Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on America, Freedom, and the Human Body

If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife,
I’d thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
’Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
’Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land…God bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to L.A.,
Well, there’s pride in every American heart,
and it’s time to stand and say:

I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
’Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land… God bless the U.S.A.

–God Bless the U.S.A., words and music by Lee Greenwood

I have loved this song since I was a little girl and Lee Greenwood himself performed it at an L.A. Dodgers doubleheader game I went to with my dad. I have such mixed emotions when I hear it now. I want to feel proud to be an American yet, like many of you, I cannot possibly be proud of the brute forces of greed and power that have driven our nation into wars, recession, and widespread illness. Now is the time to reassess our values and reclaim our voice for truth, beauty, and humanity.

This song got me thinking about freedom—the freedom that was intended to be the foundation of this country versus the way we perceive freedom today. I come from a long line of proud Americans dating back to the Revolutionary War. I am a lifelong member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), a Magna Charta Dame, and (so I’m told) a 17th Century Colonial Dame. My American ancestry runs deep.

What I love most about the American spirit is the childlike enthusiasm that we Americans have—the sense that everything is possible, that there is every reason to reach for the stars. What disturbs me most about America is that this bright spirit has been dimmed by greed and power-lust—values that serve the opposite of freedom: fear, limitation, and death. Today we have only an illusion of freedom.

Here is what true freedom means to me:

1) True freedom is the ability to make choices for our highest good.
2) Such freedom can only come from knowing one’s highest potential.
3) In both mind and body, we must transcend our social programming and clear away waste in order to see our true potential and thus exercise free choice.

When we make choices based on habit or social norms, when we construct our lives based on what others have done before or what appears safe, we are acting in fear, not exercising free will. How many people rise above their social programming long enough to make choices for their highest good? How often have you wanted to make such choices for yourself but felt compelled to follow the conventional path of least resistance?

If your body is polluted and blocked up with decades of accumulated waste matter baked into your cells, how can you consider yourself free? When you cleanse your body of the toxins suffocating your cells, you are giving yourself full permission to tear up every blueprint and program that has been drilled into you by conventional authorities so you can finally see yourself with clarity.

When you are free of the puppet strings of a limited world, you become a pioneer of freedom. The cleaner the cells and your very DNA become, the more you can trust your choices and follow the path of life and humanity. I am a free American in a country with a lot of Americans who are not free. As a fellow human first and a fellow patriot second, I extend my hand to you, so that we may all fulfill our potential as beautiful, free-thinking people of this earth.

In light of all that consciousness can be,

Just Say No to Laxatives!

Hello Angels!

I have received so many emails from you who, in your keenness to cleanse your intestines (which is great), are getting suckered into buying one of the myriad “cleansing” products on the market today (not so great).

There are innumerable different brands, but they are all similar in concept and ingredients. I know how seductive these products’ claims can be and how tempting it can be to try a short-cut method instead of undertaking colon hydrotherapy. These products are cheaper and promise to do the same thing. But please do not be deceived by this! Herbal and chemical laxatives only irritate the intestine, and the fiber products only fill the body with matter (psyllium collects ten times its weight in waste, which cannot be passed without a colonic).

Here is what you need to know: herbal laxatives (cascara sagrada, senna, etc.) and chemical laxatives (such as magnesium sulfate used to prep for colonoscopies) can only clear a minutely small, narrow pathway in the intestine. They do not clean the colon—they just help to release a significant amount of matter, which fools people into thinking they are clean when, in reality, so much more matter is still caked in the intestine.

It’s a bit like a really messy room. You need to walk through that room, so you clear a pathway—this is all the magnesium sulfate (or senna, to a lesser degree) does: clears a narrow pathway. You cannot compare this in any way to the deep hydration and full release of waste matter from the intestinal walls that occurs with a series of good colon hydrotherapy sessions.

Now, don’t be fooled by a pink, “in the clear” colonoscopy. This does not mean you’re not deeply impacted. The colon is made up of layers upon layers of tissue, like a sponge. Just because the visible layer is clear due to the laxative effect of the magnesium sulfate, it does not mean that the intestine is clean. The waste is stored in the layers—and once the layers of tissue fill up, the waste ventures into the body at large. In an effort to maintain equanimity in the organs, the body keeps pushing the accumulated waste into tissues that can manage it—those become your cellulite, your asthma, your eczema, your pimples.

If you have physical imbalances of any kind, you are holding waste in your cells and tissues. The deep impaction is there—even if it doesn’t show up in a colonoscopy. Yes, waste settles in the intestines, but it’s everywhere else too by the time you have a colonoscopy. You must awaken the waste through a cleansing diet and eliminate it through gravity method colon hydrotherapy.

Colonics and home enemas (though the latter is far less effective, as it only clears the lower bowel) are the only viable alternatives to professional gravity colonics. Laxatives are not an alternative at all. In the case of serious constipation, you might use a product called Natural Calm to help loosen some of the matter, but that is the only product that I’d recommend as safe, and only for the short term.

The best thing you can ingest to support your bowel is pure Aloe Vera juice, but unfortunately most of the Aloe juices on the market are ineffective. The only one I recommend is Herbal Answer, which comes in a white bottle and costs about $26. It’s worth it! I recommend mixing in a little stevia to make it palatable. You’ll love the results and should see improvement as soon as the next day.

The only way to cleanse your body is to cleanse every cell in your body. The cells throughout your body can only release waste matter for elimination if the intestines are able to receive them. For this, we first need a clean, clear, receptive large intestine/colon. So we must clean the colon first, then we can have a chance at the rest of the body. Every time the colon empties, more waste from throughout the body—from the cellulite in your thighs to the corrosion in your arterial walls—can be released.

Here’s to life in a body flowing with pure Life Force Energy! I love and bless you all!

Let Your Life Force Energy Flow

What is the detox life all about? Weight loss? Disease prevention? Looking gorgeous? These kinds of goals might have drawn you here initially, but they are only part of a much bigger picture.

Today, as you contemplate a more whole and connected you during this change of seasons, let’s consider detoxification in terms of Life Force Energy. The purpose of cleansing is to remove blockages so that Life Force Energy can flow freely through open pathways in the body (intestines, blood, meridians, brain synapses, etc.), igniting and animating you as nature intended. Here are a few steps you can take to open up your body to this experience:

1) Release tension through awareness. Take a moment to feel your body. Your jaw (is it clenched?), your mind (is it chewing on endless to-do lists and worries?), your chest (is your breathing shallow and truncated?), your neck (is it tight)? Believe it or not, simply holding tension in the body will hinder the flow of Life Force Energy. To alleviate tension, practice raising consciousness of your body. Just focusing on your breathing will release tension. Don’t worry or be disappointed with yourself for holding tension—just acknowledge it. Several times a day, follow a mental course throughout your entire body, watching for tension, releasing it, and opening yourself up to the flow of Life Force Energy.

