Category Archives: Community Live Calls

Q&A with Ana & Amanda — 3/15/2012

Recommended Resource:

  • Building a Meditation Practice, as offered by Edgar Cayce


  1. Do calories count or is it all about density, water content and quick exit qualities?
  2. What starches are safe on a yeast cleanse?
  3. Should we pay attention to fats?
  4. While juicing a develop a rash around my eyes but don’t when I consume the same ingredients in a smoothie. Why is that?
  5. Where is waste stored in a lean body?
  6. Why does digestion freeze when you’re flying?
  7. What do you recommend as safe and healthy options for menstruation, especially for young girls?
  8. What might cause gas immediately after eating dinner?
  9. Are my juices still fresh if I make them before work, take them with me, and store them in the fridge?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From March 15, 2012


Q&A with Ana & Amanda — 3/1/2012

  • Welcome & Purpose of Calls


  1. What do you suggest for someone who keeps falling off the wagon and struggles with addictive behavior?
  2. I am struggling with blood sugar imbalance and keep getting pulled into mainstream thinking. What do you suggest?
  3. I feel great but I have recurring acne and my blood work shows low iron and thyroid levels. Why is this?
  4. How do you explain why you eat one meal a day?
  5. Why is my iron low?
  6. Is nutritional yeast ok on a Candida cleanse?
  7. How long should I wait between drinking juice and coffee?
  8. I can’t afford weekly colonics and am not eliminating everyday. Should I do more frequent enemas?
  9. My nails are peeling and breaking and my scalp is itchy and dry. Any suggestions?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From March 1, 2012