Tag Archives: Accumulation

Shining a Personal Light On Abuse: An Audio

It’s time to talk about abuse and its connections to self-abuse and imbalanced behaviors, as well as how to triumph over the abuse and thereby change those behaviors.

I speak completely openly for the first time here about my personal experiences with abuse, which I am only doing because I feel we need to bring this conversation to the table in full for greater wholeness and healing. I feel we are just opening a door here — this subject and this conversation deserves far more attention. So please listen to my discussion with Macha and then leave your questions and comments in the comment area so we can continue this essential conversation.

All with the greatest respect, love & support, Natalia


Cancer: A Mystery?

According to a study from the American Cancer Society back in 2007, there were expected to be over 12 million new cancer cases and 7.6 million cancer deaths worldwide that year (about 200,000 cancer deaths a day). At this rate, we can expect that pretty soon almost everyone will be a candidate for some type of cancer. The major cancer associations and their researchers claim to be on a mission to eliminate cancer “through research, education, advocacy and service.” But from my vantage point, they are just spinning their wheels and wasting time, money, energy and human life. Anyone who understands life’s simple Natural Laws knows that cancer is the effect of modern living.

Cancer is not a mystery; it is an inevitability. The extent to which cancer ravages human cells, tissues, and organs is completely preventable. And it could easily have been predicted by anyone with a little common, cosmic sense more than a hundred years ago with the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Cancer is the eating away of healthy human tissue by rogue microbes like bacteria, yeast, fungus and viruses. These rogue microbes are the decomposers of life and come into existence when conditions are not conducive to life (much as vultures, ants, flies, and other scavengers appear at the site of a carcass). The appearance of these microbes is a part of the natural, cosmic law of recycling energy.

It’s time to bring an end to the supposed quest for a cure for cancer in laboratories and the useless run/walks and pink ribbons. Cancer is a natural result of living in opposition to that which is life-generating—for the body and the planet. To put it another way, cancer is a natural result of saturating the body with substances, experiences, and environments that snuff the life out of it.

Cancer is not bad luck. It is the result of consistent defiance of life—making choices that lead to deterioration and death. Unfortunately, an ignorant plea will not save any of us from its clutches. To depend on doctors, health boards, research labs, and other misguided institutions is to forfeit responsibility for our own health. Apart from a growing group of conscious doctors who see the folly and corruption in their field, the medical approach can never solve the problem of cancer. The only way to resolve this plague is to maintain a body of clean cells and tissues—breathe clean air, drink clean water, and consume natural foods that leave the body efficiently to prevent accumulation and stagnation. For it is the stagnation of waste that breeds rogue microbes.

At this point, I would direct you to my blog on accumulation. First, you must understand how a body that becomes saturated with un-eliminated matter becomes a perfect breeding ground for pestilent feeders to overtake the healthy balance of the body’s terrains. Then you’ll clearly see how cancer is the end result of a lifetime’s accumulation of acidic waste matter and the undesirable life forms that feed on it.

Cancer begins at birth in the modern world. A baby is born into a world of non-life-generating substances, environments, and experiences. First there are the substances that clog the little body: formula, poor quality water, gluey grain-based foods, sugary cereals, milk, chicken, pork chops, soy chips, Veggie Booty, Pop Tarts, donuts, yogurt snacks, etc. This is the first stage of clogging that takes place in the early years. Of course, it just continues from there…fast food, meats, more dairy, more grain-based foods, more cheap packaged foods, diet foods, lifeless beverages, cigarettes, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, and more poor quality water and air.

These things alone cause enough blockage and stagnation in the body to turn it into a walking septic system and overwhelm the good microbes in the body with the decomposing rogue microbes. In these first couple of decades the body is already well on its way to becoming so overrun by these harbingers of cancer that much of the organism’s healthy tissue is riddled with mucus, bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Ailments such as ear infections, flues, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and asthma indicate that these microbes are taking hold. The more they are given a chance to grow, the more they will take over the body. It’s kind of like the body is playing out what would have happened if we had lost WWII. Now, if we lived differently, following the rules of nature and never allowing these substances into our bodies, this would never occur. But the unconscious masses do not make this connection. We cannot live “normally” and expect to avoid cancer. Today, “normal” living at its very core goes against the laws of the body. Given the conditions of modern living, we should expect cancer, not be surprised by it.