2) Practice gentle lengthening and “folding.” So many of you either spend hours “working out” in ways that waste energy and increase tension or remain sedentary all day. Your muscle tissue needs to be flexible to let the Life Force Energy flow. Waste cannot be “burned off.” A beautiful body cannot be created by weightlifting. In fact, regular and prolonged aerobic exercise will age you rapidly by overtaxing your adrenals and exhausting you (I will expand on this topic in a future blog). Take time as often as possible to stretch your muscles gently. I recommend “folding,” a term I use for the following exercise:

1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
2. Lift your back, neck, and head up and out of your “seat” from your lowest vertebrae (your root chakra), lengthening through the crown of your head as you stretch your arms and hands forward, parallel with your legs and feet.
3. Stretch as far as is comfortable. (The goal is not to go all the way forward, but to open up the blockages by increasing flexibility. You can also do this while standing).

All forms of yoga will help increase flexibility and open up blockages. Once you have achieved this, you may strengthen your body through anaerobic (preferably not too much aerobic) exercise, such as sprinting and some weight-bearing activities, but do not compromise your form (length, posture, flow) by clenching up or getting too competitive, which will only bring back the tension.

3) Do all that you can to remove the waste that you’re awakening. These cleansing actions, along with a cleansing diet, will activate the colon and fill it with more waste. In addition to colonics, I recommend eating baked beets, which are delicious and brilliant for the bowel. Bake a few whenever you can at 350 degrees for 1 to 3 hours. The longer they stay in the oven, the better they will taste, and they’ll also be delicious served cold the next day! I am also a huge fan of pure, whole leaf, raw aloe, which is terrific for anyone with (or even without) bowel issues. The only brand I have found to be up to scratch is Herbal Answer, which is available in most health food stores. It is expensive (about $26 per bottle) but well worth it. You cannot overdose on aloe and you will see how quickly and effectively it works. This is great for people who are just starting this lifestyle who have lots of animal protein sitting in their intestines. It is a painless way to lubricate and loosen it up for elimination.

4) Once you reach a more advanced level, stick to a maximum of 2 meals a day. If you are truly committed to health and vitality—and have fully transitioned gently away from mainstream eating habits, which can take at least 6 to 12 months, and in some cases years—2 meals a day should be the maximum you consume. More than that is just excessive. Juicing until lunch, having a raw salad with avocado for lunch, and then a properly combined meal at dinner is the optimal routine (again, this is not for beginners, who will hit emotional and physiological pitfalls if they attempt this in the first year). This ensures a mini-fast each day between dinner and lunch, which works wonders for your physical advancement. Systematically eating less ensures that you pass more, so you avoid the sluggishness, putrefaction and proliferation of bacteria caused by over-consumption.

Don’t be afraid to make your mid-day meal a winter-fruit lunch. The low-sugar winter fruits (citrus, pears, and apples) are great and safe for almost everyone except a Candida patient to enjoy. Make them your first solid food of the day to avoid the fermentation that occurs when consumed after a cooked meal.

Keep in mind that this is a way of life, not something you do for a week or a month. You can only live fully—with maximum joy, inspiration, and life-generating experience—in a clear, clean body, flowing with abundant Life Force Energy.

Friends, this is what living the detox lifestyle is all about!

Over-consumption + Under-elimination x Time = Accumulation

What is the real culprit behind aging, weight problems, and illness? Accumulation. Namely, the accumulation of substances, mostly from the foods we ingest.

When you see a wrinkled, heavy, tired-looking 60-year-old person, you should know that he/she do not look this way because he/she has gone around the sun 60 times. Time alone does not age the body. Don’t confuse time with accumulation. The average 60-year-old today reflects 60 years of over-consumption and under-elimination, whereas the average 20-year-old reflects 20 years of the same. Again, accumulation, not time, is the culprit.

Your physical (and mental) signs of age, weight, and illness are all a result of the substances you have taken into your body over your lifetime that have not fully left the body. Over-consumption always leaves a residue (much more than you might think). This is why supplements and so-called “detox” products—even the highest quality ones—cannot remove accumulation and make you well. They only provide the potential to eliminate. Until you have copious bowel eliminations or profound skin eliminations (deep sweats), you have not detoxified.

A 60-year-old can look as young as 20 if he/she has the same degree of accumulation in the body. If a person has spent his/her years eating only what is needed and eliminating fully, using colonics as necessary to support complete elimination and prevent accumulation, he/she will be perfectly youthful inside and out.

Let me explain “the journey of waste accumulation” to help you understand how accumulation takes place and how easy it is to clear…

From the earliest months and years of life, substances begin to enter the body that do not belong there. These sludgy foods (particularly infant formula, cow dairy, and grain) move slowly through the intestines.

At first, the young, able body holds up fairly well against these obstacles, but eventually there is too much mucus and drying waste sitting in the intestines. The child may still be eliminating a bit, but is consuming too much unfit food to overcome the congestion, which gradually gets worse.

When the intestine gets too backed-up, the waste is absorbed into the tissues of the intestinal walls to make space. Where does that absorbed matter go? Into the blood and organs that lie on the other side of the intestinal walls. The matter begins to circulate throughout the body, eventually landing and nesting somewhere. This happens continuously from this moment forward. With every bit of intake, the full intestinal path struggles to keep the pathway clear by absorbing the putrid waste that is obstructing the flow. Some of it passes out the bowel while the rest is absorbed. Thus the assembly line of waste marches on over time, and you’ve got a serious case of accumulation.

Now look at your body: look at your cellulite, your wrinkles, contemplate that lump or other aberration deep inside you. These are symptoms of the accumulated waste that landed where it was never meant to go, clogging pathways that need to be clear to help you stay healthy, youthful and lean.

You were never meant to eat those unfit foods, let alone in those quantities. And now you have diabetes or eczema or asthma or osteoporosis or cancer and there are doctors and researchers scratching their heads over a cure.

The cure is simple: accumulation got you into this mess, and removing that accumulation is the only thing that can get you out.

The modern approach to finding a “cure” for cancer will fail until the true cause is acknowledged: accumulation of physical substances and emotional pain. But the average person would rather seek a cure outside of him/herself than challenge the conventional modes of eating and living—even if it means dying. It’s madness!

I see my beautiful friends aging before my eyes, getting diagnosed with all kinds of sickness. Yet most of them fail to look at the accumulation in their bodies and choose to take the prescribed drugs, which will only make matters worse.

Contemplating the return to physical perfection is not for the faint of heart. It means eating simply and cleansing the bowel for as long as it takes to self-heal, and then making it a permanent lifestyle choice.

Of course, the joys and rewards are indescribable. It is sheer liberation if you can be brave enough to face the issue of over-accumulation and correct it. Clean the colon and large intestine through enemas/colonics and Quick Exit eating (which I describe at length in my books) so the emptied intestine can pull back all the other waste from throughout the body for elimination.

Day after day, you will remove more of all that accumulated waste as it makes its way from the nesting grounds in the cells and tissues back into the colon and out of your body. Your body is always seeking to do this. You need only give it the chance through Quick Exit eating and a clear, receptive colon.

Then, just kick back and observe how every elimination leaves you younger looking, slimmer, and less symptomatic of your ailments until you are perfectly functioning and beautiful at last!

Rejoice, my friends, for we have finally debunked the myth of aging!

