Category Archives: Community Live Calls

Q&A with Natalia & the Natalia Rose Institute Team — 11/29/2012

    1. Career – I’m finding my current, acidic work environment less and less tolerable. Can you offer advice for making life generating career choices?
    2. Drugs & Detox – I was prescribed medical marijuana to manage back pain and have begun to use it recreationally as a sort of emotional crutch. How is this affecting my cleanse? Do over the counter drugs have the same effect?
    3. Religion & Detox – My religious beliefs are monumentally being challenged right now. Can you shed light on how to navigate these questions and speak my truth within the context of my spiritual group?
    4. Chinese Medicine & Warming Foods – My acupuncturist told me the best way to “dry” a “damp spleen” is to eat warm cooked foods, like steamed vegetables and soup, and cut out juice and raw veggies. I have an auto-immune disease so this seems counter-intuitive. What do you recommend?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From November 29, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & the Natalia Rose Institute Team — 11/13/2012

Announcement:- Amanda gives birth to PelemaTV (, a show about creating Paradise right where you are.


  • Becoming interconnected to the web of life, beyond the confines of the “matrix”.
  • Embodying, and exposing, the goddess energy within.
  • Being loyal to truth vs. fear.
  • Watching for the signs that our children give us.


  • What techniques do Amanda and Natalia employ in order to maintain their healthy relationships & how do we draw in the right partner?
  • What is the ideal nutrition for babies beyond 10months?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From November 13, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 10/25/2012


  • LA Meet-Up: November 1st at 5:30pm at MAKE Restaurant in Santa Monica. Email Joanna to let her know if you’ll attend!
  • Personal/Group Consultations in LA: If interested in booking an in-person appointment while Joanna is in Los Angeles, email Joanna.
  • Advanced Detox Certification Course: November 5th-7th, spaces remain!
  • The Fresh Energy Cookbook is now out! Enjoy nearly 200 recipes and the newfound inspiration they’ll give you in the kitchen.
  1. Rash/skin irritation: My babies have small rashes on their skin that come and go, even though we adhere to a strict cleansing lifestyle. Any advice?
  2. Cleansing brain tissue: Are their particular recommendations for applying the awaken/release process for this area of the body, especially for conditions like onset Alzheimer’s or a stroke?
  3. Organic Produce: Is there a benefit to drinking non-organic juice or are pesticides too harmful?
  4. Parasites: Can you share any recommendations for ridding my body of them?
  5. Emotional Eating/Addiction: I find myself binging daily and it feels so bad. How can I begin to heal and stop?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From October 25, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 9/20/2012

Event reminds: Fall Courses are coming up!
October 1-29: Fundamentals of Deep Tissue Cleansing
November 5-7th: Advanced Detox Training
November 9-11th: Culinary Institute
See our events page for more information and to register.


  1. Hemorrhoids: I have hemorrhoids and colonics are quite painful. What specific protocol should I follow to reverse the condition?
  2. Cystic Acne: What suggestions and advice can you share to help me understand the cause and the remedy for severe acne? What are your dietetic and product recommendations?
  3. Dietetic Advice: There seems to be many divergent opinions across various protocols, specifically in relationship to Dr. Furman’s recommendations. Weight loss is my goal; how can I determine the best approach for me?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From September 20, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 9/06/2012

Announcements: Fall Courses are coming up!
October 1-29: Fundamentals of Deep Tissue Cleansing
November 5-7th: Advanced Detox Training
November 9-11th: Culinary Institute
See our events page for more information and to register. Sign up now to take advantage of early bird discounts!

Bouncing back: What should I do when I make a poor dietary choice?
Bloating: What’s the cause?
Detox for 50+: Where can I learn more about guidelines for this age range?
Stevia: Is it a stimulant that could be keeping me up at night?
Hashimoto’s disease: Is there a specific approach for this condition?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From September 6, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 8/16/2012

Natalia opens with a brief discussion on body image and the importance of taking the focus off weight loss and placing it on healing the whole body while harmonizing with nature.

