Town Meeting Roundup

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to fill you all in on what’s going on here at Natalia Rose Institute and what you can look forward to in the coming months.

1. Emotional Eating S.O.S.! is now complete and available for free on the membership DetoxCommunity and for purchase on the site. This project is very close to my heart and definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write because I had to retrace my steps and recapitulate my life–all that wired me for emotional eating and all that liberated me from it. But I persevered and went into that dark space for hours at a time until it was done because I think this is one of the biggest challenges people face today. The material can be applied to any self-destructive behavior, not just disordered eating.

2. Our Detox Walks have been so much fun this year! In the last two weeks, the groups have grown quite a lot and it’s been wonderful to meet more new people. Our lively, large group snakes through the park like a beautiful cobra, drinking in all the great collective energy and soaking in the vibes from this very special nature reserve in the middle of Manhattan. This coming Thursday, June 24, will be the last walk I’ll be able to attend for a while, but the walks will continue without me. We have a torch-bearer, Lisa, who has been with us every week and who will lead the group until I come back after Labor Day. So please keep going strong. Many people have told us that the walk is the highlight of their week!

3. The larger Natalia Rose Institute International Community is still incubating, but we hope to launch this summer. So please stay tuned. Soon there may be a group near you!

4. The Parents Community is also in production, as is a newsletter, which we’re working on to offer you even more guidance and support. You’ll soon see a “call out” area on the homepage to sign up if you’d like to receive it. You’ll find recipes, tips, discounts on local colonics and juices bars, and much more!

5. The Rose Program Culinary Institute is booking up its maiden course in October very quickly. Anyone who has tasted Doris’s food, attended one of Doris’s cooking deomos, or tried her recipes in the DetoxCommunity knows why. She is a genius–ever at the cutting edge of our culinary future!

6. I send out a Good Luck wish to all my former and current students who are taking the Rose Program Certification test. It is not an easy test–if you pass, you really know your stuff. We are receiving many completed tests, so please be patient while we grade them with detailed care and feedback. Please give us 2 to 3 weeks to get back to you.

Ana will remain hard at work all summer, and she still has a few openings available for personal consultations (in person or via phone). I am taking July and August off to spend time with my family. So, more than ever, please remember that between the blogs on this site and the extensive guidance offered in the private DetoxCommunity, you will find everything you need.

We receive more correspondence than we could possibly keep up with, so please understand if we cannot reply to all of your questions. This is what the DetoxCommunity is for. There are many advanced students here who can answer your quetions. We are not expanding to meet the increased demand with more employees. We have no corporate ambitions. We believe there is a way to serve you while remaining tranquil and connected, in the moment, instead of falling victim to the technocratic pace of modern life that depletes inner power.

I’ll write a few blogs and post a few more audios with Macha over the summer to stay connected with you all. I look forward to seeing many of you at the September Advanced Training Class and the Rose Program Culinary Institute in the fall. Remember to visit our Events page!

Wishing you a wonderful summer (and to our friends down under, a beautiful fall).


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