Observations on a World Gone Mad (from the Cosmetics Counters of Bergdorf Goodman)

You can look at the world in two ways: as falling to ruin under war, greed, materialism, and disease, or as awakening to the divine purpose and limitless potential of humanity. If you subscribe to the same old, negative mindset—that we must toil endlessly to reap “just rewards,” or prove our superiority over others—you cannot hope for a better world. But these days, more and more of you are embracing a whole new world of possibility.

With a bit of simple, pure knowledge we can prevent disease, aging, deprivation, loneliness and fear. Is it madness to say such a thing? Let’s take a closer and then decide which perspective is “madness” and which “sanity.” Consider the fact that it is socially acceptable to…

• be chronically depressed and exhausted;
• spend mindless hours in front of the TV;
• rely on the media for all of our knowledge;
• raise children to be addicted to soda, unfit foods, television, and video games;
• seek expensive products and plastic surgery to make up for poor self-care;
• knock back a heap of meds and toxic substances;
• and generally follow a misguided herd.

Is this madness or sanity?

I recently found myself in the cosmetic department of Bergdorf Goodman (for those of you who may not be familiar with this ultra-high-end department store on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, it is a hub for hobnobbing socialites and Manolo-heeled debutantes of all ages). As I made my way through the cosmetic aisles, I marveled not over the sea impeccably coiffed and attired women (no, that was expected), but rather that all of their faces appeared so gray and lifeless despite access to the most expensive products, spa treatments, and dermatological expertise.

It was not just the over-forty crowd either: girls in their twenties appeared to be suffering from the same condition. Please note, I’m not saying any of this to be catty. In fact, I want all women of our great sisterhood to glow with sexy youth. But there they are, the most privileged women, day after day, spending, applying, washing, priming, plumping, injecting, and who knows what else—and guess what? They still look tired, sick and lifeless! What’s more, there is not a genuine smile or trace of inner joy to be found among them. And yet, they keep returning to the shiny cosmetic counters, drug stores, and doctor’s offices, shelling out vast quantities of money for the elusive “hope in a bottle” or miracle treatment that will never deliver real results.

This same phenomenon applies to every area of the modern world—whether it’s working ourselves to the bone for decades without pausing to appreciate the finer things in life; or raising a family but sacrificing closeness with our all-consuming focus on paying bills and sticking to a crazy schedule; or getting married merely to play the prescribed roles of husband and wife instead of cultivating deep feelings and unity.

Now, some of us lead a different kind of life: we juice fresh greens daily, eat only foods fit for human consumption, place unity with our higher-selves at the top of our daily agenda, and believe in the unlimited potential of humankind. I am the first to admit that my own commitment to this lifestyle places me well off the beaten track and thus appears “mad” to conventional folks—but I propose that it’s whole new level of sanity.

Going back to the ladies at Bergdorf’s… as I peered at all the ladies, so desperate to leave the store with something that would make them look and feel beautiful at any price, I considered madness driving them. I considered that, without all that I have learned, I too would have been caught up in more of the same madness with each passing year. My heart went out to these women, and to the desperate woman I might easily have become were it not for my own awakening.

We do not need to pile on anti-aging creams, get liposuction, face lifts, and take pharmaceutical drugs. A clean-celled body does not have cellulite or sagging skin, suffer from depression, repressed anger, diabetes, or thyroid problems. To mistreat the body and then, when things go wrong, address the symptoms with more objectionable substances and treatments—that is the madness.

It’s never easy to be a minority voice and say, “Our ideas need to evolve.” Historically, such announcements do not elicit public applause. But, it’s no longer scary or lonely to live this way because hundreds of people around the world are awakening to it and will never turn back. The knowledge is all here for the taking, and with it a whole new world of possibility. Madness or sanity?

Today, I celebrate my 32nd birthday with overflowing delight as I count all of my blessings—my family, teachers, students, friends, and opportunities like this one to share what I have learned. My blessings have all come from what the stagnated “old world” might deem “madness,” but turns out to be the only sane option in a world gone mad.

I cannot think of a better way to celebrate this day than to express my endless gratitude for the magnificent guidance I have been given, and to say that I will walk in truth every moment of every day, whether it is seen as madness or sanity. I hope you will join me!

Your devoted friend,

Peek Inside My Bag of Travel Tricks!

Hello Friends!

I have just returned from a whirlwind trip to Paris and London, followed by a surprise visit to San Francisco—all to celebrate my 10th-year wedding anniversary (and to watch the South African Spring Boks neuter the English in the World Cup Rugby—Go BOKS!). I hadn’t been to Europe for ages so it was a refreshing change of view.

Sticking to the detox program while traveling is one of the most common concerns frequent travelers have when they embark on this diet-lifestyle. This latest trip confirmed for me yet again that all it requires is a little bit of thoughtful organizing. I managed to move about fully energized and pleasured by my meals—from planes to restaurants, hotels, and night clubs. The small preparations I made enabled me to enjoy the entire trip without a single compromise.

All hail to my bag of tricks—well, two actually. My first bag of tricks was designed to provide everything I could possibly want post-flight over the course of the following days. This bag is to be checked on the plane with my luggage.

Bag of tricks #1 contained:

• 5 frozen 16-ounce Green Lemonades (I made the juices the night before leaving and froze them overnight. Just before leaving home, I placed them in cooler bags and then in a hard, small suitcase with the other items below); • 4 blocks of frozen goat cheese (Alta Dena—my favorite);
• my cheese slicer (what can I say, I’m a food snob);
• some yummy beets I’d baked the night before;
• a head of cabbage;
• 3 bags of baby carrots;
• my favorite Dijon mustard (Westbrae); and
• countless 70% chocolate bars (Rapunzel Dark is my latest favorite).

Note: I placed them in a separate bag just in case anything burst or spilled (cooked beets all over my wardrobe would have been most unwelcome upon arrival).

When I arrived in Paris everything was still fresh and cool. Upon settling in, I simply placed the items in the hotel mini-bar after taking all the mini-bar items out. Okay, you might say that I am a tad extreme and not everyone would bring their own “traveling kitchen” to Europe for a few days. I accept that I do fall to one extreme (as does my vitality), but this is just to give you some ideas.

While many of you are just beginning to undertake this diet-lifestyle, some of you have become very discerning about what you put into your body, getting your green juice and simply not wanting to be caught short without your yummy favorites. Traveling needn’t be nearly as constipating or exhausting as it used to be! Now, here’s what I packed to carry on the plane with me…

Bag of tricks #2 contained:

• several varieties of crudité (carrots, sliced beets, cabbage);
• a baggie full of baby romaine (a makeshift salad);
• goat cheese; and
• chocolate (of course)!

I enjoyed all of this with some lovely wine en route. Restaurants were delightfully easy. After my green juices, I was able to order beautiful veggie salads and cooked veggies. If I still ate fish, that would have been an easy option as well. The most delicious buffalo mozzarella on my salads and a little ice cream for dessert (two things that I do not eat regularly, but now and again when I desire them) made me wonder how anyone could feel deprived on this diet!