Michael Beckwith – Upcoming workshop on True Prosperity:


  • Calories – How does the body maintain weight if more calories are being burned than consumed? What information does caloric content provide?
  • RFDD or D4W – For someone who has been following The Rose Cleanse and D4W for sometime, which protocol is recommended?
  • VSL3 – This probiotic was recommended to me; have you heard of it?
  • Twitching – This stopped when I began to slow down, incorporating meditation. How else can we raise our vibration?
  • Allergies – I am 18 months into cleansing, have healed an irritated bowel and I am consistent with juicing and eating pretty cleanly. A few weeks ago allergies that I haven’t had in 20 years have resurfaced. What steps do you recommend?
  • Spider Veins – What causes them and can they disappear with deep tissue cleansing?
  • Debt – How can you be free and be who you really are when you’re over your head in debt? I feel so enslaved and constricted?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From August 16, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 8/2/2012

Call with Joyce Rockwood

  1. Protein – A biochemist told me we need more protein, as we get older. Is there truth to this?
  2. Colonics before Colonoscopy – Can you speak to why people who consume the PEG/OSP drink before a colonoscopy may show cleaner readings than others who had colonics to prepare for the procedure?
  3. Effectiveness of Colonics – How do you know colonics are effective?
  4. Risks of Colonics – Can you respond to common concerns that colonics are dangerous and risk puncturing the colon?
  5. Salt Water Cleanse – Is drinking salt water in the morning helpful for moving the bowels and cleansing the digestive tract?
  6. Remedy for poor meal choice – What’s the best way to sweep an indulgence out of the body?
  7. Waste matter – What are the white bits that come through the tube?
  8. Self-treatment Techniques – Can you recommend techniques for maximizing the release during a treatment?
  9. Solar Plexus – How can you massage this area during a colonic?
  10. Coffee Enemas – What’s your opinion; are they valuable?
  11. Digestive Enzyme – Which brand do you recommend?
  12. Preparing for a Colonic – What should we eat the night before a treatment? Is administering an enema the day before helpful?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From August 2, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 7/19/2012

Next Advanced Training Course on November 5-7th is open for registration! Natalia discusses 3 key aspects of Manifestation:gratitude, understanding the laws of nature, and trusting one’s self. Recommended Resources: The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday


  1. IBS: I developed IBS and other uncomfortable symptoms after detoxing and incorporating more juice and colonics. What do you suggest?
  2. Stomach Exercises: Natalia walks through Taoist exercises that are helpful for strengthening the peristalsis of your bowels.
  3. Weight loss: I lost a lot of weight in the beginning and then gained it all back. Is this hormonal or a reaction to detoxification?
  4. Eyes: My friend has been following NRI for a few months, gets colonics every 3-week, and receives chelation therapy. Her eyes shut involuntarily, and she has high levels of mercury. Any suggestions?
  5. Sun & Benefits: Can you elaborate on the importance of the sun, in light of so much negative press about it?
  6. Agave: What are your thoughts on the reports that agave is not raw or natural and causes us to hold fat? Should we avoid it?
  7. Personal Mantra: Natalia shares her favorite mantra for staying full of bliss: I love life and life loves me.

Listen to Live Q&A Call From July 19, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 7/5/2012

Recommended Resources For Meditation
Almine, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Deepak Chopra – The Soul of Healing

  1. On Busyness, Communication & Habits: Natalia and Amanda discuss connectivity, the circadian cycle and setting boundaries.
  2. Juicing without colonics? – Should someone with significant health challenges drink juice if he isn’t getting colonics or will this create an over cleansing reaction?
  3. IBS – I have been eating soluble diet for months and don’t include salads. Is it true that salads and raw vegetables are triggers for IBS?
  4. Rebounding while menstruating? Is it safe to rebound while menstruating?
  5. D4W or RFDD? I am a beginner and wonder which protocol I should follow.
  6. Meditation: Do you have tips for getting started with a meditation practice?
  7. Recreational Drugs: What are the consequences for an 18-year-old male who is taking drugs while following a D4W approach? Are the drugs more dangerous while the body is detoxifying?
  8. Constipation: Do you have suggestions for a woman in her 60s who has only a few bowel movements a year?
  9. Clothing: What brands of bras do you recommend?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From July 5, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 6/21/2012


