Q: Dear Natalia Rose Institute,
Can you please tell me how to find a good place to get colonics in my area? I don’t know what I am looking for because I have never had one before. Is there anyone you can recommend near me?
A: Dear Annie, Thank you for your email. All of the Colon-Hydrotherapists that we are familiar with and have had contact with are listed on Natalia’s Natalia Rose Institute website. You can visit the directory anytime to find the recommended hydrotherapist closest to you.
There are many wonderful hydrotherapists out there whom we have not been introduced to. When you are doing your own research you will want to call and ask several key questions:
1. Do you use a gravity-fed closed colonic system? If the system is not gravity fed then a machine controls the flow of water. This does not work with the natural rhythms of the body in the same way as a gravity method (where the tank of water is above your head, and powered only by the pull of gravity). A closed system means that waste will exit through tubing instead of into an open toilet.
2. How long will my colonic take? The answer should about an hour. Anything less and you are not getting to the full range of the large intestine. The ascending colon, which runs up the right side of the body, usually only begins to release matter after about 40-50 minutes on the table.
3. Will you be in the room with me the whole time? A therapist should never leave the room while you are on the table. A good therapist knows how to massage the stomach and help your body to effectively release as much as possible while making the experience as gentle as he or she can.
If you find a wonderful place to get treatments, please ask them to reach out to us so we can add their listing to the site and direct others to them as well!