If your hotel has a sauna on the premises, take advantage of that ideal way of flushing the skin of waste residue from the trip. I also like to practice inversions after traveling (I prefer headstands) to remove the gas pressure from the flight. I find these two rituals to be key to eliminating the jet-lag and re-harmonizing the flow of chi (aka Life Force Energy). It was deeply satisfying to enjoy all that culture, beauty, and fun without compromising my energy levels and internal cleanliness. In the past, I can remember feeling so thick with meals and dehydration when I traveled. But during the last ten years and innumerable international adventures, it has been all pleasure and no pain!

Some Thoughts about Business Travel

It was during the second leg of my travels which took me to San Francisco that it dawned on me: the “challenging travel award” should go to the average business traveler. Luxurious destinations aside, the American business traveler has to endure a distinctly Life Force Energy-leaching environment. Unsuspecting travelers who are not sensitive to their environment, the air they breathe, and the food they eat might not even notice how damaging life in transit can be. But to one who has antennae up for these things, the inharmonious elements of common business travel flash like a neon sign.

Every day, business travelers around the country compound their already low Life Force Energy habits with the poorest energetic environments. Getting a glimpse of their surroundings over the course of several days made me realize just how disruptive such trips are to a person.

Imagine, if you will, the scene: hotel windows that don’t open; stuffy, sealed-off conference rooms; convention halls where travelers spend 8 to 10 hours at a time; constant offerings of coffee, stale sandwiches and cheap cookies; noise pollution from announcements, televisions, computers and cell phones; and of course all the stagnation of the flights themselves. Every room we entered had the news channels blaring; even the cab drivers had the local news programs chirping unimportant information. The business hotel rooms themselves are heartless and cold—one simply cannot move through them, much less sleep in them, without some kind of ill effect.

I am newly sympathetic to those of you who must travel frequently and place yourselves in these environments. Please, do what you can to protect yourselves by drinking your veggie juices, eating pure foods, and seizing any opportunity for fresh air between flights and conferences.

An excellent diet is important, but maintaining free-flowing Life Force Energy is key, and for that we need healthy, fresh spaces. Find hotels with windows that open; do a guided meditation in your room between meetings to re-center yourself; make the effort to take your frozen green juice with you, and treat the food and beverage offerings at these places like the plague; ask the hotel to prepare for you a healthy salad to go. You can survive your trips no worse for wear if you know what to watch for and how to protect yourself!

Remember to Check the Events Page

Before we left for Europe, my husband and I and a few of my clients and friends attended the long-awaited weekend seminar with Lee Harris and Story Waters. I think they would all agree with me when I say that the growth we all underwent was nothing short of transformational. Lee and Story gifted us with insights into ourselves that lifted each of us to the next level of our evolution.

We all spent this remarkable time together in an energy field that gave us real tools that we could use both consciously and sub/super-consciously to consistently evolve our cells, energy field, and consciousness for an expanded, more powerful, and fulfilling walk through our lives. All this profound growth was summoned with so much good humor, eloquence, and entertainment—well done Lee and Story!! We would like to bring them back for an encore soon, so look out for their next appearance in NYC on the events page of this site.

In addition, Gil Jacobs and I are considering offering a one-day lecture/workshop the first Saturday in November, also to be posted shortly on the events page.

For both events, it would be great to get a sense of how many of you are interested in attending so we can secure the most comfortable spaces for each group. Kindly let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in either, or both!

That’s all for now. Enjoy the transition to fall, and its fantastic gift of healthy air and negative ions!

I send my love, support, and enthusiasm for your walk in truth always,


Why Are We Sick? The Vicious Cycle Explained…

When I first began helping other people cleanse and regenerate their bodies, I thought my work was pretty cut-and-dry. People came to me predominantly to lose weight and boost their energy. However, there is a devastating cycle at play in the mainstream lifestyle that goes way beyond concerns of looking gorgeous or fitting into a size 2. It’s time we officially acknowledge the vicious cycle that is devouring the well-being of the Western world.


When you eat common foods in common quantities, the elimination system fails to keep up with what you ingest. The mucus-forming foods build up in the intestines and push their way into the body through the tissues of the intestinal walls. This will lead to common symptoms such as headaches and colds. The waste attempts to leave the body through the lungs (a major eliminative organ). In some cases it tries to leave through the skin and forms rashes or eczema.

When you take an over-the-counter drug like Sudafed or Tylenol, it only suppresses the waste matter, sending it back into the tissues. Eventually, the matter becomes even more sticky and acidic, and once again the body tries to push it out via the lungs and skin. Once again, you take more symptom-suppressing drugs, which leads to even more waste build-up, and even stickier mucus, which attracts bacteria like a magnet and creates an infection requiring antibiotics.

After several years of this mucus-filled state coupled with the antibiotics, the bowel becomes completely overrun with hostile bacteria. The antibiotics kill off the good bacteria in the bowel, which would otherwise help keep it functioning properly, causing the bad bacteria to thrive and prey off the acid waste. Meanwhile, the over-accumulation of waste matter from unfit foods continues to permeate the intestinal walls and move through the body, landing and nesting throughout the body.

Once your intestinal balance is compromised, the bowel hasn’t a hope of keeping up with your food intake and starts to buckle under the stress. The impaction in the bowel not only causes fermentation throughout the intestinal tract, creating a number of symptoms which fall under the umbrella diagnosis of “IBS,” but it also prevents proper absorption of nutrients and precludes the body from producing the nutrients it naturally would to keep itself balanced. Further, the body starts to exhibit allergic reactions to the foods that are impacted in the colon. Yet, as the chemical residue from those foods circulates in the bloodstream, you still crave them—hence, you’re caught in an impossible addiction/aggravation cycle.

Lack of proper absorption of nutrients such as calcium, B vitamins, and amino acids makes you feel physically exhausted, as well as emotionally and psychologically imbalanced. It leads to high irritability, difficulty sleeping or getting up in the morning, and a general inability to cope with everyday tasks. It’s a reflection of your organs’ inability to cope. The liver, which would ordinarily be able to manage a degree of toxicity, is overburdened—which means dangerous toxins like heavy metals are building up instead of being released through normal channels like the skin and lymph.

At this point, you cannot figure out what is wrong, even after several visits to the doctor and a litany of tests and diagnoses—such as IBS, Crones, acid reflux, depression, you name it. Suddenly you might find yourself on a cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs—one for each condition.

All of this accelerates the aging process. The blood becomes more acidic from the drugs that are forcing the organs to work harder still. The skin, the largest organ, becomes a mirror of all the interior organs: it gets thinner, reveals pockets of waste in the form of cellulite, under-eye circles, a double chin, and wrinkling. Foul breath and bowel activity and weight gain all result as well.

Eventually, the endocrine system also breaks down, as in cases of pancreatic or adrenal exhaustion (diabetes and anxiety disorders) or inactive thyroid function (usually the under-active thyroid condition, “hypothyroid”). At this point, more drugs or even amputation or partial amputation of a gland or organ are deemed necessary. I cannot tell you how many young women (under forty) come in to see me who have already had their gallbladder, pancreas or thyroid partially or completely removed!