  • Guided Rose Cleanse – It’s back! This is a 30-day cleanse, which offers 60 days of access to the supportive virtual living room and all the material and recordings shared in January. Continue to bring your questions there and to these calls as they arise while participating!
  • Life Force Families Calls – Free and open to all, held on the first Tuesday of every month, these calls explore all topics related to bringing this lifestyle to families and are a perfect forum for your family related questions!
  • Our Summer Detox – This month-long course begins July 2nd, and there are still a few places left! With the summer heat in full swing, it’s a perfect time to participate and fall in love with the healing sun. Cleansers at all levels are welcome!
  • Rose Program Culinary Institute – Spaces remain for the upcoming July course! Past participants have raved about it, and we know you will too!


  • Dr. Steven Chang – on Taoism, The Complete System of Self-Healing
  • Kathleen McGowan – The Source of Miracles
  • Heliotherapy – Why is a clean-celled person less likely to burn? How does the sun heal?
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Is this useful for treating systemic viruses?
  • Eyes – I hear a faint clicking sound and my eyes feel dry; do you know what this indicates?
  • Twitching – I find myself twitching during the day, and it interrupts sleep. I’m feeling overwhelmed and depressed; what can I do?
  • Sexuality – How does cultivating our energy relate to sexuality, masculine and feminine energy?
  • Clothing – How does the desire to wear certain, unrestricted clothing relate to our ability to take in energy from the earth and conduct it?
  • Speculums – Why are stainless steal speculums better than the plastic variety?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From June 21, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 5/24/2012

Upcoming Events

  1. Advanced Training Course: June 4 – June 6
  2. Culinary Institute: June 8 – June 10
  3. All New: Our Summer Detox with Joanna in July!
    *Where: In NYC or Virtually – Space is limited
    *When: July 2 – July 30, 2012
    *What: 4 Meetings, 4 Calls, Weekly Walks (optional), Wrap-up with Natalia
    *Why: Spend your month with us to shed weight and re-energize your mind, body, and spirit in the comfort of a small group setting. Stay inspired and supported the whole way through!*Registration & Details will be on the Events page soon

Big Picture: Natalia discusses the “Then What Factor”
Recommended Resources:
Author – Omraam Mikheal Ayvanhov
Almine – Modern Mystic
Padma Aon Prakasha – The Christ Blueprint
Michael Beckwith

Oil: Can you explain why we avoid them? In particular, how bad are the low-quality ones typically found in salad dressings?
Dessert: I feel addicted to having dessert at night even though I can comfortably go on only juice and raw salads during the day. Do you have any resources for emotional eating?
Infection: I have an infection, and I am trying to develop a sustainable cleansing program. What recommendations do you have?
Hydrogen Peroxide: In what ways can this serve as a healing tool?
Dinner: Can you compare a high quality starch, dairy, or nut/seed based meal? If I am trying to heal from an infection should I focus on one category over the others?
Contraction: Why does the body contract when first beginning this lifestyle? I don’t feel as light in my body as I did when I first started and wonder if I can get that feeling back.

Listen to Live Q&A Call From May 24, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 5/10/2012

Natalia addresses a few questions from the community:

  1. Symptoms: I am a new mom with weight gain, skin eruptions, and other symptoms. Is this a thyroid issue?
  2. Rose Cleanse & Bowel Movements: I am doing everything else right; why am I not moving on my own yet?
  3. Diet without Bowel Cleansing: I won’t have access to colon cleansing while on vacation. What do you recommend dietetically and otherwise to stay feeling great?
  4. All about the Water Filtration System/The Liberator: Is it pressurized? How do you know if it’s working well? What are some recommended techniques for adjusting pressure and temperature? Who’s eligible to purchase one? How long should sessions last?

