Pregnancy and Post-Menopausal Tummy Bulge (August 15, 2011)

Q: Hi,
I recently started your program and also found out I am pregnant (2 months). Any advice for fellow pregnant ladies? How does the cleansing cycle differ? I find I am hungry all the time and having trouble staying on track!

Help! Thanks!

A: Hi Tiffiny,

Thank you for your email. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Natalia has created a website specifically for parents with a curriculum which addresses preconception to early childhood. The Life Force Families site will have everything you need to modify your lifestyle for the next nine months, and you can come right back to your detox routine following the birth of your new little one. Go directly to the pregnancy area of the site here.

Please reach out to me again with any additional questions.


Q: Hello,

First – love your detox book and have recommended to many women (and men!). Second – I’m now approaching 50 and experiencing tummy bulge (blech). I want to keep wearing my clothes!

Any recommended reading or knowledge on raw food and menopause, tummy bulge, etc!?!

Thank You, Tamara

A: Hi Tamara,

Thank you for your email. Happy upcoming birthday! It is wonderful that you have been able to direct so many people to this lifestyle.

For a tummy bulge, the best approach to diet and lifestyle is a yeast-conscious approach to eating. Most women who have been living in Western culture have a yeast and fungal overgrowth in their intestine that keeps them from loosing the weight that they would like. This yeast, also called Candida, can also slow digestion, prevent proper food absorption, and create lethargy. It is essential to eliminate this yeast to successfully detox the body. Natalia outlines simple and easy ways to rid the body of this yeast in Detox4Women. I think this would be the right approach for you to achieve your goals.

Natalia also addresses the cycle that leads up to our difficulties with menopause in her Blog “It’s Electric”. It is a two part blog which you can start here.

Thank you for your wonderful feedback, and please reach out with any further questions.