This is not the rarity, folks. This has become the common cycle of the body. It all starts with the ingestion of unfit substances and carries you into pitiful physical states that should simply not exist in modern times when we have so much advanced knowledge. What is ironic is that the very things that will save you from this fate—eating one to two meals a day plus vegetable juices and bowel cleansing through colonics and enemas—are commonly considered extreme, and even potentially harmful. This is laughable! This “extreme” way is the only sane approach to caring for our bodies.

You are told you need substances that you simply do not need, such as animal flesh, grain, dairy, fluoride, fiber supplementation, protein powders, and so on. It is all a big fallacy. These are the very things that are killing us! Only transitioning to ideal foods and quick exit digestion will free you from all the doctor’s visits and medications.

I know you all want to look great and have more energy, but don’t let those be the only reasons to adopt this lifestyle. Beyond just the “hot bod” you’ve always wanted and the burst of vitality to get you through your day (which you will have) is a state of clarity and liberation!

In hindsight the world is going to see the lunacy of this cycle of sickness and wonder how a civilized people could so completely miss the link between a clean body and mental integrity. The consumption of common foods (including “health” foods) and medications will be regarded with as much disdain in a few years’ time as cigarettes and sodas are today. Soon everyone will see how perverse the “healthcare” industry is, but until the rest of the world catches up, you can make the necessary changes to save yourself from the common fate. Perhaps you will even inspire and lead others to do the same.

You have my endless respect, support and love!

Three Detox Steps to Reclaiming Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Dear Friends,

As you have likely learned by now, pain is the body’s way of telling us when we are out of alignment with the truth of our being. The symptoms of sickness and disease are like messengers announcing that change must come. We ignore them at our own peril!

Likewise, nonphysical pain is a call to change that which is out of alignment in our life—be it our perspective, communications, relationships, or all of the above. The same applies to pain on a larger scale, whether in a family, country, or global community. Here, too, it is a call for change that must also be heeded lest the pain become worse.

Somehow, in our mainstream culture, we have developed into individuals and groups who are completely out of alignment with truth. How have we forgotten our truth? Well, generation after generation, our ancestors elected to follow a trajectory that at first seemed harmless but has led us into an age so far off the path of truth that we have become grossly unwell—mentally, physically, and communally. Moreover, we have forgotten the great inherent powers that we humans possess. Instead, we have become a community of highly controllable (and controlled) beings.

Here are a few of the ways we allow ourselves to be controlled:

• We consume what we are told to consume;
• We look down our noses at those of other races, cultures, and social standing;
• We listen to the media and take advice from pharmaceutical companies that pay doctors triple their salaries and buy them expensive gifts to endorse their products;
• We allow our babies to be injected with poisons that damage their brains and poison their blood and act as the harbingers of cancer and autism; and
• We break our backs working for money that we wind up spending on all the things we are told we need—all for a lifestyle we cannot support without incurring tremendous monetary, physical, and spiritual debt.

Folks, we have bought a bill of goods that has caused the mass degeneration of our physical and mental faculties and created a society of powerlessness and fear—which has made us exponentially more controllable!

Dear reader, I’m not saying any of this to scare you, but I do wish to wake you up! Underneath all that heavy programming, you are a powerful, beautiful, brilliant creation. There is only one way back to the path of truth, and that is to recognize your innate perfection. So stop trying to keep up with the Joneses! Stop buying into the deception, and start kicking your addictions. Take responsibility today. You can start with your body or your mind, or both, but please start somewhere. The future of the human race depends on it!

You can transition smoothly and quickly away from the controlling foods, the media, the social programming and stop being a marionette for the agenda of people who don’t care about you. If we don’t awaken to everything that is not right in our world and in our bodies, things are going to get much worse. So I am calling out to all of you who are “sleeping” now to WAKE UP! It is time take up the sword of truth and slay the dragon of deception!

You all know that this is not my usual tone. I am understanding and compassionate by nature, and my inclination is always to be gentle but clear. But today I feel it is necessary to practice a little tough love. There is a time to sit back and lick your wounds, but now is the time for change. There is mass depression, mass intake of pharmaceutical drugs, mass consumption of media, mass dissatisfaction at work, at home, with life. This is because we have agreed to live in a world driven by money and power and false values. Break free of this demented mentality by undertaking the following steps:

1. Transition your diet to clean your bloodstream of the addictive elements. This will also enable you to clear your mind.

2. Take a moment to ponder the motives of big business, banking, government, the healthcare industry, pharmaceutical companies, and their incestuous relations—and how they control your life. Are you supposed to live this way, eat junk, and get sick so you can wide up dependent on them? This is a lie, my friends. We are not supposed to get sick, age prematurely, become forgetful or senile, or develop osteoporosis or arthritis, and so on. These are all symptoms of living out of alignment with truth.

3. Rebuild your perspective based on what you know in your soul to be true, instead of what you are programmed to believe is true. Advance like a warrior, protecting your boundaries from deceptions and ill motives, but with an open mind so you can expand you perception of truth on a daily basis. Your truth will grow with you. It is as limitless as you are.

As you unravel the programming, you will awaken to your full self-sovereignty, and you will see just how magnificent life can really be. There is more than enough room for everyone in this exquisite realm of truth, if only we can start trusting and loving one another. We have been taught to build walls between each other, to put garbage in our bodies, to expose our precious children to all kinds of toxins. We have been raised to live in fear, to expect disease, and to trust authority. But how far will obedience get us?

I see a much brighter way. I live in a body that has been cleansed, and in a heart that rejoices in its fullness and light. I see my fellow man toiling in darkness and wish to extend my hand. Those of you who can see through the illusion, I ask you to start caring about your body and mind. Break through the controls and align yourself with truth. It will be well worth the effort, I promise.

With deepest love, praise and gratitude,

Stop Clogging Your Life with “Miracle” Cures—Make Way for Cellular Cleansing!


Last week I had a group of the most intelligent, light-filled, beautiful women in my home for a two-day Teacher-Training Intensive course. These women all attended with the intention of understanding the principles and details of the program at the most advanced levels in order to help others in their community—privately and professionally. I praise these women for their dedication to truth and am extremely grateful to know that they are now out there carrying a light into places I could not reach alone. (I plan to offer another training course in February 2008. Keep an eye out for an announcement in October with dates and instructions for applying.)

The world is so much in need of such leading lights. When we truly comprehend the link between unfit consumption and the resulting illnesses, we are more likely to notice the link between the unfit things we put into our lives and our suffering. Our bodies are truly a holograph of what is going on in our personal, familial, and global environments! This is why it is so critical that people begin to awaken to the truth about their bodies.

The “wellness” market continues to take advantage of health-seekers, and the health information highways are just saturated with absurdities. I stopped being shocked by all the deceptions a long time ago, but it is worth reminding you that that all these “miracle” powders, Noni juices, supplements, and the like are all useless. You have been programmed to believe that a physical problem is due to the lack of some kind of nutrient. But this is not so.

Please hear this, if nothing else: it is the obstruction in your body that prevents you from experiencing your physical, emotional, and mental perfection. It is not a missing nutrient or miracle ingredient!