Joyce Rockwood of LYT talks Colonics

  • Bloating after Colonics: Do you have any suggestions for preventing this bloating feeling?
  • Tools to stimulate the bowels: Wheatgrass Implants, Castor oil, & Aloe and more!
  • Meal after Colonic: What do you recommend eating after a treatment?
  • Book Recommendations: Any book recommendations for an aspiring colon hydrotherapist?
  • Need for Colonics: If I go to the bathroom regularly do I need colonics?
  • Length of treatment: How long can treatments last?
  • Frequency: How often should one get treatments?
  • Preparation: How can we best prepare?
  • Bowels Freeze: It takes 30 minutes to an hour to move my bowels, what do you recommend?
  • Fertility & Colonics: How can women get their period back?
  • Alternative to gravity colonics: I live in a place where there is no gravity hydrotherapy center. What do you recommend?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From May 10, 2012


Q&A with Natalia & Amanda — 4/26/2012


  • Natalia Joins!
  • A big, heartfelt thank you to everyone for the ongoing questions and for all the supportive dialogue on the community.


  • Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey


  1. Dehydration & Water: Natalia speaks more about the Community Detox Tip, “Edema,” and explains how acidic waste holds onto water until waste is released.
  2. Enema & Rash: I recently gave myself an enema and had an instant rash reaction. Do you have any insights into why that may have happened?
  3. Chocolate: Why is 70% dark chocolate recommended over other percentages? Can you recommend a brand that tastes more like milk chocolate?
  4. Cellular Memory: How can we let go of harmful memories and experiences? How can we transform ourselves through beautiful thoughts, dreams and actions?
  5. Head Cold/Sinus Infection: I’ve had symptoms for about a month, and I wonder if this is a result of unlocking my throat chakra.
  6. Getting back on track: Can you share recommendations for how to recommit to dietary guidelines?
  7. Fat & Candida Connection: Do we need to worry about the fat content in a detox friendly diet? What are your thoughts on the 80/10/10 approach?
  8. Safe Poisons: What place can they have in the long run? Walking Meditation: Amanda guides us through the steps for a walking meditation and how you can use them to re-center no matter where you live.

Listen to Live Q&A Call From April 26, 2012


Q&A with Ana & Amanda — 4/12/2012


  • Upcoming Events: Advanced Training Course & Culinary Institute
  • Ongoing Opportunities: The Rose Cleanse (to be re-launched soon) & PhDetox
  • Your Questions: Thank you for submitting such great questions! We are receiving more than we can address on each call, but we are keeping track of them. We will prioritize those from callers who join us live and others that have not yet been addressed on previous calls.


  1. Intuitive Eating: How can you differentiate between yeast feeding cravings and true hunger?
  2. Emotional Eating: What exactly is emotional eating? How do you know the difference between emotional eating and simply loving the foods you eat?
  3. Probiotics, fermented foods, and prebiotic foods: What role do they play?
  4. Fats & Oils: Why is it so difficult for women to process them? Are oils safe when applied to the skin?
  5. Lightheadedness: What is the cause and cure of this symptom?
  6. Skin Tone: I have an orange tint on my palms and feet. How long does it take for this to go away?
  7. Raw Chocolate: Why does this sit in the body like dead weight?
  8. Peroxide: Thoughts on using some during colonics?
  9. The Sun: How is it possible to get our energy from the sun if our bodies are meant to eat food?
  10. “Metabolism” & Breakfast: Does juicing for breakfast slow down metabolism?
  11. Skin Reaction: My husband is following the Rose Cleanse and has red bumps on his skin. What do you recommend?
  12. Dry Brushing: Can you describe the best process for dry brushing? What are the advantages?
  13. Dark chocolate cravings: Why do I crave chocolate in the morning?
  14. Colon: What is the mark of a healthy colon?
  15. Financial Constraints: I’ve fallen off the wagon mostly because I can’t afford colonics. Any recommendations?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From April 12, 2012


Q&A with Ana & Amanda — 3/29/2012

Recommended Resources:

  • Zero Limits by Joe Vitale
  • Toby Burrows, artist
  • Brain Over Bridge by Kathryn Hansen


  1. What are your thoughts on liver cleanses?
  2. What causes migraines and how can you become free from them?
  3. How can you get the most enzymes without a juicer? I have a blender.
  4. Does store bought kombucha contribute to yeast?
  5. Why did my friend have her appendix removed after a juice cleanse?
  6. If we are cooking it, does goat cheese need to be raw?
  7. How can I alleviate pain in my knees?
  8. How do you recommend supporting a 15 year old who has fatty deposits and scar tissue on the liver?

Listen to Live Q&A Call From March 29, 2012