Launch Time!

Hello Friends!

Thanks to all of you who attended the launch party for Detox Dates last night. The energy was just amazing and Doris’s food…well let’s just say much of the party congregated around her unforgettable creations! But what stood out most were the guests — I want to hang with you guys all the time!

Look out for the next event to be held in July (we will announce the date on the events page as soon as it is set: This time we’ll hopefully get clear skies and be able to enjoy the rooftop!

We’ve finally flipped the switch and turned on Detox Dates officially!

We have decided to keep the complimentary membership to the Detox FREE for the duration of the summer, until Labor Day (and then it will continue to be FREE to those who signed up this summer until JUNE 18, 2010 (one year from the launch date)!

So let all your friends know and start enjoying the space to express and connect with some of the most extraordinary singles on the planet!

To join, go directly to this link:

Or go to the home page and click on the callout “Detox Dates” at the top of the page.

In addition to the community of members there will also be exclusive content related to relationships that I know you will enjoy and benefit from.

To all the GUYS out there, I have to say that the number of gorgeous, bright, inspiring and highly-conscious girls on this list is unprecedented so don’t be shy about signing up. Otherwise, the guys we do have are going to be way too spoiled! But the fact of the matter is that the guys that are signing up are equally amazing so I think they can handle it!

Please note: We (naturally) honor those seeking same sex conscious dates.

In the spirit of relationships and in preparation for Detox Dates, I would like to recommend some literature that will help you grow in your understanding of love relationships (these books really helped me):
I also highly recommend Lee Harris and Story Waters relationship audios and videos, particularly Lee’s latest video lecture course, “New Energy Relationships.” You’ll find all of their work at Enjoy!

Here’s to ever rising in Love,


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