Obstruction in the form of food wastes or emotional blockages are compromising your inner terrains and preventing the optimal flow of your Life Force. Only the removal of these physical and emotional wastes will render you radiant, lean, youthful, brilliant, and all the rest. Don’t be a peon to the deception and pay homage to pills and powders. Instead, support the removal of your obstructions through gentle transition, easy-to-digest combinations of foods, and plenty of waste-removal-support (proper colon cleansing, sauna sweats, dry brushing, correct breathing, and rest). This is the only way.

Of course, this may not be what the masses want to hear—for it requires some discipline and thoughtfulness—but for so many of you, the power to persevere and become the best you that you can be is well within reach. The rewards for aligning with truth are beyond measure and deeply thrilling!

There has never been a time of so much physical and mental disease and distress. This is a call for change on the largest scale! All of you who are embracing the path of cellular cleansing through transition will be the living examples we need to pave the way for others. You will all be teachers of the highest order, helping to heal the world!

With happy cells and heart,

How to Activate Your Life Force Energy: Align Your Spine and Hold Your Flame

As those of you who read Raw Food Life Force Energy will recall, I emphasized that the human body is not made of some dense matter, as it may seem, but of living light-energy. Remember the tenets of quantum physics as originated by Albert Einstein in the equation: E = mc2. Let this knowledge inform the way you carry yourself. I call this “holding your flame.” Yes, your body, that sometimes hard-to-rouse-out-of-bed lump of flesh is actually living light. At its very essence, light is fire! Therefore, you, my friend, are a living flame!

The spinal cord, which is the core of the body (like the core of an apple) is the fire-rod-axis which conducts your life force. Running through your spine is your spinal fluid, whose essence is pure energy. If this energy were visible, you would see it move as a fluid light current following the donut-like pattern of a torus. Picture the light-energy flowing into you from the head (the crown chakra; or the positive, male pole) while simultaneously flowing from below in the root chakra (the negative, female pole). In this way, the current runs up and down the length of the spine until it reaches the opposite pole, then moves outward and around you to re-circulate fresh energy.

Everything in the fruit and vegetable kingdoms follows the torus pattern of energetic flow. It is the flow of all living things—from the smallest atom to a massive tree. You can even see this lifeline flowing within a carrot, an apple, or a Brussels sprout! The energy enters from both directions and flow into, through and around the plant, giving it its life force and fanning its indwelling firelight. Likewise, from the macrocosmic perspective, our earth, the other planets, and even the solar system follow the torus pattern, sending indwelling life through their cosmic pranic tube.

Like the earth, when your inner pole/axis is rightly aligned and moving energy in swift waves, harnessing both the negative and positive poles equally, your being will thrive. This is why physical and energetic blockages (through unfit foods and unhealthy relationships, environments, and experiences) are so damaging. Disturbances in the energetic flow manifest in our physical body in the form of illnesses. Becoming aware of this is the first and best step you can take to revive your inner flame.

Tune into and align yourself with your flame.
Now, I ask you to sense your body as a living flame whose greatest intensity runs right through the vertical axis of your body. Next, I would like you to feel this flame’s power in the chakra centers of your body. Feel the power take hold at the base of your spine in your root, then feel the creative energy in the area halfway between your root and your navel. Then feel the Life Force Energy awaken in that flame at the spot right behind your navel. Next, feel your heart center surge with the power of this fire; allow the fire to rise into the throat opening and enlivening that area so you can express yourself more authentically. Feel the heat in your forehead as the flame rises in your brain, between your eyes, and then finally allow it to surge through your crown, up into the higher realms where it will connect with the more spiritual dimensions of your energy field. Notice how your posture naturally lifts, opens, and surrenders to the graceful flow of this energy.

Instead of merely straightening your posture, note the effortless rise of your body once it embodies the flow of this flame. Notice that it does not cause you to stiffen. Notice how it lifts your mid-spine and opens your shoulders like wings. Notice how it lifts and draws back your head back ever so slightly, like that of a swan or a giraffe. Hold your flame, feel it rise and emit its powerful energy all around you. Open up to its fullness. This is your natural alignment and your indwelling power.

Remember this as often as you can as you walk to work, shop for groceries, type emails. Notice how much clearer and how much more heart-centered your communications and emotions are when you hold and embody your flame.

The way to fully activate your Life Force Energy is to fully activate the pranic tube (“sahsumna” in Sanskrit). It is said that through this power you can overcome aging and even death. Such an empowering concept, yet so few people are aware of it.

Frequently Asked Question of the Week:

Do you offer private consultations?

Yes, I do, either via phone or in person if you are in the NYC area. Please visit my Personal Consultations webpage.

My goal is always to provide as much information through my public offerings to reduce the need for personalized sessions, but for some of you, personalized guidance is the missing link.

I am currently working on two new book projects and will keep you updated as they progress. For all you parents out there, one of them is a book for adapting this lifestyle for children. With two young children of my own, I am fully aware of all the challenges that parents face in this regard and look forward to supporting you with this publication.

In loving service,


Your Body Is a Living Community of Cells

Matter is like a small ripple on this tremendous ocean of energy, having some relative stability and being manifest…And in fact beyond that ocean may be still a bigger ocean…the ultimate source is immeasurable and cannot be captured within our knowledge.
—David Bohm

Our body is a living community of cells. Each cell within our body contains all the systems and characteristics of the whole: a digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, and so forth. We can conceive of our cells as a microcosmic reflection of ourselves. We can look at a single cell and better understand ourselves, just as we have better understood our world by looking deeply into its subatomic structures. The most microcosmic structures hold the imprint of the macrocosm.

How we treat one cell is how we treat every cell. If we feed our bodies unnatural, toxic substances, it will affect our moods, our work, and our daily existence in general. Likewise, in the reverse, if we invite stress and violence in our lives, it will affect our perception, our sleep, our digestion, and our physical state.

When we dismiss people, judge them harshly or act in hurtful ways, we suffer in our inner life, develop cancers or fail to achieve our dreams. Every little thing we do affects our whole being. When we eat poorly, it will manifest in our inner and outer lives. When we ingest fresh vegetable juice, reflect on nature, speak kindly and cherish the divinity in ourselves and our fellow man, every aspect of our lives will reflect that. I call this “the ripple effect.”

Thus, your body, which is a community of cells, naturally reflects the state of those cells. If there is harmony or disruption in the smaller community, there will be harmony or disruption throughout the whole. Like a rock tossed onto a body of water, everything that enters their body ripples through it, affecting every system, organ, and ultimately every cell. We are, after all, made mostly of water, and as bodies of water we conduct everything that enters our system.

Everything runs along the rippling stream of light energy. Our lives operate within it and it operates with in us. May you contemplate how every choice you make ripples throughout your whole body and your whole life. May you ripple with joy!

Frequently Asked Question of the Week:

How can I make my fresh juices more convenient?