Add to this the enclosed spaces that we were never meant to live in—from houses and offices circulating lifeless, stagnant air to the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide that kill off healthy cells in our lungs (the largest internal organ) with every inhalation in and around cities and industrial areas. Oxygen is life. Our health and longevity is directly related to how much pure oxygen each cell receives.

The final straw that breaks the camel’s back is stress that comes not just from day-to-day pressures and deadlines but also from accumulated anxiety from early childhood. The family and community structure—with all its social expectations, fears, and general discord—is also based on a lot of erroneous, unconscious, accepted programs. It runs according to an assembly line of ages, stages, marriages and divorces, deterioration, old age homes and death.

These discordant feelings are bred into children, causing acidic emotions to flow through the body more abundantly than alkaline, harmonious emotions. All acid-forming substances—be they from food, drink, air, water, or emotions—contribute to the deterioration of the internal terrains. The acidic terrain is the ideal breeding ground for yeast, which, like weeds in a garden, choke the body and direct the infested organism to consume the sugars and starches the yeast feed on—contributing to the vicious cycle of accumulating substances that further clog the body.

As I discuss in my new book, Detox for Women (April ’09), people are exponentially more yeasted now than they were just five years ago. This explains why no diet seems to work anymore (however, in the book, I offer one that will). The very fact that this is occurring in conjunction with the phenomenon of cancer is clear as day. The “over-yeastedness” (which goes hand in hand with bacterial overgrowth) is the early warning sign of cancer. Cancer is just the fruition of a yeasted, bacteria-laden body. Cancer is the most mature stage of accumulated waste feeding rogue microbes until the tissue and organism approach full decomposition according to the cycle of life.

The body is always trying to protect its vital organs. It can live without healthy hair, teeth, nails, and bone, but not without a healthy liver, heart, lungs, or kidneys. So when the bacteria, yeast, or viruses get close to one or more vital organs, the body tries to protect the threatened organ by creating a boundary for the poisonous microbes and the waste they’re feeding on (which eventually permeates the intestine, reaching the internal organs). This boundary is a tumor. It’s like a little house for the dangerous mass. But this mass keeps growing if the organism does not heal, until the organ can no longer be protected from the mass and the rogue microbes begin to eat away at the organ. This is cancer.

The more the tissue of the organ is rendered “necrotic” (dead), the more the cancer has ravaged the organ/system. This explains why you’ll often hear of cancer spreading to other organs quickly. The body is one interconnected organism. Chances are, if the body is compromised enough to have one form of cancer, other parts of the body are similarly decomposing. (Note: the cancerous organ will reflect lifestyle habits—i.e., if one over-consumed cooked proteins, fats, alcohol and drugs, the liver will be the organ most inclined to suffer; if there were too many sugars and starches in the diet, the pancreas will be distressed; diabetes is a warning bell for cancer because it indicates that pancreatic function has already been compromised).

So now we know that our lifestyle is the cause of cancer. Cancer is the effect. Everything comes down to cause and effect. The problem with medical science’s approach to cancer is that it looks at cancer as a mystery with an unknown cause. It is no mystery, and I have to wonder why intelligent, highly educated people who command billions of dollars in research do not make this obvious connection. Is it ignorance or corruption? After all, cancer is a multi-billion-dollar business.

In my opinion, those who present themselves as doctors have a responsibility to dig for the truth, not simply uphold the system in which they were trained. At this point in our human downfall, there is no time for healers to be passive, ignorant, arrogant, or egotistical. Only the truth matters and will set us free. Both doctors and patients must avoid subscribing to systems that do not work. The former should be held accountable, and the latter will inevitably suffer if they do not learn, read, study and undertake the education of real health for themselves. The alternative is extinction. Moreover, we will miss out on all the joys of living in harmony with the Laws of Nature. Health is not the destination. Health is the gateway through which we can experience real life and higher states of humanity.

