will be preparing some of her best recipes for the party. Enjoy fabulous, sweeping views of the city, great wine, music and, of course, happy-celled company! We aim to hold these events once a month. Eventually, we will roll out events in other cities.

What: Detox Dates First NYC Party
Where: 129 Lafayette Street (cross street: Howard), Rooftop
When: Thursday, June 18th from 7-10 pm
Cost: $45 (includes Doris’ buffet and drinks)

You must pre-register and RSVP to attend. We ask, if you’re able, to please bring a friend of the opposite sex who is into this work. This will ensure that we have the most balanced representation of men and women.

To register and RSVP, please contact Doris Choi at Payment may be made in cash at the event. Thank you!

The official Detox Dates memebership community will LAUNCH on Thursday, June 4th! If you were one of the first 100 to sign up, you will be sent a complimentary membership at that time. This is going to be so much fun!

I hope to see those of you around the NYC area at the event!

Here’s to ever rising in Love,

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