If you happen to live in the New York/Connecticut area, this is one problem you can scratch off your list. A company called BluePrint came on the scene recently to fill this need and they are doing a spectacular job of delivering the highest quality Norwalk Press fresh juice to locals every week. So no more pouting over how hard it is to get or make your juice. You can have it delivered right to your doorstep! Here’s the secret: the Norwalk Press slow processes the juice so that it retains 100% enzymatic vitality for upwards of 3 to 4 days. So a couple of times a week, you can get your boxes filled with all the juice you will need for the next several days. The company is rapidly expanding to customize the juices, but currently here is what they offer:

Level 1 ($65)
3 green juices
2 fruit blends
1 cashew nut milk

Level 2 ($65)
3 green juices
1 fruit blend
1 spicy lemonade
1 cashew milk

Level 3 ($75)
4 green juices
1 spicy lemonade
1 cashew nut milk

According to their spokesperson, “The green juices are made from a combination of spinach, kale, romaine, cucumber, celery and lemon, and the flavors vary slightly with more apple, ginger and celery in some over others.” Learn more at or call them at (646) 246-6558.

The New Beauty

Cleanse the heart and the body will follow. Cleanse the body and the heart will follow.

As an avid observer and anticipator of trends, I have noted a significant shift in what we find beautiful in our culture. Instead of continuing to value youth for the sake of youth and flawlessness for the sake of flawlessness, I find that as people “awaken” to the higher truths, they are starting to let go of commonly held ideals of external beauty in favor of (a) beauty that shines from within, emitting a fresh, natural glow, and (b) personal authenticity.

Any good art designer or plastic surgeon can produce a “perfect” image, based on the current trends. The new beauty, however, makes us feel good through and through. The hallmarks of the new beauty are clarity and love and light. With our New Energy Bodies, we will naturally blossom into enhanced beauties—both spiritually and physically!

I see my contemporaries preferring the company of those who are pure of purpose and of spirit. The people I think of as leaders are those who think for themselves and choose friends, dates and mates who embody this inner beauty first.

It may be hard to imagine this shift taking place as the world now stands. But I am certain that this is where beauty-consciousness is going. Being fake and made-up is about as attractive to others as a microwave dinner—it might photograph well on the package, but offers nothing life-generating or satisfying. An authentic glow, on the other hand, comes from releasing old patterns, aggressions, and fears and truly being yourself. This is the new “hot.” It’s up to you. Are you ready to sizzle?

Frequently Asked Question of the Week:

What are the “power foods” that will really rev up the body?

Culturally, we have been trained to believe that we can fuel our bodies with “power foods” as we would fuel a car with gasoline or charge a battery with electricity. However, this is not how the body works. While some foods—like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, animal fleshes (with their hormones, adrenaline, and food additives)—have highly stimulating effects on the body, they only provide a false charge that leaves the body depleted and craving more. Then there are the heavily marketed “health” offerings and “power-foods”—such as fish oils, algae, vitamin supplements and drinks—that offer the hope of a natural energy boost. These, too, are misleading. Here’s why…

To heal and energize the body, we must remove the obstructions that are blocking our natural energy flow. In other words, to “rev our engines,” we must remove the waste that’s baked into our cells and blocking up our systems—not fill ourselves with more substances.

Our bodies are perfectly made. When we ask them to share real estate with the unfit foods and environmental wastes that do not fully leave the body and accumulate over time, our bodies fall apart. The secret is having open, clear pathways for free-flowing Life Force Energy. Remove the obstructions—and voila!—no “power-foods” necessary.

So, the next time you think about putting something into your body to energize it, think again. Eat in order to remove the inner blockages—simple combinations of quick exit foods for minimal digestive effort, with lots of veggie juices to support elimination through hydration and enzymatic activity—and you will feel your engine rev like you never imagined it could. You will also save yourself the headache and expense of trying to keep up with all the new “power-foods” and supplements that deceive most health seekers.

Highest harmonious vibes to you,

Do You Have to Exercise?

One of the most popular questions among my readers and clients is “Do I have to exercise?” Let’s shine a new light on exercise, once and for all.

There are three key things the body needs to be doing constantly:

1. Taking in oxygen
2. Pushing out poisons (primarily through the bowel, skin, liver, and lymph)
3. Pumping fresh Life Force Energy (aka Chi or Prana)
When any of these three functions slow down, we slow down. When they stop, we stop.

Now, here’s where exercise enters the picture. If our goal is vibrant health and ideal weight and optimal vibrations, we must maximize the above three functions. Some common exercises like jogging, walking, yoga and swimming will help us achieve this, but only in the presence of lots of fresh air—not in an enclosed gym. Further, they will not benefit us significantly if we are not also eating pure, well-combined foods; removing the internal build-up of toxins lodged in our cells; or ensuring that Life Force Energy is flowing throughout our mental and emotional bodies as well.


We should not base exercise on calories or fat burned, which are the completely wrong measuring sticks. We should approach exercise as a way to help us achieve optimum oxygenation, remove waste, and increase the flow of Life Force Energy. (Of course, if you enjoy playing a particular sport or form of exercise, that’s also a good reason.)

In other words, physical exercise is NOT the end-all-be-all of this detox lifestyle. For example, you might enjoy a “gentleman’s workout” of a sauna, some deep breathing/mediation, and a short but oxygenating walk outdoors. Coupled with a cleansing diet of fresh, natural foods, this could keep you looking and feeling much younger, leaner, and stronger than if you were to spend hours a week on gym equipment or in a sculpting class. Exercising in a stale gym environment does very little to contribute to the functions that matter, particularly when paired with a typical gym-goers diet of dense, lifeless, mucus-forming, high-protein foods and shakes. So will you get off the bloody stair-master, already?!

You can count and burn calories till the ice cream truck comes around again, but you will make very little if any progress if your cells and tissues are still burdened with waste matter and if you’re inhabiting poorly ventilated spaces. The good news is that if you have been pounding away on the elliptical trainer with little change to your, um, “bottom line,” it’s not because you’ve failed to push yourself. Rather, your push failed you!

Now, here’s how to make your effort pay off. Instead of a regular exercise routine, what I would recommend is to look at your body on a daily basis and ask yourself the following sets of questions:

1. Is my breathing deep, connected and calm? Am I in my body today or swirling up in my head? What is the quality of the air my blood is receiving? Could I use a nature walk or some deep breathing to oxygenate my blood and bring serenity to my decisions, relationships, and work life?

2. How is my chi flowing today? Is it stagnant? What kind of movement does it require? A real shake-up? A rolling, rhythmic run? Some fluid movement like free dance? Also, why is my energy stagnant? Is it from lack of movement (too much desk work) or constipation? Have I been indoors for too long with poor ventilation? Do I need some fresh air?

3. How have my eliminations been? How does my lymphatic system feel—are the nodules around my armpits or neck tender? Do I feel in need of some extra nurturing? Am I dragging my feet, depleted of energy?

If the answer to any of these latter questions is “yes,” your elimination channels are overloaded, calling out for new concept “exercises” like deep sweating in a sauna, massage therapy, bowel cleansing, rest or meditation, and body brushing. Yes, you can go for a run or do some hardcore exercise if you feel your body is calling out for that, but consider rebalancing and renewing yourself in these other ways.