Perhaps the mainstream is beginning to get the message. Last week, this article in BBC online announced that the best cancer prevention is clean living. (To jump to the article, click here.) Who would have guessed it?

If your health has become severely compromised or you want to prevent cancer, the smartest thing you can do is initiate the removal of all the accumulation of unfit substances from your body that are feeding the rogue microbes. Do not overlook the importance of clean mountain or sea air, clean water, and a happy heart. I offer clear guidelines for tackling yeast in my audio Detox For Women (which is also applicable for many men) as well as in my book,Detox for Women.

Make no mistake, cancer is not a mystery. It is an obvious effect of the cause of “normal” living. The more you correct the blocks to the healthy flow of the body, the less your chances of having cancer. No one who lives according to the Laws of Nature gets cancer. Go have a run/walk—for life, for fun, for truth. Wear a pink ribbon—in your hair, because it’s pretty. Pssst! The mystery is solved. Pass it on…

Surfin’ that Life-wave,

All That Glitters

There are several television shows that call me periodically to speak on “newsworthy” topics. After participating in dozens of these segments over several months a couple of years ago, I opted to stop. They send a limo and driver, put my books up on camera, treat me like a celeb, and do the whole hair-and-makeup bit. But I started to realize that I always left feeling horrible. So I stopped. Sometimes I see their numbers on my caller ID and I don’t pick up.

Today I happened to pick up. It was a big show and, as usual, it was tempting at first: I’d have a captive audience for a couple of minutes, and the thought that I might inspire someone to begin their process of growth and freedom was tempting. Whereas most of these segments are between 2 and 3 minutes, this one, at a whopping 7 minutes, was distinctly alluring. I also found the subject matter compelling and fun: the forbidden ad by PETA created for the Super Bowl. You can see it here at: www.peta.org/content/standalone/VeggieLove/.

I was ready to make up an excuse for not being able to participate—particularly when I learned that they wanted to pigeonhole me as a vegetarian and pit me against a carnivore (you know how I repel labels)! But instead I felt like maybe I should do it this time; maybe this time would be different.

I bought myself some time to consult with my inner compass. I reminded myself of all the reasons that I stopped doing these news blocks and why I felt so awful afterwards. For one, these newsrooms are places of profoundly inharmonious vibrations. Hectic energy spins and flashes like lightning around everyone—everything popping, seconds ticking, next guest appearing, 15 screens going at once, teleprompters flashing… The MO: create drama, keep the masses watching, keep the interest growing, make mountains out of dung balls!

It’s a mad frenzy even by my standards—and I’m a New Yorker, for carrot’s sake, who’s used to a certain amount of frenetic energy! And then, of course, there’s hair and makeup. Do you know they airbrush your face until you look like plastic (most of the anchors are airbrushed to the hilt; guys too). Once you are adequately caked up, you move into the next room to get your hair teased, ironed, and sprayed, and then you’re off into the freezing production room where you are given mere seconds to try to educate the viewers about one of the most profound subjects of our day. But you never really get to say anything at all because the treatment of the topic is shallow and you only have a few seconds of air time to answer questions that are staged to create drama and ratings—not to benefit the viewers at all!

All in all, it’s an afternoon squandered at the feet of the beast, not one of useful, life-generating activity. After all this commotion, I have not served to illuminate anyone, but merely contributed to the chatterbox of sound bites that feed the human programming machine, keeping the culture numb and addicted to infotainment fast food.

The shows, like the magazines and other manufactured images that inundate and subliminally program us, are part of a mass illusion. I realize now that this was the reason the whole experience made my skin crawl. My inner compass was telling me loud and clear through its alarm bells that these forms of media were not for me. If people were ready for this cleansing information, they would have to find it some other way.

However, the experiences taught me so much about myself and even reflected my own evolution. I used to think I needed the major media channels to reach people or build my “platform.” That was part of the old energy model, which will become increasingly antiquated as more people wake up and create channels of life-generating information and entertainment.

