The Art of Transfiguration

Thank you for your comments requesting more about my personal journey. It’s wonderful to know we are on the same wavelength. This is a highly conscious group, attuned both personally and collectively to a greater understanding of who we are—striving to fulfill our human potential—rather than shuffling along robotically into further states of mutation, sickness, depression, addiction, and disempowerment. In this spirit, I am more than happy to share my journey with you.

The way I have come to see this process in full scope is as a kind of transfiguration. Transfiguration means a complete change of one’s state of being. This is not just a change of form or external appearance, but of the entire being, inside and out: from the cellular level to the thought level, from our biochemical composition (our skeletal-muscular and cell-tissue-organ systems) to our subatomic wave frequencies. In fact, if it were legal for me to say so, as a non-medically trained healer, I might go so far as to say that transfiguration is the cure for all disease.

Transfiguring the host of a disease in one state of biochemistry/frequency to a whole other elevated state of biochemistry/frequency would result in sure dissolution of the disease. The symptoms (the expressions of disease) caused by the old state of being would dissipate just as surely as humidity dissipates in the desert. Conditions determine disease or wellness—physical, mental, and emotional. Change the conditions; change the manifestation. In other words, transfigure the host and you eradicate the viability of disease.

That is the secret to absolute healing. You can change your being and your life at every level when you know how to think about yourself and your reality. We will explore this more fully later on. In the meantime, just know it is a powerful tool of perception—arguably the most powerful agent of change we have. The art of transfiguration has been buried and lost to modern civilization. But if you are willing to do a bit of excavating, you can unearth it and wield its full magic!

Transfiguration is the elevation of the whole, integrated network of one’s being. One’s consciousness, emotions, physicality, mentality, subatomic wave frequency/vibration are wholly and extraordinarily elevated. This elevation is possible for anyone who desires it strongly enough, without exception. It is my aim to shed light on how to initiate and fulfill your own transfiguration—to give you the tools to the magic.

At first, the idea of transfiguration may sound a bit overwhelming to you, but I feel that we are all up for this. It’s time to stop sitting in the old energy that brings nothing but sadness, suffering, disease and pain. It’s time to take the leap.

Before I go on, I’d like to point out my own personal view of transfiguration. I do not see it as a linear leap forward. Humans today are in a degenerated state. As a species, we are in many ways worse off today than we were in a previous era. I feel we have mutated and become disfigured, and therefore are far from our natural state of being. Transfiguration is necessary to regenerate this lost purity, to return us to our natural state. Only then, once we’ve recovered this lost ground through transfiguration, will we be able to employ transfiguration to advance our evolution.

How do I know this? Because it is well documented that many an indigenous people enjoyed the kind of health, balance, vitality, intuition, shared knowledge, and strong, loving, interconnected communities that we can only dream about today. It was not until they were infected with the “civilized” world’s greed and hunger for power that these communities atrophied. Native Americans had a term for the Europeans’ contagious disease—Witeko, a form of cannibal psychosis, consuming human lives through greed, aggression, and cruelty. (For more on this subject, I recommend reading: Columbus and Other Cannibals by John D. Forbes.)

By studying indigenous peoples, it is clear that the great minds and creators from 10,000 years ago were collectively more evolved than we are today. Somewhere along the way, our trajectory of thought and behavior (outgrowths of our mental conditions and worldview) veered away from human progress in the true sense of the word.

At first, like any slightly off-kilter trajectory, the deviation was not so obvious. But the further afield the trajectory moved away from conditions that supported human and planetary evolution, the more degenerated the results. Like Hansel and Gretel, we have lost our way, and will need all our wits to find our way back home. Thankfully, there is a code we can use to realign our course. It’s called The Universal Laws of Life.

We can reverse the mutation and return to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In this natural state of being, we will feel the depression and dissatisfaction melt away as waves of peace and joy surge up within us. The best we can hope for from the old trajectory is stimulation, simulated pleasure, and false security. Many of us have always sensed this cannot be right, that there is so much more to humanity and life. But it is not enough to sense it; we have to act on this feeling, to act upon it through transfiguration. We owe it to ourselves, to our loved ones, and to the world around us!

Someone recently pointed out to me that to the average person I sound really radical, but that in fact my perspective is really grounded and rational. It’s remarkable that we live in a world where sanity is seen as radical and insanity is accepted as sane. So I urge you to consider the facts of the modern world very carefully and decide which norms are in fact sane or insane.

This journey requires dedication, discipline, and, most of all, a deep desire to recover our humanity in its natural, healthy state. It requires the kind of vision, passion and hard work required to move mountains—only, in this case, the mountains we wish to move are entirely man-made! But once you move your first mountain, and then the next, you’ll gain strength and momentum. It’s the initial leaps that are the hardest, but they will bring profound shifts in perspective and inner balance that will make the steps that follow far easier—even enjoyable!

Transfiguration leads to ultimate freedom, power, health and wealth—the sort that you carry within you, that you can access through conscious choice, and that can never be taken from you against your will.

In fact, “will” is a key term here. You can will this process into being and multiply its fruits by the power of your will. Think of your will as your focused intent and the actions and thoughts that proceed from it. When your will lines up with the life-generating Universal Laws, you will be able to move mountains. You will be amazed at your own power! And you will feel such love, praise and gratitude that life is beautiful and that you are worthy of it, and that your thoughts and actions can be good and graceful and life-generating. You will look back on your previous incarnation as a sickly host to greed, strain, worry and fear, and you will see how far you’ve come. And then you will set your sights on the next elevation.

The art of transfiguration has always been there. You just had to learn how to work with it.

More to come…

In our beautiful unity,

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