Going forward, you may find that with a good sauna, meditation routine, and walks around town to run your errands, you won’t need formal exercise for weeks at a time. But then a week or a month will come along when you may need to dance or jog or do yoga stretches every day because, for whatever reason, your body wants to pump even more chi, oxygen and sweat.

On the one hand, this explains why formal exercise is not always effective. On the other hand, it also explains why exercise is so useful—because physical exertion forces deep breathing, movement helps chi circulate, and sweating helps to eliminate waste and stimulates the other eliminative organs as you oxygenate and circulate the blood. Whatever exercise you like—be it yoga, weight training, boxing, or some other sport—take it outside into the fresh air, if possible. Or, at the very least, open all the windows in your apartment or gym so you are not just recycling stale air.


Make no mistake: I’m not saying, “Don’t exercise.” I’m simply offering a new perspective on exercise so that you may invest your time and energy wisely in activities that will make the greatest positive impact on your beauty, vitality and longevity.

Also, take a look around and see what combination of activities best suits your location. Don’t become robotic or too firmly fixed in your routines. Tune into your inner voice, listen to what your body is telling you. As you implement the basic principles of this detox lifestyle, you’ll get more out of, say, dancing around your house for ten minutes (windows open please) than getting up early or skipping an evening with loved ones to hit the gym.

If you’re ever near the water and have access to a sauna, enjoy a short run or a longer walk on the beach, or a swim in the fresh sea, and then hit the sauna followed by a cold shower. This will oxygenate the blood and cells, give you a great Chi boost from the activity of running, walking or swimming; as well as a great purifying sweat to stimulate the lymphatic system and supercharge waste through the extreme temperatures of the sauna and cold shower. In this way, you can experience maximum pleasure in very little time. This, my friends, is the goal. Stop forcing yourself to do exercises you hate, and do what makes you peaceful, clear, and joyful!

With the biggest love energy,

Eat for Simplicity

If you are interested in diet, health, raw foods, or any offshoot of the detox lifestyle, you must understand the beauty of simplicity. No matter what level of health you are coming from—be it decades of raw or right off the hot dog cart—the quickest, most painless route to health and weight loss is extreme simplicity in your diet.

To practice extreme simplicity, you must ignore all the labels like “raw” or “vegan” or “vegetarian” and focus on foods that move through the body easily, or what I call Quick Exit foods. This boils down to the following foods and food combinations:

• Fresh vegetable juices (ideally on an empty stomach either for breakfast or in the late afternoon)
• Fresh vegetables (as a raw salad, whole, or steamed with a little organic butter and sea salt if desired)
• Avocados (with a raw salad for lunch)
• Baked (and raw) root vegetables like parsnip, butternut squash, and sweet potato (try these wholesome comfort veggies for dinner with your raw salad with a little organic butter, sea salt, and agave)
• Raw goat’s milk cheeses (use it liberally with raw and cooked vegetables)
• Fresh fish (ideally wild/organic, enjoyed along with a raw salad and steamed low-starch vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, nightshades, leafy greens, etc.)

These foods, while not all “raw” or “vegan” by definition, are the easiest to digest when properly combined per the instructions in my books, enabling the body to release the built-up waste matter that’s causing your ailments and excess weight. I deliberately omitted fresh and dried fruits, nuts, and grains because nuts and grains are very dense and difficult to digest, and both fresh and dried fruits can create a lot of carbonic gas in a body that’s awakening old waste matter. The discomforts and symptoms that come with transitioning to a raw diet are usually caused by abundant intake of those foods.

If you’re sailing along smoothly while indulging in raw nuts, grains, and fruits, by all means keep doing it. But if you are have trouble boosting your energy, losing weight, or reaping other benefits that the raw world promises, it is time to practice the beauty of simplicity. It solves the problem every time!

Remember, whether you are a beginner or a lifelong raw devotee, simple food from its source, in the simplest combinations possible, is the secret to cleaning your cells and lightening up! Labels do not matter. What matters is that the food you eat moves rapidly through your body. Accept this simplicity and you will overcome every dietary puzzle and will experience the true bliss of a clean, harmonious, energized body!

Don’t get caught up in complicated raw/vegan concoctions like nut-patés, tempeh, soy foods, grain mixtures, and dense desserts—all of which lead to gas, gas and more gas, along with reduced energy and a heavy burden on the intestines. This is not to prohibit you from enjoying these raw/vegan gourmet items in small amounts if you really love them. Just don’t kid yourself into thinking they are healthy and energizing or support your weight loss efforts.

Remember, simplicity trumps all. You don’t need unusual, hard-to-find items that mimic mainstream fare in raw or vegan form to succeed. In fact, you can easily find the simple foods listed above at restaurants or prepare them at home.

The goal of working toward a raw diet is to eventually feel completely content and satisfied with some fresh raw fruits and vegetables—not to require huge volumes of raw nuts and grains. Don’t fall for the marketing of so-called health foods by building your diet around the denser, more complicated raw products.

Until you are truly ready—emotionally, socially, and physiologically—to embrace a diet of 95% (or more) of simple fruits and vegetables, you are much better off bending to include steamed or baked vegetables, raw goat cheese, and even the occasional piece of fish. Do not place unrealistic pressure on yourself. Raw is not a race. Nor is it a goal unto itself. The goal is joyful, clean, vibrantly oscillating cells, which comes from eating simply, eliminating fully, and treating yourself and others with loving devotion.

Do you see the difference, my friends? Forget all the raw, vegan, and vegetarian dogma. Simple foods, whether cooked or raw, in simple combinations, is the fastest, most effective way to cleanse and rejuvenate.

Guided Meditation: Another Way to Raise Your Vibrations

If you are looking for non-dietary ways to raise your vibrations and become more peaceful, I highly recommend guided meditation. It always leaves me deeply relaxed yet surprisingly revived afterward. Those of you who are not excited by the idea of sitting in a lotus position and following your breath will love this approach.

I actually recommend lying down for optimal results. Lying down allows you to go into the deepest meditative states because no thought or effort is required to hold your body up. This approach can also be a doorway to traditional meditation, which is also useful at certain stages. Expect an intensely enjoyable experience as you start to connect with your true nature. These meditations leave you feeling unburdened, refreshed, and enlightened, and improve sleep as they awaken your mind and heart for what is to come.

Moreover, doing a simple meditation before eating helps remove so much of the pressure that causes us to over-consume. Overeating is often the result of feeding the body from the intense, spinning energy of the brain. Our eating habits reflect our thinking. If you practice meditation during the times of day when you typically binge or eat a large meal, you will find yourself eating much more slowly and recognizing when you have had enough.

The following CDs (all available through were created for the utmost spiritual, emotional, and physical advancement, and have been the most instrumental in both my personal and professional work. They will help bring you into an ideal frequency as well as help you heal your subconscious and unconscious imbalances. Lie back, close your eyes, and prepare for transformation!

Lee Harris Gift Collection (Volume 1) (Audio CD) by Lee Harris (Author)
Buy new: $59.95 1 Used & new from $59.95
The Power of Silence by Almine (Audio CD – Aug 15, 2006)
Buy new: $13.95 11 Used & new from $8.63