It also taught me a lot about what goes on behind the scenes of television shows. When you watch those newscasters, don’t be fooled by the illusion of their radiant skin and confident demeanors. Often, they are suffering from the same bodily abuse as their mainstream viewers; they just have the help of technicians to make them appear healthy. The “airbrush makeup” actually does make your skin appear flawless. Lights and other products do the rest. As for the appearance of confidence and calm, well, that’s an illusion too. However, what’s under the surface of these illusions cannot be airbrushed.

This is the launching point to a bigger issue I’ve wanted to hit on for some time. We live in a world of fake appearances—it’s all smoke and mirrors: the magazine photographs, TV shows, and, of course, the grand dame of all, plastic surgery! You can mimic the image you admire with all the masking technology available today, but doing so won’t help you escape the ravages of imbalanced living inside. You can cover and glitz up all you want on the outside, you can get nipped and tucked and create the illusion of beauty, but the body can’t keep your secret inside for long. The body doesn’t forget the abuse of unfit consumption and lifestyle choices. Sure, there are drugs to help suppress symptoms, but they cannot undo the destruction to the cells, tissues, and organs that lead to cancer, Parkinson’s, gastro-intestinal disease, and myriad other manifestations of “normal” living. You can get a facelift and “smart-lipo”, but you’ll still have to explain your colostomy bag!

Sometimes women ask me, “Natalia, why do I have to work so hard and do all these healthy things? My friend Jane doesn’t do any of this and she looks great!”

“How do you know?” I reply. “Do you have X-ray vision? Quantum vision maybe? Have you looked at the state of the atomic structure within her cells? Oh, and take away the Prozac, the coffee, the cigarettes, the aspirin, and her credit cards, and see how fine Jane is.”

Nothing personal, Jane! But people appear to be fine when they have all the stimulation that keeps them on an even keel, but they are desperately addicted to the substances that keep them from shaking like a cocaine fiend coming off a fix. They are not okay just because they seem okay for 15 minutes in the grocery store checkout line. If they are living “normally” and are over a certain age, they are ravaged by toxicity.

It’s all based on polarity, and cause and effect. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The scales of justice are neither arbitrary nor optional. If you place a substance in the body that doesn’t belong there, your body will have to work hard to get it out—if it’s lucky enough to manage it. Everything that enters the body must be metabolized. That which fails to leave and becomes stuck in the intestinal tissue creates blocks in the body which accumulate. The body becomes a bacteria breeding ground—rotting on its own waste from within.

You can smear yourself all you want with expensive creams and cover yourself up with trendy clothes, but you’ll only be fooling yourself. All the spas and Park Avenue surgeons in the world cannot reverse internal decay. There is only one way out: diligent application of intelligent cleansing principles, which will eventually unblock the pathways and bring the life force back to the cells. When the cells start to conduct electromagnetic current again, you will discover what true beauty looks and feels like. This is the only beauty worth having.

You won’t get information like this in the mainstream news media any more than you’ll get real news on real world events from them. It’s all smoke, glitter, and illusion, my friends. I know you already know this, but sometimes it’s good to be reminded because it’s easy to fall prey to the facades and masks in our world of airbrushed images.

After graciously declining to do the show, I added, “If you ever decide to do a program that explores this subject matter more deeply, I would be very interested in participating.” The producer said he’d keep that in mind. I’m not expecting a phone call anytime soon.

I’m not opposed to being on television, but to the way it’s done. When it is produced in such a way that honors life and the lives of the viewers, I’ll be there. Otherwise, I’ll be at home hanging out with my family in the Life-Light—where all that glitters is PURE GOLD!

Speaking of real gold, check out the glitterati from my recent trip to South Africa at: detoxtheworld.com/about-photos.php with my family. (No retouching or airbrushing, I promise!)

In the Life-Light,

Over-consumption + Under-elimination x Time = Accumulation

What is the real culprit behind aging, weight problems, and illness? Accumulation. Namely, the accumulation of substances, mostly from the foods we ingest.

