Category Archives: Education

Jeanice Barcelo on July 27th, 2012

This powerful audio about birth and human sexuality is critical listening. It is not appropriate for children ages 14 and younger. Expect to be deeply affected and possibly brought to tears. While we speak about many of the things discussed in this interview on Life Force Families, this interview raises the bar on how we approach conception and birth to a whole new level. It also challenges our concept of normal sexual interaction. I hope this serves to help us all take back the sacredness of our sexual and creative natures.

God-Code Matrix of 188

Here’s a four part series that will be a bit of a time investment. Hang in there for the vast implications in part 4 — I hope it will help connect a lot of dots for you.
This enlightened and cutting edge series left me with renewed reasons for optimism and steadfastness unity with the pure frequencies of our earth and Source.

Part 1: Major Discovery of Earth’s Mega-Quake Ley-Line Energy Grid

Part 2: Quake Ley-Lines Reveal Earth’s Merkaba & Ascension March 2013!

Part 3: Quake Ley-Lines REVEAL 3D Pyramid INSIDE Earth!

Part 4: Quake Ley-Lines Reveal Earth’s STAR-MERKABA Ascension 12/2012 to 3/2013

After these, you might go back to watch Nassim Haramein’s lectures:

Two Videos on Mind Control

“The only way anyone can have control over your brain is if you don’t have control over your brain.” — Joe Marshalla

Here are two videos that you should take the time to watch to help you dissolve the layers of mind control you have given away. I find the Joe Marshalla video to be more of an intro to mind-conditioning for beginners and the Neil Sanders video to be for more advanced students of social programming.

Joe Marshalla, PhD – Mind Control – The Mechanics of Mind Control – Tools for the Awakening

Neil Sanders – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own