When you see a wrinkled, heavy, tired-looking 60-year-old person, you should know that he/she do not look this way because he/she has gone around the sun 60 times. Time alone does not age the body. Don’t confuse time with accumulation. The average 60-year-old today reflects 60 years of over-consumption and under-elimination, whereas the average 20-year-old reflects 20 years of the same. Again, accumulation, not time, is the culprit.

Your physical (and mental) signs of age, weight, and illness are all a result of the substances you have taken into your body over your lifetime that have not fully left the body. Over-consumption always leaves a residue (much more than you might think). This is why supplements and so-called “detox” products—even the highest quality ones—cannot remove accumulation and make you well. They only provide the potential to eliminate. Until you have copious bowel eliminations or profound skin eliminations (deep sweats), you have not detoxified.

A 60-year-old can look as young as 20 if he/she has the same degree of accumulation in the body. If a person has spent his/her years eating only what is needed and eliminating fully, using colonics as necessary to support complete elimination and prevent accumulation, he/she will be perfectly youthful inside and out.

Let me explain “the journey of waste accumulation” to help you understand how accumulation takes place and how easy it is to clear…

From the earliest months and years of life, substances begin to enter the body that do not belong there. These sludgy foods (particularly infant formula, cow dairy, and grain) move slowly through the intestines.

At first, the young, able body holds up fairly well against these obstacles, but eventually there is too much mucus and drying waste sitting in the intestines. The child may still be eliminating a bit, but is consuming too much unfit food to overcome the congestion, which gradually gets worse.

When the intestine gets too backed-up, the waste is absorbed into the tissues of the intestinal walls to make space. Where does that absorbed matter go? Into the blood and organs that lie on the other side of the intestinal walls. The matter begins to circulate throughout the body, eventually landing and nesting somewhere. This happens continuously from this moment forward. With every bit of intake, the full intestinal path struggles to keep the pathway clear by absorbing the putrid waste that is obstructing the flow. Some of it passes out the bowel while the rest is absorbed. Thus the assembly line of waste marches on over time, and you’ve got a serious case of accumulation.

Now look at your body: look at your cellulite, your wrinkles, contemplate that lump or other aberration deep inside you. These are symptoms of the accumulated waste that landed where it was never meant to go, clogging pathways that need to be clear to help you stay healthy, youthful and lean.

You were never meant to eat those unfit foods, let alone in those quantities. And now you have diabetes or eczema or asthma or osteoporosis or cancer and there are doctors and researchers scratching their heads over a cure.

The cure is simple: accumulation got you into this mess, and removing that accumulation is the only thing that can get you out.

The modern approach to finding a “cure” for cancer will fail until the true cause is acknowledged: accumulation of physical substances and emotional pain. But the average person would rather seek a cure outside of him/herself than challenge the conventional modes of eating and living—even if it means dying. It’s madness!

I see my beautiful friends aging before my eyes, getting diagnosed with all kinds of sickness. Yet most of them fail to look at the accumulation in their bodies and choose to take the prescribed drugs, which will only make matters worse.

Contemplating the return to physical perfection is not for the faint of heart. It means eating simply and cleansing the bowel for as long as it takes to self-heal, and then making it a permanent lifestyle choice.

Of course, the joys and rewards are indescribable. It is sheer liberation if you can be brave enough to face the issue of over-accumulation and correct it. Clean the colon and large intestine through enemas/colonics and Quick Exit eating (which I describe at length in my books) so the emptied intestine can pull back all the other waste from throughout the body for elimination.

Day after day, you will remove more of all that accumulated waste as it makes its way from the nesting grounds in the cells and tissues back into the colon and out of your body. Your body is always seeking to do this. You need only give it the chance through Quick Exit eating and a clear, receptive colon.

Then, just kick back and observe how every elimination leaves you younger looking, slimmer, and less symptomatic of your ailments until you are perfectly functioning and beautiful at last!

Rejoice, my friends, for we have finally debunked the myth of aging!